First lessons and first feelings

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The next morning when they met up for breakfast, Jake and Norm sat away from each other. Norm looked upset and so (y/n) sat across from him, her head cocked. When he caught her staring at him, he smiled nervously.

'How are you feeling today? You seemed sad yesterday.' he asks.

'Grace says my avatar can't speak either; I won't be able to learn their language or talk to them."

'I'm sorry.' He replied sadly. (y/n) shrugged and shook her head.

'I can't help being born this way. But are you ok?' she signs. He nods slowly not making eye contact and she raised an eyebrow. He looked up at her and cringed at her suspicious look.

'You don't have to lie to me. I am your friend.' She tried again. This time, his expression changed and his shoulders drooped.

'I was hoping to be the one they chose to teach.' He signs. (y/n) nods understanding.

'I see, but don't be angry with Jake; he didn't plan any of this. It was all an accident. Besides we could learn from you as well. We need you more than them.' She signs with a smile. Norm smiled back and nodded.

'Thanks (Y/n), I feel better.' He signs. She beams and continues her lunch, unaware that Grace was teasing Jake about what happened.

"The last thing we see is this marine's ass hauling poor (y/n) into the bush with an angry thanator after them." She tells the others, who laughed at the marine's misfortune.

"It's not something you can teach." Jake shrugs.

"For reasons I cannot fathom, the Omaticaya chose you."

"Hey it was mostly (y/n) who did the convincing. For some reason these seed things were all over her and they seemed interested in it. They let me stay as a plus one." He explained jokingly as he bit into his bacon.

Most of the scientists look over to (y/n), who was happily munching on her eggs, without even knowing they were talking and looking at her. Grace was surprised; the seed of the sacred tree were on (y/n)? Why? What made her so special to the Omaticaya?

After breakfast when the two changed into their scrubs again and made their way to the links, Grace was testing Jake on who is who. She showed pictures of each of them again, hoping he would get it right.

"Mo'at dragon lady." Jake jokes. (y/n) breaths out a chuckle and Jake smiles back at her, glad she was smiling at least a little bit. Grace swiped again, showing Neytiri's father.

"Eytuken." He says.

"Eytukan, he's the clan leader. She's the spiritual leader, like a shaman." Grace explained, then swiped again, showing Tsu'tey.

"Got it... Tsutey."

"Tsu'tey. He'll be the next clan leader." Grace says, swiping once more as Jake gets in the link. He then gets the look in his eye as he sees Neytiri's photo.

"Neytiri." He says, getting it right. (y/n) sent him a knowing look and shook her head, getting in the link beside him.

"So who's this Eywa?" Jake asks. Then Norm goes off on him.

(y/n) rolled her eyes and laid down, closing the lid herself and relaxing. Then she opened her eyes again, seeing the tree's many branches and smiled. She laid there a minute staring at the beautiful ways the branches and columns make up a whole stair system for the Na'vi. She felt herself feeling a little better, before a shadow cast over her. She blinked and sat up, seeing Tsu'tey's face as he glared down at her. He spoke in his native tongue as he motioned her to follow. When she got up, she sighed heavily, earning a confused look from Tsu'tey but nothing else. He didn't even look back when he headed off to breakfast.

I see you (Tsu'tey love story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα