Save Her

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As Jake and Tsu'tey rushed to the bunker deep in the forest, Grace was putting a exomask on (y/n). She then helped her out of the forest with her own mask on, setting her on the ground as she went to her own chamber, slipping inside as waking up at the village to explain what was happening.

Tsu'tey broke through the trees and saw a small human lying on the ground. He slowly walked over as Jake knelt by he side, checking the wound on her side. Tsu'tey knelt to her and slowly reached a hand, touching her soft hair.

(y/n), honey wake up." Jake says.

With a twitch of her bruised eyebrow, she opened her eyes. She looked up and saw Jake in his Navi form with Tsu'tey, peering down at her. She smiles through her split lip and rescue a weak shaky hand to him. He took her little hand in his and caressed her bruised knuckles, growing angry at the state of her condition.

"Who did this to her?" He asks Jake.

"The general and believe me, he'll die for what he's done." Jake growls as he rewraps the wound. Tsu'tey saw the wound and his stomach dropped. There was so much blood.

"We must get her back quickly." Tsu'tey says picking her up. She reached up and held his beaded necklace as they ran, leaning into him as he raced across the forest.

"Stay with me, my love. Do not give in. You must not see Eywa today." Tsu'tey whispers.

When they reached the village, she could see the Navi were sitting down, eyes closed and cues to the ground.

She smiled weakly as Tsu'tey set her body down in front of Mo'at, who had her Navi body lying on her side facing the tree.

"(y/n), let us pray this helps." She says and turned to the tree.

As Tsu'tey laid her down, he turned her face to him and began to gently undress her, allowing the roots of the tree to begin to graft to her skin. The small white string tufts began to suddenly glow brighter as soon as they touched her skin, pulsing slowly as they wrapped around her body. Tsu'tey leaned on his knees as his cue attached to the ground, connecting to the tree as well.

'Please Eywa, hear my prayer. Give my love the life she needs to be with me.' He prays as he closes his eyes, muttering the words as Mo'at began to preach to the sacred tree.

A steady heartbeat thrumbed across the valley as they chanting grew louder and quicker. (y/n)'s body thumped with the beat until suddenly, it slowed.

"No..." Tsu'tey removed her mask and took her battered face in his hands.

"(y/n)? Please my love wake up." He chokes.

~Your POV~

You sighed as you opened your eyes, squinting at the bright light above you. You were standing in the middle of a wift of white dust floating on the air. It was still and silent, you could hear your soft breathing.

"Wake up..." you heard a faint cry. You whipped around with a gasp, searching for the sound but found nothing.

"Wake up..." it was heard again, causing you to walk through the dust. You seemed to walk for a while before stopping short. A large Navi woman stood with her back behind you. Her long flowing white hair reached down and floated on the air, her skin glowing with curved marks and she was taller than any Navi by a few feet.

"Eywa." You suddenly whispered.

She turned, her dazzling bright orbs looking down at you as her hands spread wide. Her white gown which looked to be made of the very dust she stood around, moved rhythmically with her as she turned to you.

"Come child. Do not fear." She says in a honey sweet voice. You stepped forward a bit, but paused when the voice faded, barely heard anymore. She saw your reluctance and smiled a little.

"You wish to return." You nod.

"You must have the strength to return. You must have a reason."

"Is love not ready enough?" You ask.

"It is... but there are more things than love at stake if you return." She replies, looking down at your stomach. You look down and gasp. A baby blue glow emitted from your stomach, no bigger than a kidney bean. You touched it, looking back up at her in awe.

"I am..." you couldn't finish the sentence. She nods slowly.

"Now you have a reason to go on. Take care of yourself, for I will be with you always." She replies, spreading her hand to your face and you closed your eyes.

~3rd Person POV~

Suddenly, while Jake and Tsu'tey backed away from her limp body, tears soaking their eyes, (Y/n)'s Navi form gasped, eyes opening as she jolted to life.

"(Y/n)!" Jake cries as Tsu'tey rushes to her.

She looked around and see the Navi all standing up slowly, staring at her in awe. Even Tsu'tey had stepped back when she stood. That's when she felt your skin tingling. She looked down and her eyes widened. The marks were no longer blue but white, along with her hair, tumbling down her shoulders in soft waves. She stood tall, looking out at the village as they stared at her. Then suddenly, they all bowed to her, getting on their knees and all but praying to her. Even Tsu'tey and Jake bent to their knees bowing to her as well.

"Eywa is reborn." Mo'at whispers as she too bows.

(y/n) looks out at her people, suddenly feeling a surge if pride and confidence. She inhaled and held her head high, then whistled. The whistle carried across the valley.

Not seconds later, her ikran came flying down, landing in front of her with a roar. Surprisingly , it too bowed to her, causing her to smile. She took the cue from behind her and connected the two together.

'My queen.' Her Ikran spoke, bowing his head. She put her forehead to his and smiled.

"(y/n), how...?" Jake asks as she turned to them.

'She told me to have a reason to return. I have one. I will tell later, for now we must stop the general once and for all.' She signs to the males. Both nod, turning to the group to interoperate for her. Then there was cheering and soon, they were preparing their weapons while Jake and Neytiri agree to ride out to the other Navi lands to ask for their help.

'Now, we prepare for war.'


Ok I admit its not a great chapter but I didn't want to go by the movie completely. Hope you enjoyed.

I see you (Tsu'tey love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant