About Time

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That next day while (y/n) was sitting on a low branch, Jake and Tsu'tey watched from afar. They watched behind the bushes as she crossed her legs and waited patiently for something, or was it someone?

"Are we just going to stand here and watch her all day?" Tsu'tey asks.

"Well yeah. What if atan'eko shows up with offering to mate with her? We have to make sure to stop him." Jake replied. Tsu'tey didn't feel too comfortable watching (y/n) but as she sat there, he could help but stare at her beauty. She was indeed a marvel to behold, but she did not belong to him.

Suddenly, her head shot up from its relaxed position and she looked around, her ears twitching. The two males stilled, holding their breath as she slowly stood. Then she jumped down onto the ground and suddenly raced away. Both warriors shared a confused look but followed as she ran through the jungle. That's when they heard it, a low howling of pain and they were heading straight for it. After a few minutes, (y/n) stopped and knelt behind a large branch, looking over it. The two males climbed the trees earlier so she didn't hear them, and were shocked to see a Thanator ahead. Its paw was stuck under a root and twisted in an odd way, resulting in pain. It howled again as it wiggled, but then slumped down with a whine.

"What is she doing?" Tsu'tey asks as (y/n) removed her bow and arrows, then slipped over the branch.

"Remember when I said she had a thing going on with the animals here? I think she's connected with them somehow." Jake says watching as she slowly made herself visible to the creature.

The thanator reared its head and roared at her as best it could, but (Y/n) simply held her hands out, crouching as she slowly walked towards it. She reached a hand palm up to the creature and it reluctantly sniffed her. Then it visibly relaxed, resting its head against her as she neared it. Y/n patted the poor thing on the head and looked over the paw stuck under the root. Then she moved the thanator to its side and it whined a little. Then she moved to the paw and slowly began to wiggle it out as gently as she could. The thanator yelped in pain a little, but just as she pulled on the top of the root, it popped out and the creature backed away with a slight limp. It licked its foot to ease the pain before looking over at (y/n), who slowly stood. The two shared a still look before the thanator slowly walked up to her, placing his forehead against her stomach with a soft rumble, almost like a purr. (y/n) smiled and rubbed its head a moment. Jake and Tsu'tey sat in the trees with their mouths wide open. She was petting a thanator.

"Wow, she really is Dr. Doolittle." Jake commented. Tsu'tey sent him a confused look but turned back as the thanator limped away from her. She watched it go for a moment with a smile on her face, but then she slowly turned the other way and walked right up to the tree the two were in. she crossed her arms over her big chest and looked up with an eyebrow raised, staring right at the two males.

"Heeey..." Jake says as they both begin to climb down.

"So, that was pretty cool right? Gotta give you credit for that. Umm......" she glared at them as she tapped her naked feet against the soft grass, her stance demanding an answer. Jake ran his hand across the back of his neck and sighed.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to follow you. You just kind of took off and..."

"We were worried you would get yourself killed." Tsu'tey replied.

'You have no faith in me. I can take care of myself.' She signs to them. Both males look away sheepishly, scuffing their feet across the ground. Then she smiled and pulled the two in for a hug around their necks, surprising them both. When she pulled away they noticed she was smiling and relaxed.

'thank you for looking out for me.' She signs and patted their cheeks before walking past them, taking their wrists and pulling them along with her as she walked back to the village.

While walking, Tsu'tey and Jake shared a look and nodded to each other before Tsu'tey made a complete stop, taking her wrist in his own hand. She slowed to a stop to look down at her hand as Jake pulled away from her.

"I gotta go see what Neytiri's doing. I'll see you guys later." Jake says quickly jogging back through the brush of trees. She watched him leave before turning back to the male holding her hand.

"Why did you help that creature?" Tsu'tey asks letting go of her hand.

'She needed help.' She signs simply.

"What if she hurt you?"

'she did not. I was safe, and I knew she would not hurt me.' She replied.

"And what would have happened it she had? What if we were not there to watch over you?" he growls as he begins to pace. She could practically feel the anger rising off of him as he paced. When he looked over at her he saw her face was wary and even a little cautious.

'why are you so angry with me?' she signs.

"..."he sighs and shakes his head, walking up to her and taking her hands, which surprised her.

"I am not angry. I was worried. If you had gotten hurt or killed I..." he exhaled shakily. That's when she realized he cared a hell of a lot more than he prefers to admit. She pulled a hand from his and placed it gently on his cheek, bringing his gaze up from his feet to her face. She was smiling softly at him.

Then she mouthed 'thank you' and brought his face closer to hers. She then kissed him on his cheek in a feather like softness, lingering for a moment before pulling away. His heart soared as he felt her warm soft lips on his skin, and he smiled down at her.

"(y/n)...I..." he stuttered, not knowing how to say it, but not wanting to blurt it out. She only smirked and pulled him closer, bringing his arms around to wrap around her waist and back, then put her hands on his chest and stared up at him with her bright blue hues, waiting.

"i...love you." He says aloud. Suddenly, she grinned and nodded, then raised her hands.

'I love you.' She replied with a soft smile.

He breathed out a laugh as he pulled her closer, their bodies molding together as he brought his lips down towards hers. He stopped just short of her lips, a mere inch from hers as they parted. His warm breath fanned her cool face as they stared into one another's eyes. Then he slipped his hand behind her neck and pulled her face in.

Then their lips met with a searing kiss and emotion erupted. Her body melted into his as he held her close to him. Her hands roamed all over his chest, up his broad shoulders and to his neck, wrapping them around his neck and deepening the kiss, if that were possible. He angled his head sideways, licking her lips begging for entry. She in turn licked his lips, and he groaned, delving his tongue into her mouth, fighting her wet slippery digit for dominance over her mouth.

He groaned as his hands then roamed, to her waist, down her back and to her ass cheeks, daring to give them a slight squeeze as he pulled her close to his pelvis, showing her exactly what she did to him. She gasped as she felt his hardness poke her in the belly. Unfortunately, they were forced apart due to their lungs screaming for oxygen. They pulled away and panted heavily while staring hungrily at each other.

"Be mine." He breathed out. She smiled and nodded, bringing his lips to hers for another kiss, only this time it was slow and full of meaning. He hugged her tight against his body as they kissed and in the distance in a tree, Jake and Neytiri were sharing a knowing smirk.

"I knew it." Jake says as they slip away.

"How did you know they felt these feelings?"

"It wasn't hard. He kept staring at her, kept protecting her." He trailed off, watching Neytiri as she walked.

"Kept thinking about her..." he mutters. Neytiri turns back and he shoots up straight with a tight smile. She narrows her eyes suspiciously and turns back.

"Come." She says as she heads back.

"Yup." Jake snips quickly, blushing as he follows.

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