The decision

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(y/n) felt a wave of nervousness surround her as she was dragged with the natives as they raced through the jungle to a huge tree where they lived. It was pulsing more than the other trees and (y/n) gasped as the whispers grew louder as soon as she passed through the roots as big as an average sized house back on earth. She still couldn't understand what they were saying. They were speaking in the native's tongue. As they all arrived to the inside of the tree, hundreds of natives stood around, watching as the two intruders were dragged in and stood in front of another native. He was older and wore strange head gear along with a feather vest and beads. He must be chief, (y/n) concluded as they stopped a bit short of the male. The female spoke to the old Navi and he replied, pointing his staff to the two.

"Why have you brought these sky people here?" he asked.

"What's he saying?"

"Their alien stench fills my nose." He adds and the Na'vi chuckle around us.

"My father is deciding whether to kill you." This made (y/n) stiffen in fear and she bowed her head and scrunched her shoulders.

"Your father?" Jake asks, and then tried to walk forwards with his hand out.

"It's nice to meet you sir." He attempted.

The natives all hissed and stopped him along with the female, causing (y/n) to flinch.

"I will see to the sky people." They all looked up and saw an older female walking up to us. She had red beaded cover around her chest with strange head dress that hung past her neck and nestled onto her collar bone, holding a small blade inside.

"That is mother. She is Tsahik, the one who interprets the will of Eywa." The female explains as the woman approached us.

"Who is Eywa?" he asks. (y/n) wondered as well.

The female looked over Jake first, surveying the tail and hair, then pulled out a small dagger and jabbed it into his chest. He hissed in pain as she licked the blood, then got a strange face and spoke.

"What are you called?"

"Jake Sully. This is (y/n) Borealis." He introduces.

She looked over to (y/n) who stiffened. The female cocked her head at her and touched a strand of her hair. Then when it was lifted, a couple seeds floated out, surprising many, even the chief. Tsahik gasped and watched as the seeds landed on Jake before floating back to (y/n) and rest on her shoulder. Then she gathered herself and turned back to Jake.

"Why did you come to us?" she asks.

"We came to learn."

"We have tried to teach the sky people. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full." She says.

"My cup is empty trust me. Ask Dr. Augustine, I'm no scientist and neither is she." Jake huffs.

"What are you?" she asks.

"I was a marine; a warrior of the jarhead clan." He says.

(y/n) looks at him funny and he winks, causing her to smirk and shake her head. The male from before, spoke as he began heading towards him in a threatening manner. The chief stopped him when the female put her hand up.

"And her?" she asks, looking to (y/n). She gulps and digs through her bag and handed the journal to her. The woman raises her eyebrow and looks at her while she signs to us, then stops halfway and puts her hands down, realizing Norm wasn't around to translate for her. Thankfully Jake butted in.

"She writes stories about the plants and animals on different planets. She's of like a story teller of our people." Jake says.

"Why does she not speak for herself?"

"She's mute. She can't speak... I think." Jake says confused and looks her over.

This got her thinking; with her new avatar body, maybe her vocal cords worked. Maybe she really could speak. But she was too afraid to try it right now.

This seemed to interest us all and she turned to the young female who found us. She spoke to her and the female grumbled, then was interrupted by her mother who said something in a stern voice and she hissed in aggravation. Then she turned to the male and spoke to him. He looked angry, but nodded without a word. After that she turned to the two.

"My daughter will teach you our ways. Tsu'tey will teach your mate." She says. (y/n) blushes at the word mate and Jake stifled a chuckle but said nothing.

"Learn well, Jake Sully and..."

"(y/n)." Jake replied.

"(y/n)... learn well from us and we will see if your insanity can be cured." She concluded.

With a nod, she walked away back up the tree's branch ramp and disappeared. The two shared a confused look and shrugged. The female walked back up, even angrier than before as the male also walked up.

"Neytiri, this is Tsu'tey." She introduced stiffly. Tsu'tey looked over at (y/n) and glared at Jake before turning away and left.

"Come, you dress in our clothes." Neytiri says taking (y/n)'s arm.

She was led by a curtained off area in the back of the rooted area and pushed some clothes in her hand. She quickly dressed in the bottoms and adjusted it so her tail was between the fabrics. Then as she was trying to put the top on, she blushed brightly. It was just too small for her bosom. She sighed, knowing they probably don't have anything bigger at the moment and adjusted it so it was mostly covering her before she came out. Neytiri was gone, and was replaced with Tsu'tey, who saw her top and his eyes went wide at the sight of her chest.

Her breasts were all but spilling out, but she couldn't really do much about it. He continued to stare as she walked up, his mouth agape a bit and his cheeks turning purple as he watched her breasts bounce a bit as she walked. She then put her bag on her shoulder and smiled up at him a little. He blinked and looked away, motioning her to follow and she did so, all the way reached up to a tree and onto a flat surface where the Na'vi were sitting eating their dinner. She saw a few male Na'vi stare at her chest as she walked by for a moment before returning to their dinner, stealing glances now and then as they ate. Tsu'tey motioned her over to sit in a spot beside another male, who was staring at her chest. She adjusted her position, covering her chest with her bag as she was handed some food. Nodding in thanks, she looked down at it and smiled. It consisted of jerky, fruits and berries and a bark like food. It all tasted pretty good. She munched on the small bits of fruit and smiled at the delicious taste. As she ate, she didn't notice Jake walk up and nudge her. She smiled as he knelt beside her.

"I totally just stepped on someone's tail." He says and she stifled a small scoff through her nose, trying not to laugh.

He chuckles as she hands him some food and shakes his head, eating with her. Tsu'tey looked from one another as she handed him a piece of jerky like food and he thanked her, nudging her now and then as she shook her head. He was talking to her and she was waving her hands around slowly. Tsu'tey looked to the chief, who was also looking at the female in a confused manner. But they both forgot about her when dinner was over and they all departed. 

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