Now one

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A couple of days later and (y/n) couldn't stop jumping for joy. Today was her ceremony to be officially apart of the tribe and she couldn't be happier. She was being painted by Neytiri, who was also smiling wide.

"I am glad you are to become a part of this world."

'Me too.' She signs.

Neytiri had asked her to teach her to sign and slowly she was catching up to the others. She knew basic words and even a few sentences.

"now that you will be a Navi, you may choose a mate."


"Yes, it is the final stage of becoming one of us. To be paired and mated for life with a male from the tribe." She explains.

(y/n) blushed purple as she thought back to her and Tsu'tey's kiss. It felt so right kissing the brave warrior and it filled her with joy. But he was supposed to marry Neytiri. That thought alone made her shoulders sag and her expression drop. This action in turn caused the trees around them, glowing in a faint white light, to fade slightly as (y/n)'s mood went sour. Neytiri noticed her change and stopped painting her neck.

"Are you ok?" she asks, then when she saw (y/n) nod her head slowly, she sighed realizing that Tsu'tey may not want to be her mate since she was supposed to be paired with Jake.

"(y/n)..." she looked up.

"Do not fear my sister, if Eywa will it, you can have your true love." She says.

(y/n) smiled a little and nodded, the trees glowing a bit brighter once more. Neytiri caught this movement in the corner of her eyes and stared suspiciously at (y/n), who painted her arms herself. She shook it off for now, keeping it in mind so she could ask her mother later, and finished painting her new sister's face.

After the painting finished, (y/n) walked through the crowd of Navi, who were smiling at her. Jake was in the back, his arms crossed and a grin on his face while standing beside Grace who was given permission to come back to the village, thanks to (y/n)'s influence. His ceremony was a couple days away which he didn't mind, he was just happy to watch. As (y/n) made her way to Mo'at she stopped and bowed her head in respect. The chief walked up beside his mate and smiled a little, nodding at her in greeting as Mo'at stood behind her.

"you are now one of the of our children and one with Eywa. Live in this place of peace for all time and share in the bounties of the land. With your family." The chief says putting his hands on (y/n)'s shoulders. She inhaled and lifted her head as more and more hands joined. Tsu'tey, who was standing beside her, put his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. She smiled back as the whole tribe gathered, joining hands and shoulders around the female.

Then something marvelous happened; a strange pulse slowly began to wash through each Navi, a warm sensation running through them as they were joined and all the seeds from the sacred tree came floating down, touching each and every one of them with the softest touch. Mo'at looked over at (y/n), who had her eyes closed, and saw a strange aura around the young woman while the seeds floated around her and she knew; Eywa was watching. She grinned as she and the others let go of the female and rejoiced at the new member of their clan.

Tsu'tey, who was staring in shock at the soft aura that had begun to fade, turned to Mo'at in confusion. She knew what that aura was but said nothing. Even Eytukan saw it but didn't question his mate's authority for she had not grown alarmed with fear. She was smiling which meant everything was alright. He turned to the crowd who were all looking at their hands in shock, and spoke loudly.

"Let us feast!" he bellowed and that caught the attention of the whole colony. They cheered as they began to dance and sing around a large fire. (y/n) was about to join them when Tsu'tey stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"We must speak." He says. She nods as she allows him to pull her from the celebration and through the trees to the same spot they shared their first kiss. (y/n)'s thoughts caused her to blush again as he stops and looks around, then turns to her with a firm expression on her face, draining the blush from her cheeks as worry set in. was he angry with her?

"That feeling before. When we were all joined... I felt the touch of Eywa herself..." he says, not quite knowing how to explain. (y/n) nods and lifts her hands to sign.

'I have always felt something in me when I came here. A feeling like someone was watching me, protecting me. Mo'at believes it may be her.' She says.

"Eywa? But how?"

'I do not know, all I do know is that I was chosen for something great, I just don't know what it is yet.' She replied.

Tsu'tey sighed and looked around through the trees, repeating her signs in his head as if they would make sense any other way. (y/n) took the time to look at Tsu'tey, his strong jaw, his thick chest, narrow waist and long powerful legs. She blushed again and let out a breath through her nose, causing him to look her way.

'I thought you were mad at me.' She signs.

Tsu'tey's eyes widened as he looks down at the woman. With her bright blue marks she had received mysteriously when speaking with Mo'at one day donning her body, it made her look even more exotic and... beautiful. He saw her worried expression and sighed, smiling down at her as he took her hands.

"I could never be angry with you (y/n), I love you." He says pulling her into his arms, wrapping them around her waist and back and holding her close.

"Now that you are a Navi, you may choose your mate." He says smiling down at her as he pulled away a bit. She smirks and raises her hands.

'who do you think I should pick?' she signs with a smug look.

"oh you..." he glared jokingly at her as he brought her face to his, kissing her passionately as her arms snaked around his neck. She smiles into the kiss as her fingers threaded themselves in his hair, massaging his scalp as his lips attacked hers in a hungry kiss. When they pulled away, both were panting and their eyes were glazed over with lust.

"I need you my love..." he says putting his forehead to hers, rubbing his cheek along hers sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine when he reached her neck. She bit her lip and sighed heavily, leaning back as he attacked her neck, sucking and nibbling on her as if she were the feast herself. Her body began to grow warm and tingly as she gripped the back of his neck tighter, a throbbing began to grow between her legs. She needed him too.

I see you (Tsu'tey love story)Where stories live. Discover now