The mission

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Plan A; Distraction

The next morning as (y/n) was learning how to weave beads as a top for herself, Atan'eko walked up to her. He spoke to her but she didn't understand so she shrugged and shook her head at him.

"You can hear, yes?" he tries again in english.

She nodded smiling and he smirks, sitting down beside her as she sews more beads into her new shirt. She wanted one similar to Mo'at but with different colored beads.

"I want... teach you to bow and arrow." he says in poor english.

(Y/n) smiled a little and out her hands up to sign when someone called her name. Both looked up and she saw Jake running up with a smile.

"Hey (y/n) come on, we have a free hour so come teach me how to sign some more." Jake says taking her shoulders and leading her away.

Atan'eko stood also and took her wrist. He said something to him in Navi and Jake replied before pulling her hand from his grip with a glare. (Y/n) stopped and signed to Jake.

'Why are you being mean to him?' she signs.

"Im not being mean i just really wanna learn some more sign."

'We have all day tomorrow for that. I'll teach you later.' she signs with a smile and turned back to Atan'eko, who smirked in victory as she walked away with him.

Plan B; Constant Work

When Jake failed to distract (y/n) from Atan'eko, Tsu'tey threw her into her work. He pulled her away from her breakfast one morning to finish her bow which took up half her day. he taught her how to make her own bow out of the old dying tree outside the village and told her to redo it over and over again, just to pass the time.

She began to grow tired and her fingers hurt. She then stood, which Tsu'tey didn't like, and began to walk away flexing her fingers. He shot up and grabbed her hand to stop her, which made her hiss in pain. He looked down at her hand and sighed guiltily at the bright harsh red marks all over her hands. He let go of her hand and let her leave. He frowned sadly and growled, whipping around and hitting the tree beside him, leaning on it.

Plan C; Sisters in action

Tsu'tey and Jake were becoming desperate. Almost a month and Atan'eko and (y/n) were actually getting closer. Jake then enlisted the help of Neytiri. She was reluctant to help because she didn't understand why they wanted her away from such a fine warrior, but she agreed.

She went to (y/n) one day as she was picking berries for the evening meal.

"(y/n), come walk with me." she says. (y/n) gave the basket to another female and followed Neytiri through the jungle.

"How are lessons going? Good?" she asks. (y/n) nodded as she walked beside her.

"Has Tsu'tey been treating you well?" she asks. Once again she nods with a smile.

"I noticed Atan'eko has been speaking to you a lot lately. Do him?" she asks. (y/n) stopped and looked at her in confusion, then narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Neytiri saw her look and sighed.

"Yes, Jake and Tsu'tey asked me to say something to you. They do not seem to like you being around Atan'eko so much."

(y/n) raised an eyebrow and shrugged confused.

"I dont know why, but they do not like you being around him. But i think he is a good male. And a good mate...if you choose him of course. You will be one of us soon, that is when you may choose a mate." she explains.

(y/n) bit her lip in concentration and nodded, agreeing with her.

"So it is true? Will you take him as your mate?...or is there someone else who holds your heart?" she asks. Neytiri already knew Tsu'tey had feelings for the pretty female, which made her smirk when (y/n) blushed a bit knowing the answer was yes.

"Don't worry, i will keep it to myself." she promises.

(y/n) smiles in relief and signed thank you to her. Neytiri smiled and they parted ways for the day with smiles and secrets, but that didn't stop the two males from bombarding Neytiri with questions. As soon as she came into the clearing, Jake pulled her to the side where Tsu'tey was waiting.

"Well, what did she say?" Jake asks.

"...Oh i don't know, she didn't say." Neytiri replies and walks away leaving the two males staring after her in confusion as she hid a small smirk from their eyes.

Sorry for the short chapter but i been a bit busy and didn't have a lot of time after uploading the other stories. Enjoy!

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