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"It's okay, Hope," I say to the small, crying child. Walking around the small room, I bounce her lightly in hopes that she'll go back to sleep. My hand is on her back and her head is on my shoulder. Her small cries scream in my ear. As I begin humming a random song, her cries soften. "I know it's hard. But mommy gets to stay home today. Hopefully, you will have a better life than the one I'm able to give you."

Gently, I lay her down in her crib and stare down at her. If only Aiden didn't kill a man, I think to myself, then we wouldn't be in this situation. Her blue eyes fall away as she falls asleep. 

"Goodnight, my love," I whisper, trying not to wake her. "Mommy's trying."

Then my phone rings and Hope starts crying again. Cursing, I stand and answer my phone.


"Maya, I need you to come in," Drew says.

"What? You told me today was my day off I was going to spend it with--." he cuts me off.

"Look, I don't care what you were going to do, if you want extra pay, you'll come in." He hangs up. The phone lays in my hand as I try to think of someone who can watch Hope at such short notice. Scrolling through the names on my contact list, I find one. I click their name and wait for an answer.

"Hello?" his voice rings.

"Hey, it's Maya. I need your help."

"What do you need?" There's movement in the background.

"My boss called me into work today, like two minutes ago, and I can't get a sitter for Hope. Will you come watch her while I see what he wants?" I ask, hoping he'll say yes.

"Yeah, I'll watch Hope for you." Relief fills me.

"Thank you."

"No problem." We both hang up. A moment later, there's a knock on the door. Opening it, I see him in a black hoodie and dark sweatpants. 

"I'm sorry to call at such short notice," I apologize.

"No, no, it's fine." He follows me into her room and Hope looks at him skeptically. He smiles at her and she smiles back.

"Well, I'd better get going now. Thank you." He nods and I leave the apartment and get into my car.


When I pull into the parking lot the bright neon green sign illuminates the interior of my car. It's ten o'clock at night and Shawn is at home watching Hope. Should I trust him? I only met him a few days ago. The thoughts are prompt in my mind as I walk into the bar.

"He wants you in the back, Maya," a voice says pulling me from my thoughts. Looking up, I see Haylie's eyes.

"Thank you." Bidding her farewell, I walk into the back and into his office.

"Maya, how nice of you to finally show up," he enthuses with a slight bitterness. "Sit down darling."

Hesitantly, I take the seat on the other side of his desk.

"You wanted to see me?" I question trying to keep the waiver out of my voice.

"I wanted to talk to you about a... bonus deal," he inquires.



"I will give you a certain sum of money every time you unbutton your top, get a wolf whistle, and let a man touch you." I freeze. My cheeks burn and tears fill my eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." He stands and slowly walks up behind me. The next time he speaks he's right behind me. He places his hands on my shoulder and rubs small circles into them. My mind is screaming for me to run but my body is frozen in fear. "Just imagine it; you and your daughter, living the life. All because you agreed to this deal."

"T-this isn't a good idea," I stutter and push his hands off of me and stand. He pulls me back down into the chair and has a tighter grip on my shoulders. Tears want to spill out of my eyes but I will not let them. I can't show weakness.

"What's stopping you? Your little boy toy?" It angers me that he called him that.

"He has a name."

"He has a big name..." he mumbles. "Shawn Mendes. Man the money he must make."

"What do you mean?" I ask, turning to face him. He grabs my jaw with a bit of force and makes me look at him.

"You know... you are a very attractive girl Maya. I can see why all the men want you." His greasy black hair shines in the light of his office. My muscles are stiff and my breath is hitched. His fingers trail down the front of my shirt until he reaches my jeans. "Face my desk darling."

"No," I whisper.

"Why not?"

"I won't let you take advantage of me."

"If you don't, I know your landlord and I'm sure he'd hate to have to kick you out."

"You wouldn't," I growl. He chuckles darkly.

"Oh, but I would, and will if you don't face my desk." My mind races. What will happen if someone finds out about this? Are the other workers in on it? Why is it just me? Slowly, I turn and face his desk. Realizing that if I didn't do this we'd be without a home. He bends down closer to my neck. "Open them up a bit for me darling. Make this easy for me."


My car is cold. I turned off the engine five minutes ago as I sit in my parking lot. My head is against the steering wheel as I contemplate what just happened. The money he gave me afterward sits in the passenger seat. The tears that rolled down my cheeks are now dry.

The money calls to me but I don't want to touch it or even look at it. Knowing what I did to get that grand will never leave my head. The worst part is that I allowed him to take advantage of me.

I look into the rearview mirror to see if my eyes are clear. Getting out of my car, I take one last look at the money. Before I shut my door, I slide the money under the passenger's seat.

I place a soft knock on the door to see if he's awake. No one answers. Inserting my key into the lock, I open my door. When I walk in Shawn is laying on the couch and his eyes are closed. Hope lays in her playpen on her back. Her eyes are closed as well. Glancing up at the clock, it reads 1:00 am.

Sighing, I quietly take off my light jacket and kick off my shoes. Looking over at Shawn, I debate on whether or not to wake him up. Deciding against it, I grab the blanket off the back of the couch and cover him up.

When I walk into my room I change out of my clothes and into some looser ones. I allow myself to slip under the covers and drift off to sleep.

raising hope | s.mOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora