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Shawn holds me as I hold Hope. He rubs circles into my arm as he kisses my forehead.

"I want to take you out," he whispers, "just me and you."

"I'm not leaving her here alone." He sighs.

"She won't be alone, Mama. Kate will be here. Please." He kisses my temple. I want to go with him and it is just us. However, I don't know if I can leave Hope. Not after what happened. He pulls me close to him. "I promise."

"Okay, but not for long though," I reply, looking up at him. He kisses my nose and we stand. Placing Hope on the ground, she stands and holds on to the table. Shawn places his hands on my hips and pulls me into him. His arms wrap around my waist and I rest my head on his chest. He holds me. It's the best feeling in the world.

"I love you," he whispers. I look up at him. Emotions fill his warm honey eyes.

"I love you too."


Shawn's hand is on my thigh as we drive to the Santa Monica Piere for the Christmas parade. His thumb rubs circles into my legging. 

When we arrive, he parks the car and we get out. He grabs my hand immediately. Lifting my knuckles to his lips, he kisses them softly.

"Where to first, my darling?" He questions. Shrugging, I end up suggesting we just walk around. Shawn grabs a beer and I take a few sips. There are no children in sight. He smirks and pulls me off to the side. One of the booths set up blocks us from sight.

He whispers in my ear and kisses down my neck. I giggle. His lips trial back up my neck, across my jaw, and connect to mine. My fingers tangle themselves in his hair hand he chuckles. The beer has taken over. Did I care? No.

"You're the best thing that's ever been mine," he mumbles into the kiss. His hand slips up my shirt slightly. The sound of bells ringing reminds me of where we are. Laughing, I pull away. He kisses my forehead before resting them against each other. We just stare at each other. He kisses my nose again.

"What is it with you and kissing me?" I slur. He kisses me again but pulls away before it gets too heated.

"You're. Just. So. Goddamn. Sweet," he says between kisses. He pulls away with a slight tug at my bottom lip.

"I love you. Thank you for tonight."

"No problem, Mama." He kisses my forehead. Suddenly, glass breaks and people begin shouting. We walk out from behind the booth and I see two men fighting. Shawn grabs my hand. They hit each other and memories flash of the guys hitting Shawn. My hand tightens around his. "Let's get you out of here, baby girl."

"We can't drive, Shawn," I mumble, not ab;e to move. Shawn steps in front of me so I can't see the fight. My eyes meet his as his finger lifts my face up.

"There's a hotel down the street. I'll drive. I'm not that drunk, Mama." He kisses me lightly.

"Promise?" I question.

"I promise." Nodding, he walks me over to the car. He's sure to keep me close to him in case some drunk person got any ideas. Plus, he's warm and it's cold. He feels me shiver. Looking down at me, he hands me his jacket. I take it.

We reach the car and he opens the door for me. When I'm in, he shuts it behind me and jogs over to the driver's side. He pulls out of the parking lot and drives the minute drive down the street. We pull up outside a decent looking hotel. He takes my hand.

We walk into the hotel and Shawn gets a room. As he's doing that, I walk over to the window. It reaches from the ceiling to the floor and shows the Pierre. A pair of strong arms wraps around my waist. Shawn rests his head on mine and we stare out the window. He begins kissing down my neck. They're light feathery kisses. Nothing too much. Until they become open-mouth kisses. It takes everything in me not to gasp.

"W-" I clear my throat. I can feel him smirking into my skin. "What room are we?"

"Sixty-nine," he whispers. Pushing off of him, I walk towards the elevator. His hand slips back in mine. It takes everything in me not to smile at him. An elderly couple walks out as we walk in. They smile at us. As soon as the doors shut, Shawn begins kissing my neck again. He bites softly on my skin.

"Shawn," I gasp, tilting my head back. He uses this to his advantage. My fingers tangle in his hair. When the elevator doors open, there is only one hall and one room. He inserts the key into the door and opens it.

When we walk in, he shuts it behind him and comes over to me. His lips connected with mine. We fall on to the bed. He takes off his shirt and I take off his jacket. His hands pull my shirt over my head. He kisses down my neck and sucks on my skin. A moan passes my lips. He supports himself on his forearms. 

His head reaches my legs. He pulls my leggings down and off of my skin. He then stands and does the same to his jeans. He comes back and kisses me. My legs wrap around his torso and he lifts me up. He pushes me into the wall and kisses me passionately. His hand slips down my stomach as I kiss down his neck.

He kisses my forehead and pulls the blankets up over us.

"You picked this room because it was the only one on this floor, didn't you?" I pant. All he does is a smirk. I lay my head on his chest and trace patterns onto his skin. "Would you go with me to get a tattoo?"

"Of course, Mama. What are you thinking?"

"The name Hope in your handwriting."

"I think that's a great idea," he comments. He kisses me one last time before I fall asleep.

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