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I trace the tattoo on his forearm. He's told me it's a reflection of a guitar, for his love of music, a skyline of Toronto, and a soundwave of his parents saying 'I love you.'

"I love you, Shawn," I mumble.

"I love you too. Don't you ever forget that."

"I won't as long as you won't."

"I won't. You should probably shower." I look up at him. The thought of the water hitting me makes me flinch.

"Will..." my voice trails off. He traces my cheekbone. "Will you go with me?"


It's a week later and Maya hasn't been the same. I can imagine why. She was almost killed. She flinches when I touch her cheek and it makes me wish I killed them, there's a bruise on her neck from them.

"I'm sorry I let them get to you." She looks up at me and kisses my cheek.

"It's fine, Shawn. You came back."

"That doesn't matter. I shouldn't have left in the first place." She looks up at me. The bed shifts as she rests her head on my chest.

"We should get up for Hope's birthday," she whispers. She kisses my shoulder and sits up. She slips on one of my many hoodies she's stolen. Her hand extends back, waiting for me to take it. I do. We go into the living room and watch a movie until Hope wakes up. Maya stands and walks into the kitchen.

Standing, I walk into our room and pick up Hope. Her small fist grabs hold of my shirt and her head lays on my shoulder. Softly, I place kisses on her forehead. She smiles softly in her sleep. When I get to the living room, I lay down, keeping Hope on my chest.

When I wake up, a timer is going off. Hope stirs on my chest. As I go to get up, I see Maya asleep on the other end of the couch. She's been distant. Carefully, I place Hope next to her. Maya's arm wraps around her subconsciously. Smiling, I grab Maya's phone and turn off the alarm. Walking into the kitchen, I see muffins in the oven. Smiling, I put on a mitt and pull the warm goodies out.

As they're cooling, Maya's phone goes off. Looking to see if it was another alarm, I see the name Jake printed on the phone. He sent her something. She wouldn't betray you, I think to myself. But she has been distant lately, the other part of me says. Would I want her going through my phone without me knowing? 

"What time is it?" she asks next to me. 

"Almost noon."

"What's wrong?" She sits up and gently wakes Hope up.

"Jake texted you." She sighs.

"Shawn... I gave him my number because he saved my life. Because he needs to know he has someone to talk too."

"You know you have me to talk to, right?" Her perfect eyebrows furrow. "Why have you been so distant lately?"

She shifts and bounces, a now awake, Hope on her lap. Hope giggles and claps.

"I..." she starts. "Every time you kiss me or touch my cheek... it hurts. They slapped me, Shawn. They kissed me as they tried to kill me."

Her voice cracks.

"Please don't cry, baby girl." Hope smiles up at me. Her small hands pat Maya's damp cheeks. Following Hope, I wipe under her eyes. 

"I just feel so helpless and broken."

"You know what we need?" Both her and Hope look up at me expectantly. I can see the similarities between them. Tan skin, ocean eyes, small noses, and wide mouths are shared between them. "A Spa Day."

Maya laughs and nods at Hope.

"Why the hell not? Let's have a spa day." She kisses Hope's forehead and my cheek. Her lips linger there for a few seconds. She's cherishing the feeling. 

Hope pats the green face mask onto Maya's skin and I help. Hope turns to me and smudges some on my nose. Laughing, I grab some and put it on her nose. She laughs so hard she falls making Maya and I laugh.

"I'm happy you're laughing again," I whisper to her. Hope taps my cheek. When I turn to her, she grabs my cheeks and rests her forehead on mine. The next thing I hear is a click of a camera. Maya smiles down at her phone.

"You're so good to her," she whispers. Smiling, I tickle Hope.

"Dada," she laughs. My heart flutters again. I'm never going to get used to that. Maya kisses my cheek. 


He stands and disappears into a room. When he comes back, he's hiding something behind his back. Smiling, Hope taps my knee.

"What are you up too, Mendes?" He smirks.

"Do you want to wash your mask off or..." his voice trails off and he bites his lip. Smiling, I stand and quickly wash the mask off. Walking back out, I see Shawn down on one knee. My knees buckle and I have to squat so I don't fall. He smiles brightly at me.

"Maya Grace Young, you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. You saved my life. If I had kept fighting, I don't know where I'd be. We have both been through hell and back. I wouldn't want to go through it with anyone else though. You and Hope are my favorite things. I finally found the words I didn't have after I kissed you almost a year ago.

You are my everything, Mama. You always have been and always will be. I'm not proposing yet, but, I am promising. Promising to love you forever and always. Promising that you'll never be alone when things get a little too much. Promising to give you my last name someday." By the end, I'm crying. He pulls me into his chest and I cry happily into his shirt. 

Hope claps in the corner making me cry harder. The two people I love most are right here, with me. Hope climbs into my arms and I kiss her small head. Her thin hair tickles my nose.

"Will you accept my promise?"

He didn't need to ask.


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