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Maryam returned home by 8:30pm and met the house very quiet as usual.

"Manal! Habibi." she called, but got no response.

"Nafisa." she called and sat down on the couch, exhausted.

Nafisa appeared before her, with her eyes swollen from all the crying.

"Please get me a glass of water." she said with her eyes closed.

Nafisa looked at her with hatred and wished she could harm her at that moment. She glared at her one last time before going into the kitchen and coming back with a glass of water in her hand. She handed it over to Maryam, who was still sitting with her eyes closed.

Maryam opened her eyes and collected the water from her and drank it.

"Thank you," she said to Nafisa, who was still busy glaring at her without her knowledge.

Maryam noticed Nafisa was very quiet. She didn't even greet her when she came back. She looked at her and was surprise to see her eyes all puffy and red.

"Are you alright,Nafisa?" She asked, concerned.

Nafisa controlled herself from rolling her eyes. Did she look alright to her?

"My younger brother passed away," she said, straightforwardly without blinking a tear. She saw no reason in crying in front of Maryam. She didn't need her pity.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirra'jiun (from Allah we come and to Him we shall return). When did it happen?" She asked, standing up.

"Today," Nafisa answered, curty. Why was she showing fake sympathy?

"Everything that happens in life, has a purpose, only Allah knows why it happened, may He give you the fortitude to bear the loss. You should go to your village for a few days," Maryam suggested.

Nafisa shook her head immediately.

"I won't go home, there is no point in going home now, because my mother would only get mad and disappointed in me for not providing the money for the hospital bill earlier," Nafisa said.

Maryam had a surprise expression on her face. "She would be disappointed? For what exactly? You tried your best and beside what happened was kadr it was destined to happen," Maryam said.

"Don't kick me out please, allow me stay," Nafisa begged.

"No one is kicking you out Nafisa, you can stay if you don't want to go,"Maryam assured.

"Thank you ma,"

"Where is Manal?" Maryam asked.

"She was with her dad earlier in your room, I think she's still inside," Nafisa answered and walked away before Maryam could ask another question.

Maryam excused her behavior, because she knew she was still grieving for the death of her brother. She understood.

Maryam opened the door to their room and smile at the sight she met, her husband and child were sleeping peacefully on their bed.

She got into the room and close the door behind her.

Saeed must have sensed the presence of someone in the room, because he shifted in his sleep and opened his eyes.


"Yes, it's me," Maryam said and kissed his forehead.

"When did you arrive?" He asked.

"Few minutes ago. Nafisa just informed me that her younger brother passed away today. I told her to go home for some while, but she refused," Maryam said.

"Why?" He asked, sitting up.

"No idea," Maryam replied.

"Don't you think she has to go?" Saeed asked.

"Yeah, but she doesn't want to and I don't want to force her," Maryam said.


"I will just take Manal to her room and come back," Maryam said, but Saeed stopped her.

"Allow her stay tonight since she's already asleep," Saeed said.

Maryam sighed. "Okay, but just for tonight."

"Have you prayed?" Saeed asked. That was the best thing Maryam liked about her husband, he never failed to remind her about her prayers.

"Oh no, I almost forgot," Maryam said and went into the bathroom to perform ablution.

When she was done with her prayer, she changed into her night dress and got in bed with her husband and daughter.

"Good night habibi,"Maryam said and kissed Manal on the forehead.

"Goodnight habibty," Saeed said, before drifting off to sleep, Maryam followed afterwards.


Nafisa couldn't sleep that night, she kept on tossing around in bed. She couldn't get the thought of how her family were doing back in the village out of her mind, so she decided to call her mom and she did.

"Hello," came her mother's tired voice.

Nafisa wanted to ask her how she was, how she and everyone else was, but no word could pass through her lips.

"Are you there?" Her mother asked.

"Ye...yes," she answered.

"When are you coming back home?" Her mother asked.

"Soon," Nafisa answered.

"Don't you dare return back here empty handed. If you are to come back, you better come back with lots of money, if not, don't show your face to me ever again. My son died only because of you," Her mother yelled and ended the call. She didn't really care about her children, money was what she really cared about. She didn't even know the type of job her daughter was doing in the city and she didn't bother to ask.

Nafisa dropped her cell phone on the bed and cried herself to sleep. Her mother didn't really care for her and that was the fact. Ever since she was growing up, she had always treated her differently than her other kids. She loved them more.

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