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"Of— what did you just say, Manal? Ummi has a baby in her stomach? Did she tell you that herself?" Saeed asked. His voice hoarse yet calm.

"Khadijah overheard ummi talking about it to her mummy and she told me all about it." Manal replied.

"Are you sure about what you just said, baby?" Saeed asked. He wanted to be sure the news was authentic before he could take any action regarding it. He didn't want a false news.

"Yes." She replied. "Khadijah even said ummi hasn't told you yet. Why abi? Doesn't ummi want you to know?"

Just as Saeed was about to speak, Maryam walked into the room muttering 'salamAlaikum'

"Wa alaikum salam." Saeed replied and stood up to leave the room.

"Where are you going, habibi?" Maryam asked.

"Out." Saeed replied and walked away without turning back.

Maryam's gaze trailed behind him. She wondered what was wrong with him.

• • •

Saeed couldn't believe what he just heard. Maryam was pregnant? Why didn't she tell him? It was a great news for him, but he wasn't feeling as happy he was supposed to. He felt betrayed by her. She had already began telling outsiders about her pregnancy, but not him - the father. "Was Manal really telling the truth? No, it can't be. Maryam couldn't have possibly hid the news from me. I will have to wait till she tells me herself, otherwise I won't be able to believe it." Saeed concluded.

He stayed out for some more minutes before going back to the ward. On entering, Maryam's gaze averted to him.

"Where did you go, habibi? I was waiting for you."

"I was outside." Saeed replied and took a sit on the couch. "Has Manal eaten?" He asked as his gaze darted to a sleeping Manal.

"She has. I had to force her though."

"Have you spoken to the doctor? When can we take Manal back home?" Saeed asked.

"I haven't asked yet." She replied.


"Please have something to eat, habibi. You must be very hungry."

"I'm not." Saeed replies, curtly.

"Have you eaten?"


"What will you eat then?"

"Never mind that." 

Maryam drew in her breath sharply. Something was definitely wrong. "What's wrong, habibi? Are we okay?"

No! - Saeed wanted to yell and tell her he already knew everything she was hiding from him. He wanted to ask her why she did it and what she would gain from it. He wanted to ask so many things, but he managed to restrained himself from doing such. He wanted her to come clean herself. Only then would his heart be at ease knowing she didn't hide it from him for a grave reason. He would never be able to bear it if Maryam was hiding the news from him for a particular reason. "Do we have a reason not to?"

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