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"If you go ahead and get remarried, I will leave this house for the both of you. The decision is yours to make. I'd gladly leave you to her than to share you." Said Maryam. She didn't mean to give an ultimatum, but she had to do it as that was the only option that came to her. Now the decision was Sa'eed's. Will he go ahead with the marriage or let Maryam go?


Sa'eed stared at his wife wide eyed. He hadn't expected those words to leave her mouth, but then again, she also wouldn't have ever imagined he would break the news of his remarriage to her in that manner. He took her by surprise - he knew. But the needful had to be done, for the betterment of everyone. He sighed. "I'm not going to choose. I don't know-"

"That's it! It's decided. I'm going to leave this house first thing tomorrow morning. Indecision is a decision. I refuse to share my home with someone else. I rather give it up to her." She spat.

Sa'eed couldn't avert his gaze from his wife. Not even for a while. He knew how much she must have be hurting, but he had to be firm with his decision. He wasn't going to give it all up because of Maryam's threat. He felt extremely sad - her facial expression conveyed the message she couldn't convey properly with her lips. He wished he could just let things go and take her into his arms. She looked so devastated and he was starting to get extremely worried for her and their unborn baby. "You're going nowhere. You don't have my permission to leave." He said, sternly. He had to constantly remind himself to sound stern otherwise she wouldn't take him seriously.

"Does this mean you won't get remarried anymore?" She asked hopefully.

"No. I'm still going through with it." He stated avoiding her gaze. He didn't trust himself enough not to give in to her when he looks at her again. She was capable of making him do even things he didn't want to do. Only for her happiness, but this time around, he needed to be firm on his decision.

Wordlessly, Maryam lay in bed and turned her back on him.

He was left gazing at her from behind like he had never seen her before. She was sad to the extent she had to resolve to crying and no one was to be blamed for it, but him. He failed as her husband once again. He broke his promise to her. He would forever be guilty for that, but he had no intentions of going back on the decision he had taken. It was for the best.

He sat on the edge of the bed and stooped to her level. "Habibty." He called, stroking her shoulder tenderly.

She shrugged his hand away gently. "Don't touch me."

Sa'eed swallowed - he knew the next few days wasn't going to be easy for him - for the both of them. He was going to have to bear his wife's wrath, sadness and most of all, her lost of affection. He kissed her on the forehead. "Please have some rest. You've overstressed yourself for today." He almost begged. If something bad were to happen to her, he would never be able to forgive himself as he was responsible for her present state of mind.

"Don't you dare pretend like you care for me." She muttered underneath her breath. "I never knew you are the type of man who remarries only to take revenge on his wife. I guess I didn't know you well. I still don't."

Speechlessly, Sa'eed sauntered out of the room with a heavy heart. He felt extremely angry for being the cause of her sadness and not being able to console her. He felt like breaking things due to exasperation, but managed to control himself. It was when his phone vibrated in his pocket that he lost it. He pulled it out of his pocket and without checking the caller ID, threw it against a wall, venting all of his frustration out on the innocent thing. He took a seat on the stairs and held his head in between his palms - if he was feeling this way, he wondered what Maryam must be going through.

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