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Dedicated to NaimatIbrahim


Sa'eed's instantly felt lightheaded and his vision blurred. He couldn't fathom what was happening around him anymore. "She what?!"

"She lost-"

Sa'eed heartbeat skyrocketed. He didn't have to continue listening to the doctor, but for some reason, he felt obligated to do so.

"Did you hear what I just said?" The doctor asked after a while.

"I'm sorry, please come again." He apologized. He didn't even realise the doctor was talking anymore. His mind was faraway from his senses.

"She lost a significant amount of blood. It's very dangerous given her condition."

"How...how is she right now? I want to see her."

"She's recuperating right now. You can't see her till after a while."

"Can you explain her condition to me briefly? I mean is the baby safe as well?"

"Of course. During the first trimester, the uterus does increase in size, and this increases the risk of a miscarriage from a slip and fall accident. Still, the female body is specifically designed to protect an unborn child during minor accidents. The unborn baby is protected by amniotic fluid, which is designed to absorb shock and protect the fetus. The risk of miscarriage in the second trimester is low still, and the risk of stillbirth in the third trimester is equally low. Falls Are Likely during Pregnancy. Falls are frequent during pregnancy, especially as she advances in her trimesters. Furthermore, certain hormones released during pregnancy can affect balance." The doctor explained thoroughly.

"Does this mean, the risk of miscarriage is low?"

"Miscarriages in older women during pregnancy are more likely, but in her case, she's still very young. You don't have to worry about that. For now, both mother and child are safe."

Sa'eed muttered "alhamdulilah" under his breath. He heaved a sigh of relief - Allah had accepted his duas and protected them.

"You have to take better care of her now." She instructed. "She should take complete bed rest for two weeks to prevent further complications."

"I will make sure of that. Thank you so much, doctor."


Zainab couldn't stop pacing to and fro in Manal's room. She was already asleep, but Zainab couldn't sleep as her mind was preoccupied by worry for Maryam. She wanted to go to the hospital immediately, but she knew she couldn't because of Manal - she would be left all alone at home and Saeed wouldn't approve of that.

She lay down beside Manal and started contemplating whether to tell their mum about Maryam's condition or not. She remembered Sa'eed's words vividly, but she just couldn't keep calm anymore. She picked up her cellphone from the nightstand and dialed the digits.

She waited for an answer, but got none. She kept on dialing the number and fortunately for her, the call was received at the last moment. "Assalamu alaikum, mum."

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