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Warning: Unedited - rough draft. Read at your own risk.

Warning 2: slightly long chapter

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Before she could fall to the ground, Saeed caught her. "Habibty? Habibty?" He kept on calling, but all Maryam could hear was a voice from a very far distance. His voice floated and dissipated in the air. "What's happening to you?" Was the last sentence she heard before she was overshadowed by darkness.

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Saeed couldn't stop pacing about in the waiting room anxiously. It had been more than an hour and the doctor wasn't still out of the emergency ward. He sat down on a chair with is head in between his hands. "Ya Allah, please let her be safe. Let nothing bad happen to her or our baby. Please." He prayed in a silent voice. If anything bad happened to Maryam, he would not be able to ever forgive himself for he was the cause of her distress. "I should have agreed to her demands and none of this would have happened." He regretted, resisting the urge to throw a punch at the wall. He rubbed a palm on his forehead aggressively and continued pacing to and fro. He didn't forget to recite duas as he did so. He just wanted her and the baby to be safe - he was ready to let her have her way. Anything. He would do anything to make her happy again and to keep their unborn baby safe from danger.

Still pacing to and fro, the doctor emerged from the ward. Saeed hurried towards him. "How's she, doc?" He asked, worry written all over his face.

"She's..." The doctor trailed off for a second, intensifying Saeed's worry. "Quite alright now."

"Quite alright?" He asked, confused.

"Yes. She was in a critical condition when she was brought in earlier. She had even started bleeding, but fortunately, we managed to stop the bleeding in time." The doctor explained.

"And the baby? How is the baby?"

"Both the mother and child are safe."

His lips curled into a smile and he muttered alhamdulilah underneath his breath. "Thanks, doctor."

She gave a small smile in return. "I need to have a word with you regarding your wife's health. If you don't mind, let's move to my office."

"I..." Saeed didn't know how to tell the doctor to wait for a while without it coming out rudely. He wanted to see his wife first before anything. He wanted to see how she was doing with his own eyes - only then would his heart be at rest. "I will be with you in a while."

"No, sir. It would only take few minutes and I'm about to leave the hospital for some urgent work." She probed.

"Alright then," he replied reluctantly. "please lead the way."

"This way."


In approximately thirty minutes, the doctor was able to explain the reason why Maryam almost had a miscarriage. She advised him to keep her away from stressful activities and to always make her happy. She also explained how the health of a mother always affect the health of the baby as well. In conclusion, he prescribed some medicines to him for her and wished Maryam jet recovery.

"Thank you very much, doc." Saeed smiled in appreciation. He didn't wait for the doctor's reply before rushing out of the office.

Pushing the door slightly open, Saeed could see Maryam's fragile frame lying helplessly on the bed. The sight alone sent a pang to his heart. It was his fault she was lying there. No one else's. He pushed the door further open and stepped in.

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