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"Stop there," Sa'eed commanded and sprung up from bed, careful not to wake Maryam to the commotion that was about to take place.

He walked closer to Nafisa in just his pyjamas and asked, "what are you doing here?" From the first time he set his eyes on her, he knew she was up to no good at all. He didn't like a tad bit.

"I...I—" Nafisa paused to think of a sensible and valid excuse before continuing. Her hand well hidden under her shirt. "Manal was crying in her room, so I decided to come wake either of you up, but when I saw you two sleeping peacefully, I decided not to wake you up and pacify Manal myself."

"What! Did you ask her what the problem is?" Sa'eed questioned, his doubt about Nafisa being in the room, fading away completely.

"She didn't say," Nafisa replied. "Sorry for coming here this late—"

"If it's about Manal, then it's alright. You can leave now," he dismissed and walked to his daughter's room to know what was wrong, why she was crying as Nafisa reported.

Sa'eed opened the door to Manal's room and found her sleeping peacefully on the bed. She showed no sign of discomfort. Maybe she Nafisa managed to pacify her - he thought, kissing her forehead before leaving for his and Maryam's room.

Maryam's eyes opened slightly due to the noise of door opening. Her face scrunched up in confusion when she saw Sa'eed coming in. Where was he coming from? - she wondered and sat up.

"Where did you go?" She asked in a groggy voice.

Sa'eed got in bed with her and pulled her closer to his body.

"Nowhere habibty, nowhere. I just stepped out to receive a call," he lied. He knew she was very exhausted from work and had lots on her mind lately, he didn't want to add to her stress, by telling her about Manal.

"To take a call?" She asked in disbelief "- by this time of the night? Who was that?"

"It's not important, just back to sleep, okay?" He kissed her head and his eyes closed. He enjoyed spending time with his family and his only wish at that time was for his wife to stop working and take care of the house herself, but each time he brought up the topic, she refused to hear any of it. She was adamant.

Maryam rested her head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat and drifted back to sleep immediately.

"Won't you go to work today?" Maryam asked as she finished getting ready for work and Sa'eed was not even moving from the bed.

"Nope-" he answered. "- I took the day off." He wanted to spend the Friday alone with his wife, but he knew it was not possible. She had to go to work - this was what she would say - he knew.

"Really? But why?" She asked, sitting beside him.

"Why?" He asked in disbelief. "- you're asking me why I took the day off? It's because we have not been spending enough time with each other, we don't see each other in the afternoons anymore. Several times I'm home, you're not and that's okay with you? I decided to take the day off to spend with you, but apparently, you have work to attend to."

"Habibi-" she placed a hand on his cheek. "- I'm sorry. You know it has always been my dream to be a nurse since I was a kid and now that I am, I just can't give it up. I hope you understand."

"I don't. I don't understand why you are been so adamant about this." He stood up.

Maryam stood up too and shook her head. The particular argument was an unending one between them. Why couldn't he just accept the fact she didn't want to be an housewife?

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