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Warning: unedited. Read at your own risk.

That night, Saeed and Maryam decided to spend the night at the hospital. Saeed tried to convince Maryam to go back home, but she refused. She wanted to be there when her daughter wakes up. She wanted to be the first person she would see when she opens her eyes. "I am not leaving this hospital without my daughter." She said, firmly.

Saeed understood her, for he knew the pain parents, most especially mothers undergo when they see their children in a bad state. He wanted her to go back home to take some rest due to what happened earlier. He had not forgotten how she fainted due to stress. He smiled a little at her and took her hand in his. "I understand you. I know you want to stay with your daughter, but you don't have to worry about her, because I'm here. She will be fine in sha Allah and besides you have to go back home for Khadijah. She's all alone at home -"

"She's not alone, Saeed, Nafisa is also at home..."


"Alright, I will call Aisha to pick her up from the house."

"Isn't it already too late? She must already be asleep."

"I don't think so. She doesn't sleep early." Maryam said and started dialing Aisha's number on her cellphone. On the third ring, Aisha picked up. "Assalam'alaykum."

"Wa alaykum salam, Maryam." Aisha replied, groggily.

"I'm so sorry for disturbing you so late in the night, but I think you will have to go to our house to pick Khadijah up."

"Why? What's wrong?" Aisha asked, her voiced laced with panic. Her thoughts had started running wild. Was her daughter okay? Did she do something wrong? Why was Maryam telling her to go pick her up at that hour? - she didn't have the answers to any of these questions and she was afraid to hear it from Maryam.

"An emergency happened-"

"SubhanAllah! What happened Maryam? Please tell me." She pleaded. She just wanted to know if her daughter was safe.

"We're currently at the hospital. Manal had an accident and she's been hospitalized." Maryam informed, wiping off tears from her eyes.

"What! What type of accident? How did it happen? When and -"

"Please, Aisha, I will explain everything to you when I see you. Just please go to the house and pick your daughter up."

Alright. In sha Allah Manal will be alright. I will come to the hospital tomorrow to see her."

"Jazakillah khairan." Maryam said and ended the call and walked back to Saeed. "I have informed her about Manal and I also told her to go to the house and pick her daughter up."

"You really want to stay, huh?"

"Of course, habibi. My mind would never be at ease if I leave tonight." Maryam replied.

Saeed made the dua for sleeping and rubbed it on Manal before going to sleep on the couch that was inside the ward and Maryam slept beside Manal on her bed, holding her very carefully.

• • •

In the morning, Saeed woke Maryam up for Subhi prayer and after the prayer, Maryam and Saeed spent few more minutes praying earnestly for their daughter's safety. They prayed to Allah to grant their daughter quick recovery and to also make everything right for them once more. Maryam didn't forget to pray for her husband's understanding when he eventually cones to know about her pregnancy. Whenever she even remembered she was hiding the news from her husband, she felt really bad and guilty. How she wished he would just understand her the way she always understood him.

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