Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Kitty Paris

I've been hiding my secret all along since I was 9 years old, that secret, is being in love with my super cute best friend, Mason Erwan Ashmore. So cliché, ha? But I don't care. I've got a big advantage on him because I am his best friend. He dumped 6 girls because they kept complaining about me, about him always being with me. And yesterday, he dumped another girl because she complained about me always ruining their trip. Which I didn't. I am innocent. I'm always with him. We do things together, and sometimes, we sleep together! Perks of being his best friend.

"Hey, little Violet." I hear a voice, waking me up. And that voice belongs to my Mason. Oh, his voice is so sweet and manly. With his soft pale lips, I could just kiss it every second. "If you don't wake up, I will kiss you." Oh God. He will kiss me! Mason Erwan Ashmore, my super cute best friend, is going to kiss me!

Of course. Me being Kitty Paris, will not stop him. I've been waiting for this for so long! I mean, sometimes, I will fantasize him being with me, kissing me, holding me with his big manly arms. But this. Oh My God. I feel like I can't breathe. I feel like my breath is stuck up somewhere. Now I can feel his breath fanning my lips. Hamana. Hamana. Hamana. His warm breath. I open my eye just a little bit, to see him leaning down on me. His eyes staring straight in my lips. Just a little bit gap. Close the gap, Mason. Close the effing gap, Mason! Our lips have 1 inch gap. Stop teasing me! The moment he presses his lips onto mine... everything ruins.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I groan. Can't this stupid alarm see I was having the best dream of my life? I mentally roll my eyes because—I just remember that—alarm clocks don't have eyes. I don't have my first kiss... yet. And I want Mason to be my first kiss. I've been saving my lips' virginity just in case he changes his feelings for me and loves me like there would be no tomorrow. And I know this rarely happens. Because this is no fairytale nor a movie nor a Disney movie that always has happy endings. Because, for me, reality sucks. Well, there's an exception when I'm with my best friend. We would just hang out all day, not bothering our stupid parents. Oh hell yeah. We have stupid parents. My mom is a cold hearted moron whilst my dad is cold hearted stupid man. They're perfect. But I still love them. Plus, my cold hearted bitch older sister. She really hates me with all her tiny black heart. Don't ask me why because I really don't know why. Mason's father, too, is a stupid devil. He makes Mason do this and that. Mason doesn't like it, being dictated what to do by his stupid father. Mason and I just depend on his mother. Because Mrs. Ashmore is really lovely and sweet and caring. I wonder why I don't have a mother like that. Heck, I wonder why my mother is a cruel cold hearted moron.

I spin around my bed, let my feet touch the cold tiled ground, stand up and walk towards my cabinet to change my clothes I am wearing: pajama. I choose my cream-colored dress skirt with super pale green, blue and red designs on it. It only lies on my upper knee, revealing my legs. Then I get out of my room, only to be greeted by loud shout noises.

It looks like mom, dad and my sister are having an argument. Then my sister gets out of the room and the moment she sees me, she shoots me an evil look then she walks towards me. "Stupid bitch. Don't block my way." She shoves me really hard and I stumble back, my butt hits the tiled floor. Ooh. Ouch. You're the one who is a 'stupid bitch' because of your 'stupid attitude'.

We're in the Philippines right now. We will be staying here for a year. For a year! Well, there has got to be a big advantage being here, right? Because Mason and his family will be staying here, too! For a year! With me! Meaning, my girlfriends won't be putting their filthy hands on my Mason's arm. I did a little research about the Philippines and the people here. About their attitudes, the way they dress, the temperature—it's really hot here. Everything that is related to the Philippines. I've heard they are nice and cool people.

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