Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Kitty Paris

I run, not bothering about my legs getting numbed. For know, I just want to be away and just be with the one person I think I truly know. For a short time, I know that Liam won't hurt me. He just won't. I feel like I've known him; like I've known him better than Mason. That's why I'm feeling right now. But at the same time, feeling betrayed and lonely. I feel like I have no one but Liam.

Liam brought me to his house once, and he gave me his address so I go there. His house is 30 minutes away from my apartment. When I reach his house, I feel tired. Panting, I rest my palms on my knees, regaining my posture and normal breathing.

Curling my hand, raising it to pounce on his door, not even thinking about it, I knock with a less force so that I wouldn't wake anyone. The door swings open, revealing a very good lucking Liam, dress in a white shirt. The shirt has been washed, I think, a million times I could practically see his abs through the thin fabric; a gray shorts that reveals his hairless muscled legs, just like Mason's.

He notices my expression and he quickly ushers me to go inside, so I do. I just want a shoulder to lean on and Liam is the right guy. I sit on his couch, not asking for permission. Liam sits beside me and not asking questions, and I really am glad for it; to have him. Liam hugs me and that's when I break, crying like there would be tomorrow. Pouring all my emotions and it seems to go on forevel. My heart aches. Millions of hammer hammering my heart, breaking it into a trillion pieces. Liam keeps shh-ing me, comforting me as he runs his hand up and down my back.

"I just want to forget everything, Liam." I whisper, barely loud enough. Judging from his expression, he heard it. "It hurts so much I just want to..." What? Die? No, definitely not that. I cry again. The tears aren't stopping to pour out of my eyes and I feel drained. "I just want this to be done."

"If I could take the pain away, I would, Kitty," says Liam, who is hugging me tightly. His voice is soft and full of pain. Probably because of me. "But I can't. But you know what? I won't leave you. I will be here to comfort you, always. I will be here for you, to be your friend, even best friend."

"Thank you, Liam." I say with a tone of gratefulness. "Best friend it is." I grab his hand and shake it. He laughs. His laugh is so addicting and very cute. I bet if they had a contest called 'Who Has The Most Beautiful Laugh In The World?', Liam would definitely win. No doubt about that. And that laughs makes me laugh; it makes me smile. For a moment, the pain goes away and I'm just looking intensely at Liam. It's like a fist hits my heart... in a very good way. My heart is beating so fast. What terrifies me is that it's not because of the pain Mason has caused me. It's the kind of beating that says 'I like you'. I know that feeling. Since I've felt that on Mason for, like, 9 years.

Liam, who is staring back at me with those chocolate brown eyes that could make a girl beg, leans down and captures my lips. And that's it, my heart just exploded stars and rainbows and all the colors. My stomach creates lots of wild butterflies that keep fluttering inside of it. His lips are so soft yet it feels rough, and the contradiction is in a balance it feels good on my lips. Shutting my eyes, I snake my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss, closing the small gap between us, Liam on top of me. My back is resting on the soft couch and we just kiss.

I know I should feel guilty. I should be feeling guilty right now. I'm cheating on Mason. That thought alone should make me feel bad and go cry and beg for his forgiveness. A question pops in my head: Why should I feel guilty when I'm clearly enjoying this as much as Liam is?

Rude. I have a husband. And I'm cheating on him with Liam. But I can't care less. Liam breaks the kiss and rests his forehead on mine.

"Kitty, you don't know how much I want to kiss you everyday."

I just stare at his beautiful chololate brown eyes.

"I think it's love at first sight when I saw you sitting on that Starbuck's chair. I've been looking at you in a romantic way. I tried to let go, but I failed. Because every time I deny my feelings for you, it keeps growing." Just like Mason has said to me. But, Liam is different. "I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to make you happy so I let go and ignore it, let you to be with Mason. But this time, starting tonight, I'm going to fight for you. Remember I said about before you guys got married? He hurt you, I know. I can see it in your eyes, Kitty. I'm going to fight for you. I don't care what people say, I love you and it will never change. Ever..." He says the last part very slowly, then leans down to ravish my lips with his. I kiss him back.

A thought strikes me down, making me go down, making my eyes widen in realization: This is not me.

I pull away, not meeting his eyes. "I think we should stop this, Liam." I meet his gaze, his eyes full of sadness and pain. "You're a great friend. To be honest, I like you. More than a friend. But you know that I'm in deeply in love with Mason. I love him. If I could love you, I would. I would choose you over Mason." If I hadn't met him since we were born, you could have been my husband right now. "But can I stay here for the night?"

"Yeah, sure." He says, giving me a sad smile. He tries to mask the pain he's feeling by smiling but I can still see it crystal clear in his eyes. Liam stands up and I copy him, then he leads me to the guest room. He opens the door and I peak my head in. The guest room is large but not totally. A brown wooden tile floor is shining you could see your reflection; a big bed is pushed against the dark red floral painted wall with dim bulbs pinned on it, two bulbs on each corner. A red bean bag is resting in front of the big TV; a long black couch beside it. On the left side of the room, there's a door leading to a bathroom. On the other right, a big window with velvet curtains that is tucked on the side of the window, letting the moon's shine pass through the transparent glass. The room has a calming effect and I sigh, slumping myself on the bed. I bounce on the soft mattress and I giggle. Liam chuckles and jumps beside me, making the mattress bounce even more.

"Thank you, Liam. For doing this. For me." I say, closing my eyes. Then I sleep.

• • •

Liam wakes me. I groan and fall on the floor. Liam must have pushed me and I glare at him. He chuckles, raising his both hands in surrender. He jerks his head on the left, mouthing me 'breakfast'. My stomach grumbles and I roll my eyes and stand up. Liam just chuckles whilst shaking his head.

I walk beside him, not bothering about what I look like since I woke up. Apparently, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I look like hell. My hair is sticking up in every directions and my eyes are red from crying. I comb my hair using my fingers and straighten it. Then I blow my hand and sniff my breath: yuck. I tell Liam that I'll go to the bathroom. I didn't bring any toothbrush. God, now what? I grab a random toothbrush and eye it. On the handle, a name is written on it: Liam. This will do. I brush my teeth with Liam's toothbrush and gargle. Then I head to the kitchen and I see him preparing food for the both of us. He serves an omelets, bacons and an orange juice. He also cooked a fried rice. I down my food hungrily and Liam shakes his head, find this thing amusing. I take a big gulp of my mango juice and sigh in contentment. Liam cooks really good. He should be an HRM student! Just like me!

We talk for a while. About school and everything and we seem to like each other's company. The time has come and I must face Mason. I should be sorry. I decide I'm going to tell him what has happened between me and Liam. The ache I was feeling yesterday doesn't bothering me anymore. I found my real mother and father. I guess I need to talk to them too. My real parents. They really look like me.

We say goodbye to each other and tell that we will see each other very soon. He turns around and asks me if I want a ride and I chuckle. I answer him yes and he grabs the keys. I enter the on the passenger seat beside him and starts the car. The car roars to life and Liam drives backward, then drive forwards and we head off. In 10 minutes, I'm in front of my apartment's building and I thank Liam for doing everything for me. He just waves his hand dismissively and heads off. Heading to Mason's apartment, I fasten my walking in order to get there as soon as possible. I really want to talk to him. It's been bothering me that I have hurt his feelings.

I'm standing in front of his door when I hear some shuffling inside his room. I try to listen better but can't. I realize I haven't change my outfit since yesterday. I sniff myself and make a face. Oh well, I'm just going to take a shower in Mason's bathroom. After all, he's my husband. I giggle. I grab the extra key he gave to me in my pocket and I unlock the door slowly. I close it with gentleness and sneak towards his room.

My eyes widen in horror.

In front of me, Mason is ravishing Lily's lips. Lily puts her arm around Mason's neck, deepening the kiss. My knees are getting weaker and weaker at the sight. Mason bites Lily's lower lip and Lily moans. They deepen the kiss. Mason's hand sneaks inside Lily's shirt and runs his hand on Lily's flat stomach. Lily unbuttons his shirt and Mason helps her without breaking the kiss.

I just want to cry. My heart breaks into two. Then breaks into millions. They keep kissing each other, not feeling my presence then I begin to cry silently. Tears are running on my cheeks and the ache in my chest wants me to explode. Like I'm going to explode.

Mason's hand undress Lily's pink t-shirt and Lily helps him. Success. Now, Lily is only in her bra and black leggings. Mason cups her breasts and then kisses her neck and Lily shuts her eyes in pleasure.

A thousand fists hit my heart hard. And I'm feeling it physically and mentally. I open my mouth but no words coming out. So I shut it. Mason rests his hands on her hips and keeps kissing Lily. The sight in front of me is horrible. I cheated on Mason with Liam. And I kissed him back and I stopped because I really love Mason. But in front of me, Mason likes to touch Lily and Lily seems to be in heaven right now.

Mason opens his eyes and breaks the kiss. They're both panting and lost for oxygen. He looks up and sees me crying. Lily turns around and her eyes widen. Mason jerks away from Lily and runs a hand through his disheveled hair. He steps towards me with a shock still plastered on his face. I step back.

"Don't..." I whisper, still crying.

"Kitty, I'm sorry. I love you, Kitty. Please believe me. It's just an accident. A mistake!"

"Stop, Mason." I beg.

"Kitty, I'm telling the truth. Please," Mason says as he takes a step towards me. I step back again. I don't know what to do and what to say. "Believe me, Kitty. I really love you!"

"Stop, Mason! I don't want to believe you!" I burst. I feel like in any minute, I'd faint, or worse, die. I'd rather die than see Mason with another woman. But now that I did see Mason with another woman, it's a slow torture, killing me slowly, ripping my heart little by little. "You said you loved me! I guess it's just a show." I fake a laugh. "I dreamed, wished, begged. Everything. That one time, you could love me. That you would love me. But I guess it's not happening."

"Why don't you believe me, Kitty?! I really love you! I love you very much!"

With that, I turn around and run. I just don't want to hear him. I just don't want to near him. Again.

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