Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Mason Erwan Ashmore

As expected, Mr. and Mrs. Wade stop as they see us approaching them. Shock is written all over their face whilst as Kitty has a calm expression, like she has been preparing for this moment. Mrs. Wade puts the files she has been holding the entire time on the table near her and puts her hand on her husband's shoulder. Mr. Wade and Kitty stare at each other, their violet eyes twinkling. Now that I look at him observantly, he does look like Kitty. Their features and posture (but in a feminine way; which she probably inherited from her mother) are the same.

There is no tension but tranquility filling the air, hovering around us. We just stand there, passing looks at each other, like it would solve and done anything, everything. But knowing Kitty, she will make the first move. But I am wrong. Because Mrs. Wade breaks the silence.

"Kitty," she says softly, her calm demeanor suddenly becomes tense as she prepares for the next words she's going to say. "Why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

I know that Mrs. Wade is nervous, but really? I stifle a laugh as I look away, not wanting to hear any more sounds-like jokes. I purse my lips as I look anywhere but them. The edge of my lips is twitching, making me want to smile but fight against it. The seriousness of the three person is still hovering around the air, and it's not a good time to smile nor to burst out laughing.

Now I know the feeling of keeping a blank face as you try to hold your laugh that is on the tip of your tongue. I can't open my mouth now. If I did, I would laugh like a mad man. Little by little, I open my mouth and let out a little laugh. Kitty looks at me, scrunching her nose up as she fully turns to me, including her body. Finally, some relief in my lungs has been freed as I burst out laughing.

"Hey!" Kitty whines as she glares at me. "We were supposed to be serious, you jerk!" She then begins to hit me gently on my head and I take a glance at Kitty's parents and they are looking at us confusingly.

"Sorry, sorry," I say, putting my hands up in the air as I inhale some air to satisfy my almost-out of breath lungs. "It's just that, no offense, Mrs. Wade asked you something that made me laugh."

"To answer your question mom, there is nothing wrong." Kitty says as she turns her attention back to me. Mrs. Wade's face lights up as she hears the specific word 'mom' from Kitty's mouth. Same as Mr. Wade. "And you, Mason. You're a total jerk!"

"I said I'm sorry!" I protest, still laughing.

Kitty just rolls her eyes at me and that's m cue. I give them a nod and head to my office, wanting my work to be done early in order to be with my wife longer. I smile at the thought.

• • •

Writing my signature on the paper, I let out a whoo! and smile. My work is now done. I look at the clock and it's 3 in the afternoon. I stand up, straightening my suit and go to Kitty. I knock lightly and hear a soft come in, so I do. As I open the door, my eyes first search Kitty. She's there, sitting on a couch with a mug on her hands. I guess it's a chocolate drink since Kitty doesn't drink coffee in the afternoon. They are all laughing and smiling at each other and I mentally blame myself for going to work. I didn't see how they became close.

I take a seat beside Kitty and she just notices me, her mouth carving into an 'O'. I pout at her and she just laughs. I give her a kiss on the cheek and she blushes, hiding her face with her dark hair. Everything is going fine. Everything is going to be fine. Because this time, there will be no villains. Only us. I am prepared to have my own life with Kitty. Just thinking of the future makes my heart flutter in contentment and excitement.

Our child would walk, Kitty and I holding his, or her, hands, side by side. We would laugh at something our child would do and run. We would watch our kid running, laughing at something. Then I smile again as I think of our first baby. The first word. The first smile. The first laugh. The first walk. The first of everything. I can't wait for that.

Mr. Wade clears his throat as he continues to watch us. Snapping out of my trance, I look at him and my eyes land in his. His eyes are really violet, whereas Kitty has purple. I smile at him innocently. Well, Kitty is my wife. What does he expect? He needs to deal with it.

I look away. His stare is making me uncomfortable. Kitty looks at me and entangles her fingers with mine, which I gladly let her.

"Mason," Mr. Wad says sternly, his words hold threats and warnings.

"Yes, Mr. Wade?"

"You will never, ever hurt my daughter," Mr. Wade states. I just nod at him, gulping. I haven't known Mr. Wade yet, but he seems like a terrorist or something. And he seems like a terrorist father. His dark brown hair is slicked back, making him look like he's in his mid 20s. He crosses his arms across his chest as he continues to glare at me with those (looks like) impertinent violet eyes of his. "And please call me Kristoff."

"Yes, sir. Err. Kristoff."

Kitty laughs beside me and I jab her side with my elbow, making her groan, rubbing her side whilst glaring at me. Thinking of ways to snatch Kitty with these two, I mentally sigh as my mind processes nothing.

Mrs. Wade, as if she reads mind and shits, says, "You can now take, Kitty."

"Yes!" I say, fist flying in the air.

"I know you're itching to take her away from us." She dramatically says, her head resting on her husband's shoulder. "Oh wait!" She suddenly shouts, making us jump. Kitty and I look at each other with confusion.

"What is is this time, Kianna?" Kristoff says orotundly.

"Let's take a picture together!" She suggests whilsat Kristoff just rolls his eyes at his wife. Kianna punches his shoulder lightly. "Oh, come on, Kristoff! We don't have a family picture yet and I want one right now. I will put it in a frame then put it on my desk, and I will just stare at it happily!"

"That's creepy, Kianna!" Kristoff states, making a horrible face.

"Shut up, Kristoff!" She commands.

Kitty and I just laugh at them. It seems like this family is extraordinary. Finally, Kristoff agrees to take a picture together with us and we all smile in front of the camera. The white flashes at us, signaling that the moment has been captured. We all look at it. Kitty has this big smile plastered across her angelic face; her hair was on her shoulder. Damn does she look so beautiful. My hands were around Kitty's waist from behind and my chin was resting on her shoulder; I was pouting. Kristoff and Kianna were looking at each other, like they were in their own mini little world. Their eyes were smiling, just like their mouths. They were holding hands.

I take Kitty's hand and we take off. Kitty looks at me, confusion written all over her face. I just shake my head and she pouts. God, she's so cute. We reach my car and I pull away from the parking lot. In a matter of a minute, we are now on the road.

I am planning on taking Kitty on a date.

This plan just popped up in my head minutes ago. I want to take her on a different kind of date. Not the so-fancy date, but the extraordinary one. 16 minutes have passed and we are now arriving at our destination. Today, we are going on a date in an amusement park. This amusement park is big and colorful. On the top of the entrance, is a huge yellow star with lighting rays.

We get inside and I buy our tickets. Kitty just raises an eyebrow at me, as if asking what's with this, then a grin forms on her mouth as she watches me. I just shrug. We head inside the park and as we enter, we are now hearing lots of screaming, chattering and laughing. The noises mixing in my ear, making my adrenaline rush from excitement.

The night is coming, making us excite even more that we ever are. There are lots of rides and Kitty eyes them obsessively. Kitty is a big fan of amusement parks. We run towards the open field and see lots of thrilling rides. Kitty eyes this particular ride. I follow her gaze and and it's pointing to a ride called "Star Frisbee". I watch the ride in excitement. The riders are swung to dizzying heights while the outward facing seats spin around. We watch it as it goes higher and higher.

"I think we should ride that first," I whisper in her ear, pointing at the ride. She nods at me then smiles. We quickly run towards the queue line and wait for our turn. We shout happily as our turn comes. Kitty and I take a seat beside each other and wait for the ride to move.

I feel so happy. If I could measure it, the smile would reach the sun and the moon. I wish Kitty is, too.

The staff secures if our seats' belt has securely buckled up across our chest. Now the ride is moving, we all scream in delight as we wait for the ride to go higher. When the ride reaches it, we both throw our hands up in the air, shouting incoherent words. We laugh.

I become dizzy as my feet land on the asphalt ground and Kitty asks me if I am okay, I tell her yes. I am totally fine. Our next ride is "Surf Dance". This ride will go up, then it will twist, turn around, lift then drop. Being like a kid, we race towards the queue line and when I reach it first, Kitty just pouts at me and I give her a peck. She smiles at me. People look at us and smile. There's a collective say of 'awe' and 'so sweet' around us and Kitty just blushes whilst as I give them a curt. It's our turn now. We take a seat beside each other, like always, and wait.

After riding our fourth ride, we decide to eat since we are hungry and need to fill our stomachs with delicious foods. The night has finally come, revealing the dark blue shade color of the sky and sets and sets of stars dispersed across the galaxy. Kitty and I decide to eat seafood.

When we are done, we stroll around the park and rate the rides. Holding hands, I squeeze Kitty's hand and she returns it back with a pure, undiluted smile. I raise his hand and give it a kiss at the back of it.

"Kitty..." I titter as I look at her calm demeanor. Cupping her face, she rests her hands on my wrists as I look at her eyes deeply, with passion and intensity. I plant a kiss on her lips softly, as if it would break and shatter if I put my lips hard, or roughly. "I know that I have hurt you many times. We have managed to survive through everything. And I want to ask you something important..."

She just stares at me. I love Kitty Paris so much and I am not afraid to shout it in the whole world. And if I did that, people would know that Kitty is mine and only mine and nobody would dare to take her from me. Because I am belong to her and she belongs to me.

"I know I should have said this to you before we got married, but past is past, right?"

She gasps and gawks at me with wide eyes and jaw hanging as I put a knee on the ground, taking her hand with mine.

"Will you marry me again?" I ask her, my voice filled with hope and happiness as I search for any sign. But her expression is blank, and it makes me scared. All of a sudden, I become my old self, who always hid behind my mother's back whenever my dad was angry at me. Waiting for her answer, I flick my eyes in her eyes then back to her lips. Snapping out of her thoughts, she leans down and gives me a peck on the lips.

"Well, if you are willing to organize the wedding, the visitors, everything... then it's a yes!" She beams, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "But if not...." she trails off.

I quickly butt in, "I will. I will take care of everything as long as your answer is yes. God, I am getting married again!" I shout. People eye us and give us a round of applause as I kiss Kitty on the lips.

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