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Epilogue: Kitty Paris

Being in love with my best friend had its own advantages and disadvantages. Well, the advantages of it is you could get closer; you would be able to touch him without him thinking of it as a different thing. You guys could get a sleepover, talk like being in a relationship, argue with him like a husband and wife. And the disadvantages of it is, you'd be in a friend zone, but worst, he wouldn't love you back... at least, that's what I thought ever since I have loved him since we were 10 years old.

Well, Mason still didn't know that I loved him.

Now that we were 13 years old, I had been planning on telling him about my real feelings for him. It was easy to say in my head, but hard to do. Even I was terrified at my plan. But I had to do it, right? What would I lose if I did tell him about my real feelings for him? Him. I would lose my best friend and I didn't want that. Mason walked over me and my heart's beat quickened as he trudged his way towards my way, his face were a mess. There was a smudge of mud across his cute, angelic face. Somehow, my world had stopped and stilled. It was like one of those movies, where the cute guy walks in and there is a slow motion, his eyes are twinkling as he looks at her soon-to-be girlfriend.

It felt like that. As Mason pouted at me, I playfully rolled my eyes at him and gave him the ring I had made. It was made by me. It took me two days to wove it. I was kind of glad he accepter it, our hands brushing as he took the ring from my sweaty palm. He eyed it and gave me a goofy grin. And then he hugged me.

Of course, me being a great friend. I didn't put romantic meaning to that hug.

As he pulled away, our eyes landed in each other's. There was something flickering in his eyes I couldn't muster. It vanished quickly as fast as it appeared. I just shrugged it off, breaking the hope that had flickered inside me just earlier. His gaze made my heart melt. Those blue eyes of his. So blue it could match the color of the sky. You wouldn't even tell the difference between his eyes and the color of the sky. Our eyes were glued to each other our breathing was uneven. Odd. His lips were inches away from mine, his nose merely brushing against mine.

It made me want to touch him; to caress his face romantically. Every night, I would think of Mason together with me, holding hands, sharing kisses, dating each other. It felt good to imagine. I asked myself: Would it be greater good if it happened in real life? Would I feel happy, ready to burst?

For so long, I had been the goody-goody best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Always by Mason's side. But the longer we gazed to each other, the more I was loving him. I. Singular. It made me want to cry; to just curl up in a ball and disappear. I was in best friend zoned. And I couldn't get out of it. I looked away, not bothering to risk a second glance. I didn't want to have a hope. Even if it's just a single spark. But somehow, I couldn't stop. Because I believed in that — a spark could turn into a flame, blazing.

"Thank you, Kitty." Mason said, still looking at me intently, as if he was observing me. His gaze lingered on me for a moment but then turned away. "I really like it. Lucky charm, I guess."

"Well, yes. That is your lucky charm." I agreed, nodding at him, smiling. "Hopefully, for forever."

"Hopefully, for forever." He beamed.


Three months later since the proposal, I am now wearing a make up for my wedding day today. I can't believe it. I am going to get married, again, to the love of my life. The make up artist puts a little blush on my cheeks lightly. I told her that that I don't want to wear heavy make ups. She agreed, telling me it would totally suck. Then she puts a pale pink lipstick on my lips. Then she gives me a smile.

My mother, who has been beaming at me, walks over me and cups my face, telling me how proud she is, that I am so beautiful, that I am the most beautiful woman she has ever met. For the past months, we have gotten a lot of time to know each other. My dad Kristoff, well, let's just say he keeps guarding me, like I am a prisoner of his. He told me that he couldn't believe I am getting married again, told me that he didn't have enough time to have a father-daughter bonding moments because, according to him, exact words, "Mason will take me" away from him. My mom squeezes my hand and I let out a relief. I have been freaking out since last night. Mason and I haven't seen each other yet for the past 48 hours and I am dying inside because of it. My mom leads me to my wedding dress and I feel a pang of happiness knotting in my stomach. My heart begins to beat rapidly as I smooth the organza of my wedding dress. This is it. I will be officially married with Mason. The love of my life. The man of my dreams.

I wear the wedding dress.

Looking in the mirror, my mother and I both gasp. It front of me, in the mirror, is my relfection. I am so beautiful with my dress on. A-line wedding dress. The bodice hugs my torso perfectly, showing my curves. The neckline is shaped like the top half of a heart; waistline is a-line silhouette with vertical seams down the front. My dress is a floor length wedding dress. I smile to myself. Mom puts her hands on my shoulders, giving it a squeeze.

"You look like your father..." My mother says. I can feel the tears wanting to get out of my eyes. But my mother ssh them. "Uh, don't cry. You will ruin your make up. You're so beautiful."

"That's my daughter," my father butts in. He is wearing a black tuxedo. I look up at him. Unfortunately, I didn't get his height. I pout. His eyes are just like mine but different in a way. He has violet eyes whereas I have purple. More light than his. Mason pointed it out to me. I believe him. "Come here." He says, opening his arms wide. I hug him and he hugs me back, patting my back gently. I look at mom, who has started to cry. I pull away from dad and walk towards mom, giving her a hug. I kiss her cheek and tell her not to cry because she will ruin her make up. She smacks me playfully. Dad joins us and we three hug each other.

After one hour, the wedding is finally happening. There are lots of people waiting for me. I can my palms getting clammy all of a sudden. I wipe the sweat that is forming on my forehead with the back of my hands. I'm holding a big boquet of white flowers. The aroma of it hits my chest, making me shiver in delight. I maintain my normal breathing by inhaling and exhaling slowly. My mom tells me to relax as we head to the church. I give her an approving smile and nod at her. My father tells me the same thing.

The sky is white and clear, with birds and clouds flying across above us. I smile, feeling the tranquility seeps into me as I inhale fresh air. My arm is linked through my mother's and the other one to my dad's. I take a deep breath and tell myself: I am ready.

It's starting.

The bridesmen and the groomsmen begin to walk towards the altar, where Mason is waiting. He's wearing a white tuxedo, with a white flower tucked in his chest pocket. His hair is slicked back and shiny, his teeth is pearly white and perfect. Beside him is his father. Mason and his father are on good terms now, but his wife and him aren't. So are my mom and my aunt Amelia, who used to be my mom. We begin to walk towards the altar with my mom and dad either side of me. As I walk, I catch a glimpse of Lisa and Liam, giving me approving smiles. They are now dating each other. Lisa is wearing a white knee-length dress, her black hair is cascading down on her right shoulder whilst Liam wearing a black tuxedo. He has moved on from me. I told him he deserved someone, but not me. He understood it. Although Mason, the hotheaded guy whom I love, still doesn't trust him. He keeps telling me he gets jealous when that guy, reffered to as Liam, is always with me, that we used to date, that we shared few kisses. I always tell him: It's done and never going to happen again.

When I reach the altar, my dad and mom kiss my cheeks, on either side, and Mason offers his hand to me. I gladly take it. I admire his features. My mind flashes a memory. A one specific memory that I will never, ever forget.

Mason was wearing a striped polo, it hugged his body fittedly, showing his muscles, matching it with white-ish pants and a brown shoes. He was also wearing a glasses. His hair was styled, gelled up just a little. He was running towards my direction and suddenly kissed my cheek without a reason. That was my first kiss on the cheek. And that was the moment I fell in love with him. Again.

Mason gives me a genuine smile as he guides me to the front, gently squeezing my hand. The noise becomes muffled as I look at Mason's eyes and I see hapiness and love in it. There are lots of people watching us. But right now, I don't care because this is real. The love we are feeling for each other is real. It may be an illusion, but it is real. After all, illusions are supposed to entertain us, right? The priest begins the ceremony. My focus has been on Mason ever since I stepped into the church. Then the vows comes.

I clear my throat and stare at the people for a moment, then back to Mason. The crowd grows silent as they wait for my vow. I give Mason a smile and say it. "When we were 9 years old, I was already in loved with you. I thought it was just a crush or something, but whenever girls would approach you, I would feel jealousy. That's when I knew I was in love with you. You were this guy who kept ranting about how I was a pain in the ass sometimes [the crowd chuckles] and a killjoy. I thought I would be turned off. Turned out I didn't. But as we grew old, I tried to kept my distance off from you. Like, putting an invisible line between friendship and love. But that didn't stop me from loving you. Because no matter how I tried, or try, I will always be in love with you. I will love you until my breath snaps shut, and who knows, even if I died, I will still love you." The crowd claps as the priest asks Mason if he has a vow. He nods.

He lets out a breath and smiles at the people. "As your man, I will be your knight and shining armor. I will never let anyone hurt you. As your best friend, I will always keep you happy and cheer you up whenever bad times come. As your lover, I will always protect you, cherish you, adore you, respect you, take care of you, and most of all, I will always love you. In my eyes and even in my heart, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. Your purple eyes are so beautiful that they almost match the galaxy whever night comes. Every part of you is beautiful. Even on the inside. And I am glad to be your lover, to be your husband. Forever. I will love you forever. Even if the world fell apart, I will still love you. I love you so much, Kitty."

A tear rolls down my cheek and Mason wipes it away. The crowd gives an 'awe' and continues to watch us. I am beyond happy. No words could express the feeling in my chest. It feels like I am being reborn with calmness and love. I guess it's worth it, that I stayed and didn't give my feelings up for him. Now look at the consequence. We love each other and no one could tear us apart. I don't need fireworks splashing across the sky, or people cheering at us, or the rain falling as a sign of a romantic scene, or a rainbow shining, smiling at us. All I need is Mason by my side. That only matters.

It's time for slipping of rings. Mason takes my hand carefully and I notice he's shaking a little. Nervous. He gulps and I give him an encouraging smile. He purses his lips and stares at the people who are watching us intently. Then out of nowhere, the ring falls to the ground. The crowd laughs.

"Damn it," Mason mutters as he searches for the wedding. I stiffle a laugh as I look at my Mason trying to find the ring. When he doesn't, he swears under his breath about the ring being a bitch and I chuckle. His face lights up as he picks something inside his chest pocket. He gives me a goofy grin. "Er, damn ring. Well, I guess my lucky charm saved me today." He says as he slips the ring I gave to him when we were still young. I remember giving it to him again. The people cheer at us, wooting and smiling.

"Told ya it's your lucky charm forever." I say smugly. Then it's my turn to slip the ring around his ring finger.

The priest blesses us and says, "You may now kiss the bride."

Mason cups my cheek with his hands and tilts his head, as if he's admiring me. He is admiring me. He chuckles and leans down, capturing my lips with his. The kiss sends shiver up and down my spine. Our lips are in a sync, moving with passion, desire and love, all combined as one. His touch burns my skin with an extreme amount of pure love. His hands rest on my hips, gently pulling me to him and he deepens the kiss. I snake my arms around his neck and he bites my lower lip gently. I moan then he pulls away.

Love is simple yet it seems like it's very complex. Hard to solve. But once you find the true meaning of it, it will you give you a new life, a new feeling that you would never feel on someone else. It's like a firewords bursting inside but in a different way. It would make your heart swell with happiness and it would feel like it would burst from it. Love is just lingering around, waiting for the its next victim. It is scary yet it will make you see the light of everything. Love will make your life a heaven, as if you are one of the angels serving God. Love will make you things you think you would never, ever do. But for me, love is Mason Erwan Ashmore. I find true love in him. I find everything in him. I am glad I was one of love's victim. I'm glad I married my best friend.

You will know love if you start loving others more than yourself. You will know love if you feel sparks, bursting lights, fluttering butterflies inside your chest all at once. You will know love if love finds you. It works that way. You never choose who to love. Love will choose something from you. Without love, it's like you are riding to a rollercoaster with no loops and ups and downs. It is boring and lifeless, plain and grey, contant speed and the ride is slow, and no thrill at all. Love is soul-capturing and mind-blowing. I'm gleeful about love finding me.

I snap out of my thoughts as Mason picks me up and I immediately hook my arms around his neck. He gives me a peck on the lips and runs outside with red petals raining down on us. He puts me on my feet and we both laugh as we hold hands.

We will love each other for eternity. After all, he married his best friend and I married my best friend.

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