Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Kitty Paris

I wake up without Mason by my side. Usually, he'd bounce on the mattress until I wake up or he'd pinch my cheeks and poke my stomach until I roll off the bed. Until I punch his arm. But now, he's gone like a wind. As I push myself up on the bed, I see a note that is on top of my lamp table. I quickly take it and smile as I see Mason's handwriting scribbled on it. It reads:

Wake up, KitKat! Well, when you're reading this, it means you're awake. Right? Well, I'm glad I didn't bother waking you up because you've had a rough night because of me. Because we fought. And I'm really sorry. I'm glad you let me sleep beside you last night and I'm so happy for that. It means you really can't stand being mad at me, do ya? Ha? Ha? Well, have a good day everyday until I come home. See you next week. And oh! Don't forget to eat everyday. Three times a day. Take care of your health and yourself. Be careful. Don't talk to strangers. Love you, best friend. ♥


I don't know what has gotten into him but I like it. After we get married, we'd lie in the bed, snuggling. When I wake up, there'd be a note on the table, it's for me from Mason, it'd say: I love you very much, Kitty. And then I'd smile. And then he'd come home from work and I would cook for our dinner and we'd eat in peace, smiling. I release a sigh of contentment just by thinking of it. It's going to happen, right? I mean, even if we're best friends, it will happen, right?

3 more weeks, and I'll be a Mrs. Not to mention I'll be Mrs. Kitty Paris Ashmore. In the end of his letter, he mentioned that I'll be his. The smile on my face is not turning into anything, just a happy curve line. Just reading his letter makes me awake and gives me full energy enough for a week's obstacles.

I roll off the bed and stand up. My eyelids are half-open. The tiled floor is so cold it makes my legs weak. When I get to the bathroom, I do my morning routine. One week without Mason. One week with my love. My life is boring without Mason. I sigh. Well, I have school today. I'm a college student in STI Global. My course is Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. It's basically cooking and stuffs. I love cooking and I guess it's a perfect practice since I'm going to be a wife in 3 weeks, right? So I should study this. I'm a freshman, and I wonder if someone would bully me just because I'm going to be married at this age: 18 years old. Because someone (someshit, according to Mason my love) might assume I'm pregnant or something, but I don't give a damn. Blame my father for this (I don't blame my father!).

The school's uniform (for BSHRM students) is a white longsleeve with black linings on the cuff and a blue STI logo embroidered on a chest-level of the uniform, a black pants and a heels that should be 2 inches high only. I wear the uniform and check my reflection. I put my hair in a ponytail (school's policy) so I won't get a 'warning slip' for violating their rules. Duh, very strict! Plus, the hair shouldn't be dyed. Mine is natural brown, so there's an exception. I grab my bag and head out of my apartment. And run. Because I'm a late enrollee and that sucks. When I arrive at the school, I'm a little bit disappointed. Because I thought it's big and Oxford-like school. But no. It's a 9 story building. On the top of the entrance's glass door, the words are pinned on the wall, it says: STI Academic Center. There are students falling in line to the school's entrance. Some guys (who aren't hot enough to satisfy me) keep looking at me. I just steady my gaze on the line, pretending to find it amusing. When it's my turn, the lady checks my bag and lets me go.

I step inside the school and I first see the big logo of STI. This school has a high technology, I guess. I put my school ID on top of the machine (the machine will read my identity and will let me pass) and it beeps, signaling that I can now enter. My heels are clunking whenever I walk so I walk slowly and carefully because it irritates me. I check my schedule and search for my first class. It's ComArts1 (Communication Arts 1), E-N-G-L-I-S-H. Ugh. Seriously, I failed my English exam when I was in 12th grade and now, I have an English subject. Great.

My room is in second floor, number 212. I enter inside the classroom and guess what, all of the students are gawking at me like I'm sort of a criminal. Which I highly doubt. I just stare back at them and find a seat. When I can't find, a guy stands up and offers his chair and finds another seat. I give him a thankful nod and sit on the chair. My classmates are still looking at me and I put my head down because I don't want them looking at me. Like, duh! I'm not a drug dealer or something. I wait for 15 minutes and the professor (I guess) comes in. My professor is a female, she's wearing a grey suit and she's chubby (a little). She's also wearing a round glasses and her complexion is dark. Her black hair is in a bob cut hairstyle. She greets us good morning and we greet back her. Her name is Ms. Cruz.

Her eyes wander around the room and when her eyes meet mine, she nods at me and I stand up. I hand her my assesment form and she gives me a smile. She tells me to introduce myself. This is what I hate about first day of school. We must introduce ourselves and I don't like it! I clear my throat because a lump is forming in it. All of the students are looking at me and that makes me nervous. I feel my forehead producing sweat and my hands are clammy. I mentally sigh and ignore the nervousness I'm feeling. I open my mouth introduce myself.

"Um, my name is Kitty Evans Paris. 18 years old and I'm new here. Thanks." I just stand there like a moron and just looking at them.

My professor faces me and she gives me a sweet smile. "Would some of you like to ask questions about her?"

A random guy just shouts his question and I can't understand it because he's speaking in his language but I understand one part of it. "May boyfriend ka na po, miss?" But I pretend not to understand it.

"Pardon?" I say, scrunching up my nose.

Ms. Cruz turns to the guy who just shouted his question and she sighs. "Mr. Reloso, what did I tell the class when we first met? Class, when you're in my class, you should speak English! Because this is an English class." She turns towards me and she translate what the guy asked. "He's asking if you have a boyfriend." I shake my head in an answer and the Reloso guy smiles at me. "Wait, what is your citizenship?"

"American." I simply say.

"Oh, that explains a lot. You may take your seat, Ms. Paris."

Mr. Cruz teaches us about verbs, pronouns, adjectives. Basic English. I've learned it already since I was in middle grade. But I keep listening to her and she's actually funny. Some students answer her in Tagalog and she just sighs and preaches us (well, them, not me). When her time is done. I once check my schedule again. I have 7 subjects: BUSIMAT (Business Math), COMARTS 1 (Communication Arts 1), CULARTS (Basic Culinary Arts), NSTP001 (National Service Training Program 1), PHYEDU1 (Physical Education 1), PRITUR1 (Princilples of Tourism 1) & SANIGEN (Principles of Food Safety, Hygiene & Sanitation). For today, I only have 2 subjects: ComArts1 and PriTur1. I head to my next subject and wait for it. My teacher in PriTur1 is a guy and named Mr. Jalina (pronounce as HA-LI-NA). I once again introduce myself which is really awkward for me, considering it's a block section.

After the class, I head to the canteen on the basement. Yes, their canteen is in the basement. When I get there, most of the students are eating and some are gawking at me like I'm sort of a meal. Well, it's true because some guys are pervert. I walk towards the counter and order a meal: adobo. Adobo is a Filipino food that has a brown sauce and has lots of chicken. It tastes salty but it's really good.

A guy talks to me. His voice is so familiar that I snap my head towards his direction. My eyes widen. Liam is standing in front of me. He's wearing a white polo uniform and has an STI logo embroidered on the chest level. But it's not a longsleeve so I'm guessing he's not an HRM student. Maybe Business Management student, Tourism, or Information Technology student. "Mind if I sit with you?" My mouth automatically turns into a smile and I burst.

"Liam!" I call him over-enthusiastically that some students stare at us. I mentally oops and just giggle. I notice that he has brought some friends, just guessing. His friends just laugh and I nod, answering Liam's question. They take a seat with me and suddenly, the table is full.

The friends of Liam introduce themselves to me. They're 8. 5 boys. 3 girls. They all have black hair. Michael, George, Simon, Angelo, Mark, Sam and Nathalie. Theyr'e funny and sweet. Especially Simon, which pisses Liam. I mentally laugh at that. They're BSIT (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology) students, and they have one class together and belong in one section. Same schedules. Now I'm jealous. Because I don't have any friends here. Only Liam. Plus, they're not my classmates.

We get out of the canteen and some of the girls are eyeing Liam and me. Their eyes full of jealousy. I think Liam is an IT heartthrob here. I don't doubt that. Liam is very handsome and cute and very funny. He has this aura that makes you swoon over him. I say goodbye to them and Liam kisses my cheek and waves goodbye, telling me I'll see him soon. On the corner of my eyes, I see some girls staring at us whilst I and Liam are talking. Even his friends. I nod at him and get out of the school before I get ambushed by his fangirls.

• • •

A week has passed and I'm very excited because Mason is going home today. I'm practically bouncing up and down as I wait for him to arrive in the airport. I wait for another 15 minutes. As I see his appearing figure, my face lights up. He's wearing a white shirt, revealing his broad shoulders and muscled arms. Beside him is Mr. Ashmore, he's wearing a suit. As always. I innerly roll my eyes at him. Mason is really handsome and almost perfect.

The moment he sees me, he smiles at me immediately. His smile catches me off guard. As usual and always. I just stare at him, my heart beating so fast and the butterflies in my stomach go active. I feel like in any minute, my eyes would just pop out of its socket because of his sexyness. His sexyness is very sexy and hot. He jogs towards me whilst holding his small luggage. When he's in front of me, he immediately hugs me and I hug him back. I sniff carefully. He smells the same. Honey. Very sweet and his aroma is so addicting. I push myself away from him so I can look at him. He's grinning at me and I grin back.

"I miss you, KitKat." He says to me. His voice is tired but there's a hint of happiness in it. We hug again.

I whisper, "I miss you, too." I love you very much. I want to say it... romantically. But there's no way I would ruin our friendship. Our best friendship. I don't want to take a risk of saying my true feelings towards him. It might ruin our relationship. So I just keep it to myself. God knows why I'm in love with this guy. He captured my heart. He just doesn't know it, but soon he will. And I hope he loves me back.

I hope he'd love me back.

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