Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Mason Erwan Ashmore

I miss you so much, Kitty. I don't know what to do when you're not around me; when you are not with me. I want to say those things. But I don't have the courage to do it as I see her in her weakest state. She's still mad about me. She has the rights. Who wouldn't get mad if your husband cheats with her sister? Guilt is now eating my soul again, making me tremble in fear. Kitty can't look in my eyes; she's looking anywhere but me and it can't hide the pained she's feeling. Silence is hovering in the air; awkward and full of tension.

"I'm sorry," I croak, my voice is breaking, unable to hide it. I don't care if I would make a fool of myself if it would make Kitty happy again. "I miss you so much, Kitty."

"Stop, Mason." She simply says, her voice brittle. It breaks me again, seeing her like this. God, why did I have to hurt her like this? I'm such an idiot. I have fallen in a depth of love with her, slapping me hard, no escape. "I can't even afford to see you, much to hear your voice."


"Stop saying my name, Mason." She begs, sniffing, still looking away. "Stop saying it. Please."

I take a step. Realizing that tears streaming down my face, I wipe it away. Every step is a courage I take by thinking Kitty would forgive me. I can see the doubt, fear, longing, pain, all together in her shimmering violet eyes. She steps backward, merely shaking her head at me, urging me to stop. But I can't. I want her.

Her back now is on the wall; her palms are on my chest, pushing it. I grab her wrists and she struggles, snatching it away from my soft grip. I take another step and now we're chest to chest. She shuts her eyes and cries. I wipe the tears. I lean down and rest my forehead on the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet vanilla scent. My lips are trembling my jaw is starting to hurt. But the pain cause by my trembling lips cannot be compared to the pain I'm feeling in my chest. Because it hurts so much.

I hug Kitty and let my tears spill, my heart screaming her name. I've been broken again. I fell in love again. I've been hurt again. All caused by Kitty Paris. I rest my hands on her hips and let it linger there. Her heat engulfing my trembling hands, making me relax.

"I'm... I'm very, very, very sorry, Kitty." I say, crying on her shoulder. My legs begin to weak, making me break my stand and get on my knees, my hands are still on her shoulder. "I've been so stupid — "

"Stop explaining," she tries to interrupt.

" — because I hurt you. Lily is nothing to me. You are the one I love. Lily came to my apartment, said she wanted to make me feel good. God knows I tried to get her out of my apartment but she wouldn't budge. She stayed there and did those things to me so I caved in... and that's the fucking worst mistake I have ever made in my whole life. I regret it. I feel, right now, that I don't deserve you anymore. But please, give me one more chance and I will make things right again.

"I love you. That's true. I lied to you. I admit it. I cheated on you. I admit it. I have made so many mistakes I couldnt count it anymore. If you don't love me anymore, I will still love you. If you will let me go, I will never let you go because I love you. If you choose Liam over me, I will fight for you because I love you. I am nothing without you. You have been my sister, best friend, sometimes, my mom, stranger. You have been basically everything to me.

"No matter what happens, I will still love you and I love you so much. So please, give me one more chance and I will make it right. If I have to get on my knees, beg, and kiss your feet, I would definitely do it if it means you'd give me another chance. You know right now, I'm on the verge of breaking myself. My heart aches so fucking much you are the only who can heal it. Please... please... please..."

My voice is broken and sad. I take a deep breath and exhale the tension. It feels like the big boulders on my shoulder have been lifted up and I feel light and a little bit happy. She takes a step backward and I think I lose the girl I love. But much to my shock, she gets on her knees and cups my face with her hands. Her violet eyes are teary, shimmery and twinkling like a stars on the big, endless galaxy. It feels like I'm stargazing. I immediately smile as I see her smiling at me.

"All that you said, I believe it, Mason." She whispers, still cupping my face. Kitty leans down and plants a kiss on my lips, sending electricity in each of my nerves, making it spark. The spark travels up and down my spine, making me shiver in delight. "I don't know why, Mason. Don't ask me that."

"I won't," I say, chuckling softly, wiping the tears. "It might change your mind and I don't want that."

"Shut up," mumbles Kitty. "Maybe because I really love you. That's why I believe you. Knowing myself, I will always believe you. After all, you're still my best friend."

"How many times do I have to say I'm not your best friend anymore?" I tease, putting my palm on the side of her neck, brushing my thumb on her wet cheeks. "I'm your husband, remember?" She rolls her eyes but says nothing nonetheless. I pull her, hugging her tightly, kissing her temple. We just sit there, for a while, thinking of our memories. Memories that made by us.

"Sometimes, I hate you." She says out of the blue.

"I know," I chortle, chuckling at her.

Asking her if she's hungry, she just shakes her head and says nothing. I ask her if she wants to go to bed and she merely nods, smiling at me. The smile, even though I have seen it million times, that makes me want to just bring her to the moon and live on it forever, never returning to our place. Grinning to myself, I lean down and put my hand beneath her knees whilst the other one behind her back, carrying her bridal style, showering kisses on her face and Kitty just laughs at me. She mumbles stop but I won't be stopped. I carry her to her bedroom, and throw her on the bed, her bouncing.

Crawling, I hover on top of her, capturing her soft, tender lips with mine and I can't be more happier. I think they are right, the ones that have experienced on a relationship. A relationship without a fight is no fun at all, sometimes, you have to taste the bitterness of it in order to fully taste the sweet cherry of it. My mind imagines the future, where Kitty would throw something at me; she's very mad at me for unknown reason, and I would duck and tell her to stop this non-sense fight. Then later on, I would confront her and plant kisses all over her face and she would just hmp me and look away, but would cave in and we would kiss.

Everything will be okay, I keep replaying it in my head.

Sucking and nibbling on her neck, on her sensitive spot, she moans. I lick it, then brush my lips across her collarbone. I can feel her shivering beneath me and I tug her blue t-shirt. She takes it off in one, very swift move and I chuckle, her blushing from her action. Bold. I admire her body and she notices me eyeing her hungrily, looks away and puckers her lips. I hook my finger on the strap of her bra and tug it sideward, making it fall. Kitty just looks at me with those beautiful violet eyes of her. I begin to undress her. Looking at her if she wants me to continue, she does want me to continue, judging by her expression. She wants this as much as I want it. I kiss her flat, sexy stomach and brush my lips across her chest to her neck to her lips. Every touch is a burning sensation on our skin, making our nerves spark, creating a blazing fire that couldn't be stop in our chest. Our hearts beating as one. It has been since forever. We just didn't know because we were too busy hiding our feelings we thought we had buried it 10 feet under the land.

Kitty sucks in her breath as I pull her underwear downwards, kissing her inside thighs. Going back to her lips, I ravish it as soon as I successfully pulled her pink underwear. Kitty's cheeks reddened as I look at her deeply.

The night comes into a beautiful reality nightmare as we make love.

• • •

Waking up groggily, the light shines through the closed, with light blue curtains window, making the room bright I can practically see the dusts flying in the air slowly. I roll over to my side and find the most beautiful person I have ever met: my Kitty. Her lips are slightly parted, swollen and red, probably because of my rough kisses last night. Her cheeks are puffy and rosy cheeks, making her look like a cute, little kid. Her eyes are calmly closed. She's like a fallen angel sent by the God to make my life more beautiful that it ever is. Remembering last night's event, I can feel the genuine smile creeping up on my face, automatically.

I carefully roll to the other side of the bed, making sure that she wouldn't wake up by my noise or by my actions. I tiptoe over the door, gently open it and shut if softly as I pass through it. Groaning, remembering that I'm still bare naked, I open the door and apply the rules that I just obeyed 15 seconds ago, get my clothes and go outside her room. I wear my clothes and head to the kitchen to prepare my wife something to eat for breakfast.

Deciding that I should make her a French breakfast, I open the fridge and check if there are recipes I need to. Sighing in relief, I grab the Maple syrup, Confectioner's sugar, unsalted butter, eggs, and ground cinnamon, placing them on the table. I take the brioche bread that is in the cabinet above the refrigerator. Grabbing the sugar, salt and orange zest, I place them on the table, beside the other recipes. In the cabinet, next to where the brioche bread was, I take the Cornflakes, grab two handfulls of it, then put it in a bowl, crushing it coarsely. For her breakfast, I'll make Cornflake-Crusted Brioche French Toast. My wife would love this!

Slicing the brioche bread into thin, I carefully cut them, wanting it to be perfect. I know I'm not a chef, but I can try, for Kitty. I whisk the sliced breaks with sugar, cinnamon, orange zest and eggs. I crack four eggs in a bowl and beat it lightly. I soak the brioche bread in the lightly beaten eggs for 10 seconds, then coat it in the coarsely crushed cornflakes, then put it on the empty plate. I coat 6 breads. Putting a pan on the stove, I open it medium low heat and heat the unsalted butter, making it melt. Once it is hot enough, I put the coated brioche breads on a heated pan and cook it for 4 minutes, until each side is golden brown. Now it's done, I put the cooked bread on the plate, putting the Maple syrup on top of it. I take a sniff and damn does it smell so good!

Admiring my work, I take a picture of it with me and deliver it to Kitty's room. She's still sleeping, her hand is underneath her cheek; her legs near her chest. I put the place on the table next to her bed and sit down, brushing the hair that is falling in front of her face. Her eyes flutter, squinting because of the bright light passing through the window; it lingers in mine for a moment and the world stops and stays, like the time has been stopped forcefully by God.

"Good morning, my love." I say, still brushing her hair. Giving her a peck on the lips, she smiles at me as I pull away.

"Good morning, too, my dear husband."

"I have prepared something for you," I say, kissing her temple. "I'm pretty sure you'd like it."

"Okay, then. Let me see your work."

I grab the plate and place it on her lap as she sits up. She eyes it hungrily for a moment, licks her lips and smells it, inhaling the cinnamon scent that is produced by the food. She stabs it with a fork, puts it in her mouth, tasting it and I stare at her, waiting for her judge. She eyes me and then her face lights up, giving me a thumbs up as I sigh in relief. I thought it would be bad and tasteless. But I guess I thought wrong.

Kitty stabs the bread again and puts it in front of my face and I take it in my mouth. I moan as I taste my own work. The taste of the bread, Maple syrup, butter, cinnamon and sugar burst in my taste buds, creating a perfect taste I have ever made.

I peck her on the lips, like a snatcher and she groans. She begins to tackle me and I just stare at her. For a moment, she doesn't seem to be fazed by my unusual stares, but then it hits her. She quickly hides her body with the thick blanket and glares at me, mumbling about me being a total perv. I just chuckle and kiss her temple, telling her that she should be bathing right now. I get out of her room and trudge in the living room, taking a seat on the soft sofa, hugging the cushion. I turn on the TV and watch some cartoons as I wait for Kitty to be done. Once she's done, and is now wearing a white floral, knee-level, strapless dress, matching it with a white 4 inch stilletto and I admire her look. After her, I take a hot shower. Once done, I wear a gray pants, white polo under the gray suit, matching it with a red, with thin blue stripes diagonally, neck tie. I wear a black shoes and walk into the living room, where Kitty is waiting for me.

"You ready to face the music?" I ask her as I approach her.

"I think I'm ready," she says, shutting her eyes. I give her a hug and she rests her head on my chest. I tell her that everything is going to be okay, that it will be fine. I even ask her if she wants to do this, to meet her real parents and be their child but she just shakes her head and says she's ready. "I want to meet and know them. Especially my father. It seems we have so much in common, don't you think?"

"Especially the violet eyes," I state, agreeing with her, nodding my head.

"Yep!" She agrees, popping the p.

"Let's go, shall we?" I ask her, offering my arm to her, which she gladly takes with a thank you curt. I kiss her temple and we head to our company; to face the music.

Mr. and Mrs. Wide don't expect Kitty to be there since they know Kitty 'feels betrayed', so they don't plan on bugging her. Mr. Wade has been into company, a good CEO to be honest whilst as Mrs. Wade keeps working and working. My dad & Kitty's fake parents are now gone in the company and they cry their asses off whilst as Lily keeps complaning about her needs, like money, beauty product things and so on and so forth. Typical Lily. My mom, who is still in the company, guides the two. My mom and dad are not talking; mom is still mad at him because of what he has done, so I guess that bastard deserved it.

We arrive in front of the building, and we get out of the car. I take Kitty's hand and she looks at me, her posture is rigid. I give her hand a squeeze. She squeezes my hand back and gives me a sad smile. We head inside and together, we will face her almost-beatiful nightmare.

We are now in front of her parent's office and Kitty contemplates whether to knock or just go inside and talk to them. She raises her knuckles, ready to knock, but then puts it down and lets it by her side. A bulb suddenly lights above my head as I remember something important. I fish the little thing in my pocket, where it always rests (in my gray pants because Kitty loves color gray, so I always put this important thing in my gray pants because it's the only gray clothes I have). I need to buy more gray clothes, I think. Grabbing her hand, putting the little important thing in her palm and she eyes it and gasps.

"You still have this ring?" She asks me, eyeing it carefully, then she looks at me.

I nod.

It's a gray ring made my Kitty herself. It is made from a plastic bands. Kitty has spent 1 hour doing two rings. She gave me the other one and kept the other.

"I thought you had forgotten about this," she says, tears threatening to pour out of her eyes.

"Me? Never!" I state. "Why would I forget about this?"

"I don't know. I guess I gave it to you 5 years ago and thought you already forgot it since you weren't mentioning it."

"I remember it crystal clear."

'Thank you,"

"It's your lucky charm for today." I chortle, hugging her once again. "Hopefully, for forever."

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