Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Kitty Paris

Now do I realize, this night, that I don't have Liam's number. Tomorrow, I'll go to Starbuck's again. See if he's there. Well, he'd mentioned to me that he jogs every morning, so I'm planning on jogging with him. And I think I already like him. Because of his chocolate eyes, black messy hair, and his dark skin that stands out when the sun hits his body, even his muscled arms. Especially his broad shoulders.

I sigh, just thinking of him makes my heart beat faster. And maybe, this is my chance to get over of Mason. Since I know that there would be no chance he'd love me back. I don't want to take a risk, that's why I don't even think of trying it. About confessing my feelings. It's pretty hard when you think of it. Hiding your feelings to someone you really love, and worse, it's your best friend that you're in love with. My thoughts drift to Liam, when he was standing in front of me whilst I was sitting on the chair, waiting for Mason to come. His chocolate eyes were staring straight into me, and I was suddenly lost at my own world. I was lost even for words.

He was sweating, the beads were running slowly on his face, must be from jogging. My thoughts are cut out when someone knocks on my door. I quickly stand up and head to the door, opening it. There, leaning on the door frame, is the love of my life, my best friend, Mason. He's grinning ear to ear and his cheeks are so puffy. His light blue eyes are piercing into mine, and it seems like he's looking at my soul. I feel vulnerable and naked with his eyes roaming around my body. Although it's normal for Mason to check out every girl he sees. Even oldies. But this time, again, I can feel it's different. Different than his other stares at me. When his eyes land on my face, he smirks that one sided smirk that suits him perfectly and I just want to wipe it by kissing him roughly.

I step backward so he can step in, and when he does, he stops in front of me. His smile falls into a thin line. I don't know what's going on inside his head that made him stop in front of me. Even when it's dark, I still can see his light blue eyes. He leans down, and our noses touching each other. Oh God, am I dreaming? Please tell me this is real. I stare at him, wide eyes, completely panicking on the inside. But my mind doesn't dictate my body to me. My feet are glued on the floor. Mason touches my shoulders and leans down closer to me. "Boo!"

I jump suddenly. Then he bursts out laughing, rolling on the floor. I shot him a dark glare, but he doesn't see it because he's busy laughing, rolling on the floor. I roll my eyes at him, then walk and sit to my bed. He's regaining some air in his lungs, and he stops huffing. I look anywhere but him, completely disappointed. How dare he played my emotions? For a moment, I thought he loved me back. I thought he had the same feelings as I have for him. I thought he was going to kiss me. But then it shattered when he chose to play it. Even my heart shattered. But not totally. I just put a little hope, just a little hope so that my heart wouldn't shatter entirely. And I was right.

His happy face turns into a frown, and he walks towards me and sits beside me. The bed bounces as he sits. Now, this is the moment I begin tensing. Now, I find this awkward and creepy at the same time. I don't know why, it's not like we haven't shared a bed because we have. And there was even cuddling, nuzzling and teasing. In a non-romantic way. We just stay in silence, awkwardness filling up the air. Neither of us speak for a complete two minutes. And then he finally breaks it, "What's wrong, Kitkat? You know I'm only joking, right?" He says whilst I stare at him, his eyes are sincere and pure, that he's telling the truth that he's sorry. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to startle you." So he still has no clue. That's a good thing. Because I am not yet ready to confess my feelings for him.

"I'm just tired." I lie, even though I took a nap. Lying to him makes me want to burst. Because I don't like lying, especially if it's my best friend I'm lying to. "I'm going to rest. You could..." I trail off, just suddenly remember that this is an awkward situation. Though, there's a teeny, tiny part of me that he'd love me back. I lay on the bed, my back facing him. Best thing, it's dark, because he wouldn't see the blush filling up my cheeks. Plus, my breath is hitching. As I inhale, I feel the mattress bounce. He's lying beside me! We're in bed. Oh God. He grabs the cream-colored duvet and covers me and himself, the sudden warm sends me to a satisfaction. But it gets hotter as I feel Mason's presence behind me.

I gulp, barely loud enough to hear. I turn to face him and see him sleeping. His pale lips are slightly parted. His lips are soft and kissable. I know because whenever he sleeps beside me, I would turn around and touch his lips with my fingertips. I would feel it, and would imagine I'm kissing it. The percentage of getting caught is 0.99% because he is a heavy sleeper. I want him to be mine so badly, but it seems impossible. It feels like he's the clouds, and it's impossible to touch. I just stare at him whilst he's sleeping. Most people would find this creepy but some wouldn't, because they know what I'm feeling towards this man lying beside me. When you stare at the person you love, it's not creepy, because you're studying him and you just want to look at him. Because, mostly, people are afraid that one day, he'd just disappear and you'd never see him again. And I'm afraid.

I'm really afraid.

Finally, my eyelids are drooping. A one signal that I'm already sleepy. So I wouldn't stop it, because I need it. Suddenly, I remember dad's word, "We need to talk tomorrow." I don't know what we are about to talk, but it must be really important. Beyond important? If it's possible. But I suspect that it's really bad. But I just shrug and shut my eyes.


I wake up, my eyelids are still droopy from sleeping. My body is seeping the warm that is hovering my apartment. The mattress bounces and I immediately jerk away from the bed, so I land on my butt on the floor with a loud thud. The memories from last night are flashing one by one inside my head. About Mason coming. Mason lying beside me. The almost kiss I've been hoping since forever. Mason groans and I find that sexy and cute and hot. But then I snap my thoughts away, as if it's bad for my health. Hell, he's bad for my health. Whenever we contact through the touch, it sends a spark all over my body, my pulse would race faster. And my heart would beat faster than ever, just like right now. Just seeing him sleep calmly and smiling make me want to cuddle with him on this bed and put a trail of kisses across his face. And I'm telling you, I'm good. Because I've been practicing on kissing him by kissing the pillow, imagining it as Mason.

Stop staring at him, Kitty. You're such a creep, you know. Sometimes, I talk to myself and ask even if I'm wrong, or if what I'm doing is wrong. Sometimes, I only have myself because I can't talk to Mason about why I'm hurt. Every time he has a new girlfriend, all would I do is cheer and wish him good luck, even though I'm hurting on the inside. Especially my heart. Every time I hide, I feel like I'm improving at hiding it. Which is true.

I head to the kitchen and prepare some breakfast. I fry some eggs and some bacons for Mason to eat and toast some loafs. Because he loves it. A bread with a toast and egg. I feel like I'm a wife of him, and must admit it, I'm enjoying it. In any minute, when he doesn't feel my presence beside him, he'd wake up and head to the kitchen. Because, he hates it when I'm not beside him when he wakes up which is very odd, even for me. I pour some mango juice, favorite drink of Mason, and place it beside his plate. I, being Kitty Paris, admire my work once again.

Loud footsteps are echoing all over the kitchen, and I know it's Mason, since the only persons living here in this room are Mason and I. When he sees me, he rolls his eyes at me and I frown. Scrunching my nose up at him. But then he groans because I prepared his mourning foods. He hates it when he hates me and loves me at the same time. Because I prepared his breakfast, he wouldn't hate me now. He places himself on the stool, and glares playfully at me. Which I find adorable and cute. When Mason looks at me, his eyes roam my body again and I feel naked. Just now do I realize that I'm wearing only a large sweater and a pink underwear. Oh My God.

Relax, Kitty Paris. He doesn't mind it, does he?

Stupid Mason for staying the night. It's the first time he has seen me in my underwear but when I look at him again, he doesn't have an expression. Only blank. Good. I prop myself quickly towards my room and quickly change. I grab my leggings and wear it and remove my sweater and replace it with a white tee. "You stay here. I'm just going for a jog." Remembering what I stated last night, I wear my sneakers and Mason stares at me in disbelief. "What?"

"You never exercise." He states, blinking at me. His lips are in a thin line, then it turns into a smirk. "Why? Getting fit for... someone?" Yes. For you. But I won't say it out loud. Because I would have to explain why I am getting fit for him. It's not like I'm fat or something, but just... I don't know. I never judge myself.

I look at him, studying him. He's teasing me, isn't he? Well, if he wants to play. I will join his mini game. Sometimes, he's a little bit pushy. He even suspected that I had a crush on him, which I totally denied in front of him. Because I don't want things get awkward between us. "Yes. I'm seeing Liam today." On the corner of my eyes, I see his smirk turns into a bad frown. Ha! See. I don't know why he hates Liam so much, though, there's nothing to hate. Liam is a funny and such a good guy. Then I get out of the apartment and start to jog.

My feet bring me to Starbucks. I see Liam sitting in our place yesterday, and I quickly jog there. He doesn't feel my presence so I have to wave a hand in front of his face. He blinks and jerks away, as if I'm sort of a criminal. Which I highly doubt. Because I'm so beautiful. Just self-supporting, don't mind me. When he realizes that I'm standing in front of him, his face lights up and hugs me tightly.

"Kitten!" Liam says with so much enthusiasm that some of the people in here turn their heads towards us. "I thought I would never see you again. Forgot to get your number... and your address." He grins at me and I laugh. We jog for an hour and check his watch. It's only 8 in the morning, so I still have a lot of time. And today, I'm planning on spending it with Liam. I need more space if I want to replace Mason away from my heart. Cheeeesy.

A man suddenly appears by my side whilst we're jogging and I look at him. His dark hair is tousled and he has a chiseled jaw. A pointy nose and a light blue eyes. I gasp and suddenly halt. I can't believe it. Mason stares at me, arching an eyebrow. "What are you doing here?" I blurt out. I can't believe this. Liam halts, too. He and Liam walk towards me. Then Liam stares at Mason, and he stares back. Oh God. These two.

"What? Jogging, of course." Mason says with a duh tone. Oh God. He wants to ruin this moment. That explains Mason. Well, he really jogs. But at 6 in the morning, not in the 8am. I asked him once about that. He said it's hot and if it's early, it's less hot. "Why? Is it bad?"

"Mason, you jog at 6 in the morning. Not 8." I state, then he puts his hand on his chin, thinking like this is sort of a math problem. Liam just stares at him, then looks at me then shrugs. The sun suddenly decides to produce more heat, and I'm sweating. I forgot to bring a towel, but then Liam hands me a towel. Oh such a gentleman.

I take the towel but Liam doesn't want to release it, so I just stare at him and he smirks. He places the towel all over my head softly, as if I'm a child that needs help from her mommy. I admit, it's really romantic for me. My eyes accidentally land on Mason's face and he's staring (with such intensity) at Liam, like in any minute, Liam would be an ash. He flashes me with a smile and a blush is spreading across my cheeks.

Mason scowls, "Why are you blushing?"

My hands jerk towards my face, covering my reddening cheeks. Liam laughs, and it sends a cute rhyme in my ears, which makes my cheek even redder. "None of your business, my super best friend, Mason." I snap.

Liam smiles at me, his smile is so genuine and his movement suddenly shocks me. He snatches my hand and hugs me, my face is against his chest. So close that I can his heart pumping faster and faster. Then he releases me and gives me a small paper. On a paper, his number is scribbled on it. Then he takes off. The memory of him hugging me keeps replaying on my mind. You know, I've never felt this before. Not even to Mason. Only to Liam. Finally, someone has taken my heart. I know it's too early to say, but who cares? But my thoughts suddenly jerk away as I see Mason glaring at me with so much worry and hate (but less). I snatch my hand from him and glare at him. Then he sighs.

Abruptly, my phone buzzes. I fish it out of my pocket and check the message. And when I see the sender's name, I quickly open the message.

Come at the apartment. We need to talk something. Now, Kitty. –Dad

Mason looks at the message and I just shrug, just forgetting this jogging incident ever happened. Then a woman suddenly halts in front of Mason. She has a black hair and dark eyes. Then she squeals. Mason hugs her and they greet each other. She turns to me and waves her hand and says hi. I say hi back to her. "Viktoria, this is Kitty, my best friend. Kitty, this is Viktoria, my Filipino friend." Viktoria reaches for my hand to shake it and I let her, but in reality, I really don't want to. She eyes my Mason as if he's some sort of a meal. But today, I feel less jealousy running through me. That's a good thing and a good start. This is a signal that my love feeling for Mason is becoming less and less.

They talk for what seems like eternity so I have to leave them because I have important thing to do. I give the Viktoria a tiny nod and Mason doesn't seem to notice me so that's my queue to leave. So I do. When I reach my apartment, I head straight to the shower and strip. The water cascades down my body and I massage my body with a vanilla soap. The smell of the soap hits my nose and I inhale deeper. Next, I massage my hair and scalp with a shampoo and conditioner, because I have to care my hair.

I get out of the bathroom and grab my towel and secure it around me. I decide to wear a cream-colored floral dress skirt that hits my upper knee. Yes, I have a lot of dress skirts. I slip my three inch cream-colored heels. It's a set. I put a little make up on my face and then check myself in the mirror with a smile. I turn around to see if nothing's wrong about my dress. Nope. Totally okay. So I get out of my apartment and head to my father's. Then my heart suddenly beats faster and I'm shaking. I don't know why I am feeling this way. There's nothing to be afraid of, Kitty. There's nothing.

Although I don't believe myself, I keep chanting the words all over my head. But it seems I can't convince myself. I take a long deep breath when I'm in front of my father's apartment. I can hear some shuffling movements inside the room. And they're waiting for me. I can hear Lily's voice, my sister, and my mom's. I place my hand on the knob and turn it delicately. There's no turning back so I open wide the door.

"Ah, finally." My father says. His voice irritates me somehow. My eyes roam around the room and it seems like my father has some other company here. It's Mr. and Mrs. Ashmore, the parents of Mason. I wonder if something is wrong when their faces is too happy. Especially my dad's. "Took you long enough." He says calmly. I mutter something about curses under my breath, barely loud enough to hear. My father motions for me to sit down, so I do. Mr. Ashmore gives me a smile, and it looks like he's planning something bad on me. Mrs. Ashmore gives me a soft smile and it's pure and genuine like Mason's.

Mr. Ashmore clears his throat, cutting the acknowledging act. Then he turns to me and I look at him. "Kitty, well, we have something to tell you."

"I know."

"See, your father and I made a deal about the company..." He calmly says with proudness.

My father suddenly blurts out something, and it complete shocks me. I didn't expect that. Maybe I heard wrong, but my ears never lie. Oh God. "You're getting married to Mason."

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