[2] Truth Or Dare

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Lilliana Lambert

         Wow, I didn't know hanging with these boys is awesome.

         Currently, we're playing truth or dare. "Jackson! True or dare?" Wayne asked as he ruffled his hair. "Dare. Something challenging please!" He said with a high, squeaky voice. Wayne rubs his imaginary beard as he thinks. Then, he snaps his fingers.

         "Okay. I dare you to pick the teacher's nose." He said while pointing at the teacher who was zoned out right after he came into the room.

         Jackson was on his feet at a speed of lightning. "What the fuck?! Hell no. I'm not going pick his nose." He said while crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Well, you said you wanted something challenging." Dwayne said and gave his twin a high five.

         It was hard to tell them apart. Nobody in this school knows how to tell them apart. They kinda have the same attitude and the same features so it's hard to tell who is who. One time, a student asked their parents how to tell them apart but even they don't know how.

         I bet they were lying because I saw their lips hiding a smile.

         Don't blame me; I was there on the scene.

         "C'mon, Jackson! Just do it." I said as I see the twins negotiate with Jackson. This is going to be one hell of an awesome show.

          He huffed. "Fine." He walked towards the teacher very slowly. Like a lion about to capture his prey. He pointed at the teacher and gave us a please-reconsider face. We all shake our heads, telling him to go and don't chicken out.

          I take a quickly look at Ashton who is still sleeping soundly behind me even with all this noise. He must be busy at night or something if he's sleeping like this. It looks almost as if he is dead.


          My subconscious slapped me right in the face with a you-don't-talk-bullshit look on her face.

         "Damn, I'm going to kill you guys." Jackson said, bringing me out of my mental fight with my subconscious.

         "Just go!" Dwayne, Wayne and me half-yelled at the same time. He sighed and continued. He looks at the teacher for a moment. "Man, he is one ugly beast." Jackson commented. Then, he looked at his nostrils. He made a gesture like he was puking.

          I sweep my hands to the front, telling him to continue.

          He aimed his index finger at one of the old man's nostrils. God, this will be pretty disgusting. He quickly put his index finger in the nostril!

          Eww! Oh my god, I'm not able to delete that scene from my memory.

          He quickly retrieved back his finger. But then, the teacher was about to sneeze!


          "FUCK!" Jackson exclaimed. Some of his face was covered with the teacher's snivels! Everyone laughed. The twins were rolling on the ground because they were laughing so hard. I clinched my stomach because I laughed until it hurts. Suddenly, I heard a low laugh from someone.

          Uh-oh. This could only mean one thing.

          You've got that one thing.

          Not now, subconscious.

          I turn around and saw Ashton sitting there, laughing. I think he feels me staring at him because he then turned his gaze from his best friend to me. I quickly look away, blushing.

          God, I don't blush much! What is happening to me?!

          I turned again but this time I stopped when I reached 90 degree because Ashton is already beside me before I could say 'holy shit'.

          What the...

          "Hey, beautiful. Done checking me out?" Beautiful? You just spoke to me harshly this morning!

          "Hello to you too, ass." His initials is 'ass' so that's a thing we have in common; stupid initials.

          "Don't sass me, lol." He said as he lay back against the chair. I can't help but smile. Here I am, sitting calmly with my crush that is just a foot away and starting a conversation with him- despite the butterflies and the feels.

           My Niall feels aren't even this strong.

          Then, the bell rings and the teacher stood up. He stretches and looked at his watch. "Detention's over." He said and walked out of the class. I mentally raise an eyebrow. Just like that? No 'do not repeat your mistakes', no shouting, nothing?

            As if my thoughts were spoken out loud, Dwayne answered me. "It's always like this. I know it feels weird because this is new to you." I slowly nodded.

           "I'm going to kill you guys!" Jackson said with anger laced in his voice.

           "Chill, dude. You know, you are lucky that none of us videotaped or took a pic of you picking the teacher's nose or you will be famous not only in school, but the internet as well." I stated.

           "So... You should be thanking us instead of killing us." Dwayne continued.

           "Plus, Ash or should I say ass..." Wayne looked at Ashton. "...Doesn't even know about this."

           "On the contrariety, I did see the old man sneeze in front of him." Ashton chuckled. Everyone laughed along. "So, I had fun but I seriously need to get going or I'll be late for my next class." I stand up and pack my things. Wayne groans and his twin is telling me something about 'staying is better' but I wasn't paying attention.

          The thing that I'm paying attention now is that Ashton Scott Spencer is holding my hand.

          Well, not technically holding my hand. It's more like grabbing my hand.

           But still, we are having contact.

          Somebody alert the hospital, I'm dying because of my crush grabbing my hand!

          "Um..." He coughs awkwardly.

           "I'm sorry. Y-you should go." He muttered as he lets go of my hand. I remembered him saying "don't go" when he holds my hand just now. I can still feel the fire burning there.

           At least not visibly.

           I quickly sprint out the door and accidentally slammed it shut. The woman who worked at the office gave me a you-better-not-do-it-again look. That's the least of my worries right now.

          I'm worried that they'll think I'm pissed off.

          But, I'm very happy. Like, fucking happy. Words can't even describe it. I smiled until my cheeks hurt as I walk through the halls to my next class

          I guess that's what people feel like after meeting their crush face to face.

Bad Boy Romance [Unedited]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα