[28] Saving The Princess

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A/N: Kylie's pic on the side ====>
Chapter 28

Violet's POV

I was sleeping when I heard Fancy by Iggy Azalea playing. I knew it was my phone but I can't really think whose ringtone is it. I picked it up & answered it.

"Hello?" I asked lazily.

"VIOLET! It's me, Lilliana!" She exclaimed. LILLIANA! OF COURSE! I hit my forehead. U don't know your own best friend's ringtone. Stupid of me.

"OH MY GOD! Lilliana! R u okay? We were worried sick! Not to mention Ashton." I said. She must be thinking why would Ashton be worried about. Well of course. He likes her. It's pretty obvious. Plus, Wayne told me about him smoking.

"I'm alright for now. Just tell the police to track my number as I'll keep it somewhere safe. *BANG* Tell mom & Lucas that I miss them so much. Tell everyone that. *BANG* I need to take care Reece now! Please hurry!" She exclaimed as she ended the call.

"Hello? HELLO?! LILLIANA!" Dammit! I need to tell everyone!

Ashton's POV

"Let's go somewhere more private, babe." She whispered flirtatiously into my ears as she continued lap dancing. I took another swing of my drink & put it away. Currently, I'm in a bar, with a girl that is wearing just lingeries giving me a lap dance. I shook my head hard.

Why am I even here? U r here because u r stressed about Lilliana.

But why, subconscious? She's nothing to us. That's where u r wrong, Ashton. U like her. Just admit it.

I rest my head against the chair. Do I really like her? Yes. Does I deserve her? No. She deserves someone better. Then, the girl started taking off my shirt. I quickly slapped her hand away. Wait... Did I just do that to a stripper? I usually like that.

What the fuck is happening to me?

U like Lilliana, Ashton. Admit it.

God dammit. I'm becoming soft like a girl. Is my dick still there because I am 40% sure it's not there. I looked down & saw it's still there. I sighed in relief. The girl touched my cheek. "What the hell r u thinking about?" She asked, annoyed I think. "Something." I answered simply. She slapped me! The god damn stripper slapped me!

"Is it about a girl?" She asked with her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Yeah." I run my fingers through my hair. "Then go after her." She assured me. I snapped my head to her. "How come a stripper is giving me advices about another girl?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm just working here for college fees." She said. I nodded. "Then how come u r seducing me?" I asked her. "I'm not seducing u. It's just my job. Do u think I like doing this? No. I fucking don't. I know what u r thinking... Am I a virgin? No. I'm not. I just do this so I can have money to go to college with my boyfriend in England. He's a freshman in college. Plus, he's the one who took my virginity away. " She explained.

Wow, she became a stripper just to get money & be with her boyfriend. And her boyfriend sticked with her no matter what. Do I wanna be like the girl's boyfriend? Fuck yeah.

Do I wanna be with Lilliana?


Do I love her?


Yes I do.

I love Lilliana Olive Lambert.

I stood up & gave the girl 200 dollars. Her eyes widen. "W-what's this?" She asked. I shrugged. "Just a little token for saying 'thanks'." I said. She pushed it away. "No. I can't. I-it's too much." She said while shaking her head. I pushed it to her. "Please. Accept it. Do it for your boyfriend." I said. She finally accepted it & hugged me.

Bad Boy Romance [Unedited]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα