[12] The Twins' Game

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Chapter 12

Lilliana's POV

"Jackass!" I greeted him as I walked past his locker.

"The name's Jackson. Not jackass." He rolled his blue eyes.

"What do u think of the twins?" I asked, suddenly.

"What about them?" I pointed at the twins. They were asking everyone, I repeat, everyone who is who & which is which. "Damn, that is something." He said while rubbing his fake beard. Suddenly, someone called my name. "LILLIANA!" One person & one person only.


I bid goodbye to Jackson & ran towards her. "What's up, Vi?" She gave me a r-u-serious look. I raised an eyebrow. "U were talking to the one & only Jackson Reed! Dude!" She spoke loudly. Almost everyone in the hall was looking at us. I said 'sorry' to almost everyone & pushed Violet into the cafeteria. It was break time.

"Dude! Jackson Reed! The best friend of Ashton Spencer! The basketball star! How did u get the privilege, girl?" She asked while she took out 2 apples from her bag & tossed one to me. "It was no privilege. I met him in Discipline Room." I said while nibbling my apple. Then, she started asking so much questions.

And that is why, ladies & gentleman, I didn't tell her my crush is Ashton Spencer.

As if on cue, the cafeteria doors bursted opened, revealing Ashton, Jackson & the twins. Ashton landed his eyes on me & winked. "Did I just saw Ashton the bad boy winked at my best friend?" Violet raised her eyebrow. "Nah... No way." I said. Then, the twins come running towards me. "Who am I, Lilliana?" Dwayne, because he's wearing a T-shirt, jumped up & down.

"Uh... Dwayne?" I said.

"U r simply WRONG! Hahaha!" The twins gave each other a high 5. But why? My observation would be correct. Then, Ashton came & took the twins away. "They r crazy, huh?" He asked. I nodded. "They proposed a game, I supposed." He agreed. After they left, Violet gave me what-the-hell look. I raised an eyebrow. "Lilly! That was Ashton Spencer u we're talking to!" She exclaimed.


"Dude! Ashton! Famous! Bad Boy! Hottie! & it looks like u know the twins, Jackson & Ashton pretty well."

"Nah... I just went to detention 2 times."

Then, the twins came again. "Guess again, Lilliana! Who am I?" The button-up shirt guy asked. "Wayne?" Then, he laughed. "Wrong again, huh?"

"Oh my god! When the hell did u come her, Jackson?!" I half-yelled. "Just now." He said in a 'duh' tone. "They have been bugging u too?" Ashton asked as he sit down on one of the chairs. I can see that Violet is smiling like crazy. She was staring at the twins. I wonder why...

"Okay then... We will be going now! Bye Lil' Li!" Jackson said. The twins already reached the doors. Ashton waved to me, I smiled in return. Then, I realized something.

"Hey Vi? Where's Nicky?" I asked. "Oh. He's sick." Violet said while smiling like crazy, still. I smirked.

"Why r u smirking?" She asked, scared.

"Oh nothing. It's just that u were smiling to the twins."

"Oh really? Pfft no. I didn't smile to the twins." She blushed. I just smiled to my best friend. That reminds me...

I took out my phone & dialed a number. "He-*achoo*-llo?" He asked. "U okay, Nicholas?"

"Oh yeah. I'm *achoo* okay. I'm just *cough* not feeling well." He sniffed. "Hope u get well soon."

"I *achoo* hope so too." Then, he hung up. Well that was... Awkward. "Who am I once more?" The button-up shirt guy asked. "Ugh! I don't know!" I said while I storm out. Violet was trying to catch up. Then, the principal announced something.

"Students, classes r cancelled because there will be a meeting between all teachers. All of students r dismissed."

"Lilliana! Classes r dismissed! I'm going to go now! Bye!" Violet shouted as she went out the hall.

"Bye! I'm also going now!" I yelled back as I went to the parking lot. But then, something hit me.


I didn't have my car with me.

How am I going to go anywhere?

"Hey! I see u don't have a car! Get in!" The person shouted.

Oh well. Better than nothing. I opened the passenger door & hop in.



Hey guys!

So... How's this chapter? Lilliana is riding with a stranger! Or is she? *pause for dramatic effect*

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