[33] Lights, Camera & ACTION!

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Chapter 33

Lilliana's POV

"Seriously, Lucas? U have to point me & Ashton out?" He shrugged. "Well yeah. U two r all lovey dovey so why not?" He snickered. I mentally shoot an arrow through his throat. "But I think it's a good idea." Ashton stated. I gave him a what-the-hell-r-u-talking-about look.

"What? It's his play & everyone doesn't want to kiss each other because they think they'll have cooties. Just help your bro, Lilliana. Give the poor guy a chance. Everyone is counting on him." He said while frowning. I mentally punched him in the face 100 times with a brick. I breath in & breath out for 2 times.


They both high 5 with each other & hugged me.


They hugged me.

But it's more like squeezing the shit out of me.

"U... Guys... Can... Let... Go... Now." I said while trying to catch my breath in between. They both let go at the same time. "So... When is this 'play' going to be perform?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night."


"STAY STILL, LILLIANA!" Violet exclaimed. She & Kylie r helping me put on my Cinderella dress.

I'm Cinderella! Whoop-de-doo!

"I can't! This is bullshit!" I scoffed. "It's your problem that u agreed on the first place." Kylie rolled her eyes. "Do u think I want this? I don't. I feel pity to my young bro." I stated. "Well don't complain then. U agreed, your bullshit." Violet said as she started to brush my hair. "What great best friends I have." I said sarcastically.

"Thanks." Kylie smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"And u r... Done! Finally! Now get your ass on that stage & make me proud!" Violet exclaimed as she & Kylie walk out the room.

Before I went out, I tried to zip the dress. But it seems that it's stuck!

Oh shit. Why?

I pulled & pulled but it didn't move a bit. "Shit!" I cursed out loud.

"Need some help?"

I turned around & saw Ashton, who is wearing a fitted suit, leaning against the door frame. He looks so dashing. I nodded. He walked towards me. He was so close I could even feel him breathing on my neck. He started to zip my dress. His touch practically made my skin burn.

Well not visibly.

"Better?" He whispered in my ear as he zipped my dress.

"Mmhm." I nodded.

He started to snake his arms around my waist. He laid small kisses on my bare shoulder to my neck. "Ashton..." I started but instead, a moan escaped from my mouth. "Hmm?" He said, not stopping the kisses. "We need to go..." I said while closing my eyes, actually enjoying the kisses.

"Oh." He answered as he continues.

"U know, I rather unzip your dress right now." He chuckled. I giggled as I playfully slapped his arm. "Very funny." I said as a smile found it's way to my lips.

"Sis, we- OH MY GOD, PG-13! PG-13!" We both snapped our heads towards the voice. "Don't u guys know there r kids here? U could scare the living crap out of them! Except when u kiss in the end." He hissed. "Get your asses up the stage NOW!" He exclaimed.

We both went out hand in hand. "Calm your ass, Luc." I said as I patted Lucas' shoulder. He nodded. As I walk up the stage. Emily, an 11 year old, aka my fairy godmother, is dressed in a pink, shimmering dress. "Lilliana! Ashton! U know your lines, right?" She asked. We both nodded.

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