[6] Trying To Talk That Talk

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Ashton Spencer

          As I walked through the halls, I noticed that everyone stops doing what they were supposed to do and stares at me. Of course they are. I'm Ashton Spencer! Bad boy of the century, good looks, charming, tall, muscular and the list just goes on and on.

          I saw many girls fixing their make up when I was near them. Some of them -all of them, really- were obviously trying to flirt with me but failed. I would love to flirt back with them but I'm trying to win a dare.

          Making Lilliana fall in love with me in a week or so.

          I decided to go to her locker and wait for her there. It's lunchtime and I'm taking this opportunity to win her heart. Suddenly, I heard laughing, an evil laugh, if I may add.

          I saw Lilliana walking with tears in her eyes. She looks horrible! I mean, she's so beautiful before but now she looks terrible.

          What the fuck?

          Her hair looks like a bird's nest and her face looks like a crayon raped her face. But then, the laughter died down so fast that it could win a race when everyone saw her walking towards her going to her locker, which I am currently leaning against.

          She looks up and spotted me. She gasps as she plasters a shocked look on her face. She tried to turn away but I shouted her name.

          "LILLIANA!" I ran towards her.

Lilliana Lambert


          Why the hell is he leaning on my locker anyway?

          Does he know I have a crush on him? Oh god, please no.

           Maybe he likes me too? Hell no, that will never happen.

           Maybe he needs help with his homework? What the... Where did that came from?

           I continued walking but then he has to shout my name again. I turned around and met with a pair of green eyes. I swear that my heart just skipped a beat.

           "What the hell do you want?" I asked, trying to sound firm but failed eventually.

           "Just wanna hang out with you for awhile." He wiggled his eyebrows. Did he just say that he wanted to hang out with me?

           "The bad boy of Crosswell High wanted to hang out with Crosswell High's most famous nerd? I don't think so..."

           "Well... Maybe the bad boy just wants to know the nerd better." He smirked.

           "Oh so you are going to call me a nerd now?" I raise an eyebrow. His eyes widen. "But you just called yourself that! You know what? This conversation is going nowhere." He raises his hands up in the air. I can't help but giggle.

           "Okay, okay. I guess you can ask me a few questions." I said while starting to walk.

           "Okay, erm, first question... How come your initials are 'LOL'?" He asked. I mentally face-palmed. "That's the same as I ask you why do your initials spell 'ASS'." I scoffed.

           He raises an eyebrow but then he grins. "Touché."

           "Next question." I said.

           "Do you think I'm bad?" He immediately asks. I examined his face. I realized that there was a scar on his cheek.

           "I-I don't know how to answer that." I said honestly.

           He stares into my eyes for awhile then shakes his head. "Okay then. Third question..." He stopped and rubbed his fake beard. I looked in front of us and realized that we were a few steps away from the cafeteria. Guess I know what I'll be doing next...

           "Umm, Ashton? I think we should continue this later." I said with my head facing the ground. I'm totally embarrassed to say that to my crush. If Violet was here, she would totally say "You had a chance but you don't wannna take it! Man, you are stupid".

           I'm glad she didn't know that Ashton is my crush or it will end up on the front page of the school's paper.

          "Why?" He asks as he gives me a confusing look. I nodded my head at the door that leads to the cafeteria.

          "Oh! Okay, you are hungry. I get it. I guess I'll see you around then." He said. I nodded and gave him a smile. I don't know if I'm crazy or something but I think I see hurt flashed across his eyes.

         "Bye Ash." I whispered. He flashed that million dollar smile and disappeared through the hallways. I turned and faced with the trophy cabinets. I gasped at my refection.

          My face looks disgusting and my hair is a wreck. I mean, I know I look ugly after that little incident with Eva bur I didn't know it was this bad. I'd better clean myself up before going into the cafeteria.

          But why didn't Ashton laugh at me when he saw me like this? Maybe he didn't want to hurt my feelings. Nah, no way. I walked myself to the bathroom to clean myself up.

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