Dare To Trenderman

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Hoodie: Trenderman, this dares for you.

Trenderman: *straightening his glasses* Hm?

Hoodie: ILoveTicciTobyy dares you to wear 80s clothes.

Trenderman: Hm, 80s clothes, huh? What happened to being modern?

Hoodie: *shrugging* Dunno, 80s' just what the person demanded in the dare. Too old for you?

Trenderman: Not at all! I have clothes spanning from each and every era, 80s fashion will be a breeze to pull on!

Sally: Let's see it Trendy!

Trenderman: Be a minute! *he zips off to his room*


*The door to Trender's room opens.*

Lazari: Look! Here comes Mr. Trendyman!

*Everyone watches as Trenderman walks back into the living room.*

Nina: What the hell is he wearing.....

*Slenderman facepalms.*

(Edit to make it look like Trender XD)

(Edit to make it look like Trender XD)

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Trenderman: So, how do I look?

VM: *snickering* Funny...

Lazari: like the 80s!.....whatever that looked like....

BEN: Weird.

Trenderman: I expected better reaction that this. ):<

Slenderman: You look stupid, please go change.

Trenderman: Every time you insult my clothes it makes me want to wear them more just to annoy you!

Slenderman: I'm not insulting you I'm telling the truth; you look awful!

Trenderman: Well then I'm keeping them on!

Slenderman: *giving a frustrated sigh* Whatever!

Trenderman: Anyways, it doesn't matter what you think, Slender-brother. ILoveTicciTobyy was the one who gave the dare so they should be the one to judge me. *turning to the camera* What do you think?

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