Dare Fight: Creepypastas VS. Kirah

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Kirah(KKirahthephoinex): Okay Creepypastas, I dare you guys to fight me in my OP Reaper Demon Mode!

Judge Angels: OP Reaper Demon Mode? What's that?

Kirah: You'll all see >:) *She suddenly transforms into her Reaper demon mode*

Slenderman: Nothing can beat me.... *His dark aura begins to glow and static begins crackling.

Sonic exe.: Or me! I am god!

Puppeteer: You don't possibly think you can defeat me? *His string begins to swirl around him and his eyes glow*

Splendorman: I don't wanna fight 😓

Ticci-Toby: Bring it onnnn!

BEN: Hah, one of Kirah vs. all of us! What have we got to lose >:)

VM: That's what you think, BEN.... * VM walks beside Kirah and bursts into flames* I'm on Kirah's side.

Neliotis(Neliotis): Me too! *she holds up a stick*

Darkside(_Darkside_Skeleton_): Kirah & The Outsiders VS. The Creepypastas! *Darkside forms her power.*

*ECHO(Strawberry-Cindy), Kit(AnEvilKitsune) and Sonicrider(Sonicrider221) join in* Yeah!!

Clockwork: How cute...a bunch of conformist outsiders vs us, the killers~

Laughing Jack: They won't stand a chance!

Kirah: You sure about that? We'll see! *Kirah points to the Creepypastas* Team Outsiders—attack!!

*VM(Aries), Darkside, Kit, Neliotis, ECHO, and Sonicrider run at the Creepypastas yelling their battlecry.*

The Outsiders: RAHHHHH!!!!!!!

*Slenderman raises one hand and suddenly they're all blasted away.*

The Outsiders: *K.O*

Kirah: . . . .

BEN: Well Damn...

Kirah: Well fine! I guess that means it's just me!

*She maxes out her power and charges at the Creepypastas. She suddenly gets hit by loud static and crackling and she drops to the ground, grabbing her head.*

Slenderman: Nothing can stop me.

Jeff: We didn't even get a chance to fight -_-

Sonic exe: What a damn waste.

Slenderman: SHUT Up! You all won because of me!

The Creepypastas: ......

*The Creepypastas all cheer.*

Kirah VS Creepypastas —Winner: The Creepypastas

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