Chapter # 24

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I'm now back at Enchancia in land in the Palace, and in my room.

Summer's almost done, but it isn't over yet, today I was invited by Jade because its her birthday today, I planned on giving her a birthday present but, I have no time left since she wanted me to be there in 25 minutes, but I presence is enough right?

I went out of my room when...

"Oh here there Soffy". Someone familiar asks.

I looked over and saw Hugo.

"Where are you going?". He asks.

"To a friends party, and Really Hugo? How many nicknames are you going to give me huh?". I ask annoyed.

"Until I ran out of one, But this I promise you I will only call you Soffy". He stopped and smiled. "But you have to give me a decent nickname to". He then left right away not giving me time to speak.

That guy is weird, creepy and many more!

Not being distracted anymore I started walking to the carriage waiting for me.

Once I was inside I looked out the window to see something flying... A w-witch?

I squint my eyes, and saw nothing. Maybe it's just my imagination.

When I arrived we started decorating....

(This is when Sofia and her two best friends start decorating, making invitations, but then they were interrupted by a witch named Lucinda, she hexed and ruined everything that they have prepared in the yard of Jade, that's when Jade became upset, and suggested to just go out and invite people who needs to be invited, just then Lucinda came and had fun of one of the friends of Jade whom she just gave an invitation, that's is when Sofia decided to talk to Lucinda, when the both talked, Sofia easily understood that Lucinda wanna make friends, wanna experience parties and other stuff, Sofia then decided to help Lucinda starting by saying sorry. Both Sofia and Lucinda started going to Jade, Lucinda said sorry but Jade didn't believe her, because of that Jade decided to go back home and decorate inside her house, while Lucinda on the other hand rode on her broom stick which Sofia grabbed onto, that's when Sofia fell and Lucinda saved her. Because of that Sofia had an idea to unhex EVERYTHING Lucinda Hexed in the past, at first the kids didn't believe her but when Lucinda started unhexing they believed her. When they were done they decided to go to Jade and convince her to invite Lucinda. Not knowing when they arrived there Jade set a trap for Lucinda, but to Jade's dismay Sofia went in first and got swooped by the trap Jade made, Lucinda ran away while Sofia explained to Jade, that's when she became guilty, she went over to Lucinda and invited her. Because of happiness Lucinda made the party more beautiful than ever.)

I was about to go home using the carriage when...

"Hey Sof!". Lucinda called out while driving her broom towards me.

"Yes Lucinda?". I asked.

"Thank you again! I wanna make up to you by giving you a ride back home, what do you think?". Lucinda asks.

"Y-yeah sure". I said and rode the broom right away after telling the driver to go without me.

Riding a broom stick with Lucinda was very fun, while riding we talked about stuff which we don't know about each other. She told me about her mother that if she knows about Lucinda that she changed, her mom might kill her, or if her mom doesn't know she would be forced to hex again but unhex when her mom isn't there.

We finally arrived, me from being tired and holding onto the broom stick like me life depended on it so I won't fall, I started to feel cloudy.

"You alright?". Lucinda asks with a worried expression plastered onto her face.

"Y-yeah, anyway bye! I'll be alright besides I'm home now". I said while waving off to her, she hesitantly rode away.

And that's when I felt more dizzy than usual, my visions blur, I grabbed onto something but there was nothing and because of that I almost fell, when...

"Oh gosh Soffy, what happened to you?". Hugo asks as he holds me in his arms, trying to get me to stand.

"I really have no idea". I answered.

He sat me on the nearby bench, waiting for this odd feeling to go away.

"Are you sick?". He asks worriedly.

"I-I really don't know...". My mind trails off wandering why this is happening.

"I guess I ate too much, then there was Lucinda, I rode her broom stick, which made my stomach feel mixed up". I said out loud.

"Wait wait wait.... Sooo are you telling me you have a witch friend?. Hugo asks surprised.

" Yah, we had so much fun today at Jade's party". I explained.

"You OK now?". He asks.

I nodded, that's when he helped me go to my room.

"You want me to stay? Or do you want a moment alone?". He asks.

"Really Hugo? What do you think a tired person would do?". I ask.

"Rest". He answered.

"Therefore I want to rest". I announced.

He chuckled " I know I was just kidding around, by Soffy!". He says cheerfully.

He opened the door and was about to go out when.

"Oh and by the way, what nickname are you going to give me?". Hugo asks with a smirk.

"Seriously Hugo, what are we girlfriend and boyfriend??". I ask as I chuckled.

"No, but I don't wanna call you, sof, Sofia, and all your common nicknames all the time". He answers.

"Uhhh Rudy? Rugy? Hugy?". I ask not sure.

"You have to do better than that Soffy". He says.

"Alright Go". I said with a smirk.

"Go?". He asks and chuckled.

"Gogo?". I ask.

*sigh* "Go would be fine, rest well Soffy Good night". Hugo says and smiles sweetly, before going outside my room and closing the door.

I then slept with a sweet smile on my face.

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