Chapter 6: Getting Back to Normal

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Stan's POV

She doesn't have a boyfriend.

I wanted to jump off of a cliff. I was so worried about her telling people at work and more importantly that guy that I saw her with. And it turns out they aren't even in a relationship.

Great. She probably thinks I hate her now. Thinking about how rude I was to her in my office and the things I said, I felt horrible. I didn't want to, I just thought it would make the situation easier if I stayed as professional as possible. But now I see what a huge mistake I make.

First I kiss her and then I basically try to buy her off. There goes any chance I had at a normal relationship with her. Up until now I was a pretty calm and cool guy. But for some reason around Lori I feel like I'm that nerdy kid in high school that had zero skills in talking to women.

I skip that second cup of coffee I was going to buy and head back to my office and lock myself there for the rest of the work day. I bury myself into work.

I spend the day planning business trips and finding new clients to do work with. I book a business trip to Chicago to meet with some sponsors for the following weekend. I could really use a trip out of town to clear my mind. With being so caught up in my work the rest of the day went by smooth. I pack up my papers and head out.

On my usual walk to the car I spot Lori's car as always. Instead of butterflies in my stomach I sorta feel nauseous. I have to think of something to say to her. If I don't it could mean have a very awkward working environment. I couldn't bare the thought of having Lori upset with me. I take a deep breath and walk past her car without a second look. I'll think of something this week for sure.

I shake the thought of Lori and quickly head home.

Debra had prepared an amazing meal as always. I eat while watching the game. When I finish I step out on my back balcony. I swirl a glass of scotch I made myself after dinner in my hand and sit on one of my deck chairs.

With Lori's young face around the office it has me thinking a lot lately. About...

I pause for a bit and then reach for my phone. I dial a number that I haven't used in a long time but still remembered by heart.

It rings 4 times and I start to feel the pain of rejection. But then after one more ring they answer the phone.

"Hi Jamie!...yes it's me hun."


Lori's POV

After this crazy day I really needed to relax. After I left work I went straight home and got started on dinner. I wasn't in any mood to be cooking all day so I just made myself a quick cheeseburger.

While cooking my phone rang. I looked at the screen and it read Trevor with a goofy picture of him with noodle pasta on his upper lip. I took that picture on our date when he made a mustache out of his food.

I haven't talked to Trevor since our date 4 days ago. He had sent many texts saying how he wanted to talk and how he was sorry for our date. Even though he had nothing to be sorry for. It was all me. But I hadn't replied to any of his messages, not because I was mad at him but because..well honestly because I didn't know what to tell him. I can't just answer the phone and say hey sorry for kicking you out at the end of our date, it's just I'm only into older men, plus you calling me baby girl reminded me of my abusive relationship with a past sugar daddy.

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