Chapter 16: Us Against the World

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Stan's POV

Looking at Jamie and Lori laughing and smiling at each other when I walked in was the best sight to see. These girls in my life is all I need. I finally feel...something, anything. I've been in a rut, feeling like my life had no more excitement. But here I am feeling alive again. I feel real love and joy again.

After breakfast the three of us made plans to all go out and do something fun. The girls went upstairs to shower and get ready while I waited. But after a while I had gotten another call in my office. And then another and another. Before I knew it I was swamped with work. Jamie pops her head inside the door and mouths that her and Lori are ready to leave.

"Hold on John... I'm sorry honey I just got swamped."

"It's okay me and Lori can just watch movies downstairs."

"Okay I'll make it up to you guys I promise."

"Yea yea." She wavy's me off and leaves the room.

A few hours later I hear banging on the door downstairs, but I ignore it because I know Debra will answer it.

"Where is he ?! I know he's here."

"Miss Brown it's been a long time it's nice to see you again."

I roll my eyes and rush downstairs.

"Don't try and butter me up Debra. Let me in."

Just when I get to the bottom of the stairs Sarah pushes her way inside.

"Sarah what are you doing at my house unannounced."

She stares at me angrily and walks through the house. "Jamie is missing. And I need to find her."

"God Sarah leave my house. Jamie is fine."

"And how would you know?...I knew it, I knew she came here. Where is she? Jamie! Jamie!" She makes it to the living room and sees Lori and Jamie on the couch.

"Jamie what the hell are you doing here. And what is she doing here?" Sarah yells at Jamie and then me.

"Sarah" I try to push her towards the exit.

"I've been worried sick about you and you're here with some tramp. Pack your things I'm taking you back home NOW."

"SARAH! Enough! Outside NOW!"

She stares at me as if I have two heads, but leads the way out.

"I'll be back." I say and follow Sarah outside on the front porch. I don't say anything until I close the door behind me.

"You can't keep showing up to my job and house like this without calling or something first."

"Bite me Stan, I have a right to come here for my daughter."

"She's my daughter too and has a right to stay with me. Now she wants to stay here so she's going to stay here." She paused for a second as if she was thinking, but still held a upset look on her face.

"Fine I'll leave and let her stay here, but on one condition."


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