Chapter 19: Ex

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I slowly make my way up the stairs and follow the voices. They are coming from Stan's bedroom. I try to stay as quiet as I can but I feel like my heart is beating so loud the whole house can hear it.

I stop about 5 feet from the door and listen to the voices. It definitely was Stan and Joseph. But I don't understand, why is Joseph here, how does he even know where Stan lives?

"You think you make her happy?"

"Listen man this is crazy. How'd you get in here?"

I start to panic when I realize Joseph broke into the house. And I'm sure it's not to steal anything. I grab my phone and call the police.

"I know she won't come back with me until I get rid of you. For some reason she's forgotten all I've done for her, but once she's no longer blinded by you she'll need me again."

"God she's not a dog and she never needed you, she just thought she did. Now get out of my house."

"Shut up! Save the sappy speech. I'm taking back what's mine as soon as I'm done with you."

"For the last time stop talking about her like she's property. And I suggest you get out before I kick your ass again... woah, look just take it easy."

I knew that Joseph must have pulled out a weapon. I felt my heart go from beating too loud to barely beating at all. I was afraid the police wouldn't get here soon enough before some shit popped off.

"You wanna come try to kick my ass now? Ha your nothing but a old coward. God I can't believe she came all the way to Atlanta for you."

"You don't really care about her so what's the big fuss over Lori anyway."

"She was my best sugarbaby and I'm not done with her yet."

"I'm not her sugardaddy!" Stans voice grew loud and angry. "And she didn't come here for me, we just happen to meet."

Joseph's laughs and it fills the whole room.
"What are you doing man. You don't fall in love with sugarbabies, you just fuck them."

Hearing Joseph's words felt like I was just punched in the stomach. I wanted to cry but knew it wasn't the time. I move closer to the door and I can see Stan's face now. He looked furious and he advances towards a corner of the room that I couldn't see but I assume to be where Joseph was standing. I see a hand raise with a gun in it. I knew I had to do something because the police still weren't here.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of Lori and help her get over your passing."

I knew I couldn't wait any longer or something really bad was going to happen. I slowly walked into the room.

I knew I had to stay calm and play this very carefully. I walk in and see Stan standing in the middle of the room and Joseph staring at him intensely with a gun pointed right at him.

"Joseph?" My voice is soft and shaky.

"Lori?" Both Stan and Joseph say at the same time.

"Don't worry baby." Joseph says smoothly. "I'm doing this for us."

"Lori get out of here and somewhere safe!" Stan commands and almost listen but knew I had to stay and help. I don't look at Stan and turn to Joseph.

"You don't have to do this." I try to sound soft and sweet.

"But Lori you know I love you. We can be together again just like we use to. I know that's what you really want." He turns on his usual charm and I had to fight back the tears because I knew he was lying. All of our years together were lies. But I couldn't let my emotions show. I look at him and smile and move a little closer to him cautiously.

"Then let's just go...right now. We can go pack my things and leave. You don't have to do this."

Joseph's face softens and his gun lowers a little but is still pointed to Stan. I knew I had to try harder.

"But Lori if I don't kill him, he'll go to the police. I'm sorry babe but I have to." He looks back at Stan and raises the gun again.

I want to panic but instead I move closer to him and force him to look at me. "No he won't. He loves me too much." I look over at Stan for the first time since I walked in the room. He looked shocked, hurt, and confused all at the same time. I break our eye contact and look back at Joseph. He slightly lower the gun again but it was still pointed at Stan.

"But Lori-" he tried to protest.

"Come on. Let's just go. I can't wait anymore...I miss you." I stare deep in Joseph's eyes and leaned in and kiss him. I hold our kiss for as long as I can. While kissing I shoot my eyes open and I see that he fully lowered the gun now.

I shoot a look at Stan and pointed my eyes towards the door as to say "leave while you still can". He looked hurt at first but caught the look I was giving him and caught on quickly. He shook his head to say no he wasn't leaving. I move my hands to the sides of Joseph's face to block his side view. Stan used the distraction to knock the gun from Joseph's hand and he broke our kiss and looked up. He turned to Stan just in time to be punched in his nose. He falls to the ground.

Just then we all hear the front door bust open and the sound of police sirens from outside. Joseph tries to stand to his feet but I rush over to the gun and point it at him. My hands are shaking and all the emotions I was holding in are itching to burst out.

Stan walks over to me and slowly grabs the gun from my hand. "It's okay, it's over." He whispers to me.

The police rush into the room. Stan tells them that this is his house and that Joseph broke in and that the gun was his. He tells them that he had cameras that he'll gladly give them that will show everything. The police remove Joseph and take the gun and the tapes for evidence. They stay a little longer asking us both questions before saying that they'll keep in touch and they leave.

After they leave, me and Stan just stand at the door for a while. He keeps his eyes toward. "Are you okay Lori?"

"Yes I think so."

"Good. Now can you please leave."

I didn't even have time to reply because he then turns and starts to head back up the stairs.


He stops on the stairs and turns to me. "Lori please. I'm not mad I just want you to leave...please." Is all he says before continuing up the stairs.


I could use some advice and suggestions on what you guys want to happen next. Please vote and leave comments or inbox me. Ily


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