Chapter 22: Awkward Talks

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Once my mom starts up there is no stopping her. As soon as she walked into the door the questions didn't stop. Trevor and my dad set the table for dinner while my mom and I got the food from the kitchen.

"He is so cute!" My mom squealed like a high school girl.

"Mom. Please."

"What? All I'm saying is with all the secrecy I figured he was ugly..or weird."

"Mom I wasn't keeping anything a secret and plus he's not my boyfriend."

"Yea yea sure." Anything I tell her goes through one ear and out the other. She pushes past me and places the last plate of food on the table.

Me and Trevor lock eyes and I give him a apologetic look and he just smiles in return.

"I'm sorry I swear I had no idea they were coming tonight." I whisper to him. He just laughs at my embarrassment and brushes me off.

"It's fine Lori don't worry."

We all settle down and make our plates and start to eat the dinner I made.

"This is amazing LuLu, did you make this?" My dad mumbles through chews.

"Dad enough with the name and yes I did."

"Yes some even say that a young woman that can cook well is "wifey" material, don't you think Trevor?" My mom throws in. And I choke on my food at my mom using the word wifey.

Clearly Trevor thought the same thing by him clearing his throat and grabbing his glass of water to stall from answering the awkward question.

"Dad!" I whisper to my father and he just looks at me like his innocent. "Control your wife." I beg. And he just silently laughs at me.

"Oh no way kiddo. You know there's no stopping your mom when she gets like this." And I throw my head back in frustration knowing he's right. If he can't stop her then nothing will.

"Uhh yea Mrs. Green I..I umm I suppose it is good wi-" Trevor stumbles through his words.

"Umm oh hey Trevor why don't you tell us about what you do for a living." My dad tries to change the subject and I silently praise him for at least trying.

"I work at a auto shop not too far from here as one of the head mechanics." He says smoothly.

"Oh nice. So what do you drive?" My dad getting excited he has someone to talk cars with finally.

"GTO convertible, 1967."

"Ooo a classic. Real nice."

"Very impressive." My mom compliments him. And then she turns to me. "Gotta love a man that's good with his hands huh." She laughs.

I almost gag at the way my mom is talking right now.

"Shanin dear you know everyone at the table can hear you right?" My dad laughs.

"Hush Nate! So how'd you two meet anyway." She ignores my dad and continues with the question.

"He's my neighbor."

"And I helped her move in on her first day here." Trevor looks at me and gives me a smile. It does make me feel a little better knowing that he isn't bothered by my parents too much. Even if I am.

The rest of dinner went on like that. Trevor handled all the questions and comments pretty well and once they were satisfied we all were able to enjoy the rest of the night. After dinner I showed my parents around my small 2 bedroom apartment and then straight to the door.

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