Chapter 14: Sleepover?

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Lori's POV

The work week is going by pretty slow. Stan's been all down the reps back to bring in as many new clients as possible. He's been having a lot of meetings and arrangements. Sometimes I feel so bad when I see him stressed out at work or constantly in his phone when we're out on dates. The only upside is that when he is feeling too stressed he comes over and we.... "de-stress" together. And I have to admit his "I'm stressed" sex is pretty mind blowing.

Nicole sends me a text to meet her for a lunch break and I immediately agree. Even though me and Stan are dating, he doesn't treat me any different than the other reps when we're at work. It's good because it helps keep our relationship a secret, but it's bad because Stan is an annoying and harsh boss. I could use a much needed lunch break.

"And then he invited me in to meet his fuckin mom!"

"Haha what did you do? You didn't go in did you?"

"She was waiting up to meet me! I could tell cause I could see her looking at us through her front window. She was just sitting there waiting for me to come in." Nicole has a horrible date story almost every week.

"So I went inside and said a quick hello and got the hell outta there."

"I don't know why you agreed to go on a date with a grown man that still lives with his mom anyway."

"I'm running outta options here. Not all of us can find rich good looking men like you Lori." She says while she nods her head to my right.

I look over and Stan was at the coffee machine filling up his third cup for the day. He looks over at me and sends me a quick wink and smile and heads back upstairs. His smile is so perfect, I clench my legs together and try to keep my cool.

"So how are the love birds doing anyway?" She leans in close.

"We're good. He's been so stressed lately with work and it can distract him from our dates sometimes, but it's nothing a little sex can't fix."

"Haha you're a freak and I love you for it. You're so lucky to have someone."

Even though she was smiling I could tell she was sad on the inside. I felt bad. She's been having the worse luck with men lately based off the stories she tells me.

"Nikki you'll find someone. You're too amazing not to."

"Thanks" she giggles. "Hey how's Trevor been?"

"I don't know honestly. I haven't heard from him in a few days. But last time I checked he's been good."

"Maybe I should text him. See how he's doing, get to know him."

"Yea. That would be cool." Why didn't I think of that? My two best friends dating would be perfect.

"So you really think it's a good idea? You'd be okay with it?"

"Of course I would" I laughed. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Umm cause he's in love with you. At least he was the last time we all went out together." I roll my eyes.

"No he doesn't, he just looks out for me. We care about each other that's all, like friends do."

She just looks at me like I'm boring her with my lies.

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