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When Christine bulter gets accepted letter from Baylor college her life changes. Her parents are so happy for her that she's going to the best college in Arizona that has the best nursing program. She will be leaving Florida to go to college. Her parents have three kids that are all grown up. She calls her two older brothers to let the know she got accepted into Baylor college in Arizona. Her brother's told her congrats. "We love you Christine and we miss you and Mom and dad. Tell them we miss them to and that were always here if they need anything" they both said. She hang the phone and went downstairs and told them what they said. Christine mom got up and went into the kitchen. It was silent in the living room. Her dad was looking at her and then he said​.
" Im proud of you but have you thought about what your going to tell your boyfriend" he said.
" I'm going to have to talk to him about it because​ I'm going to be apart from the love of my life" she said.
Her dad was smiling when she said that.
"Why don't you go talk to him right now" ?huuuuu7p e said.
" I will go talk to him" she said.
She stood up and went upstairs to text her boyfriend to let him know that the need to talk.
" Hey I'm on my way to your house to talk to you about something" she replied.
He replied back.
"Ok I will be waiting for you" he replied .
She put her phone in her back pocket and then grab her keys to her car. She went downstairs and told her parents "that she will be back later" she said.
They said to her " be careful and call use went you get there" they said.
"I will promise" she said.
She left the house got in the car and got bukled. Then started the car and drove to her boyfriend house. When she was in her car she was thinking that this may go down bad because they will be apart for 4 years and they mit break up over this. So she was worried about losing the love of her life. When she gets there he was sitting on the porch waiting for her. She gets out of the car and starts walk to the porch. She gets there and she hugs him and after the hug they kissed. He ask her "if she wants to go inside or side out on the porch and talk". She says" I want to side on the porch and talk". So they were sitting on the porch. It was really silent. Her boyfriend looks at her. He ask her "what was it that she wanted to talk about ".
It was silent again.
"What ever it is you can tell me" he said.
" I'm scared to tell you because I'm worried about what will happen" she said.
"You don't have to be scared baby" she said.
She glanced at her feet. Then she breaks the silent.
" I got accepted into Baylor college in Arizona and I'm happy about that because it's the best school for nursing but the only thing that im afraid of is losing the love of my life because of it"  she said.
"Babe your not going to lose me because of something like that. I'm Happy for you and I'm not going to let that come between us" he said.
She look up from her feet to look at his face. He started to talk.
" I have go news too. I'm going to Sam Houston college in Texas  to work towards my goal and became a doctor"he said.
" I'm so happy for you too. We will be apart from away then but we will make it work I promise" she said.
He bought his hands to her face and kiss kissed her lips.
" I love you baby" he said.
"I love you too" she said.
They were talking for away before she left to go home.
3 years later
Christine was working at a doctors office. She started to fill sick. So she ask the doctor" if she can look and see what's going on".
"Well can you please go pee on the stick please" she said .
So did went into the rest​ room. Then I came back 10 minutes later and gave it to the doctor. She look at it and told her " that I was pregnant ". Her face went white. The doctor ask her " if she knows who the father is".
" Yes I know who the father is "she replied.
She sat down on the bed and was thinking what to do. I ask her "if I can have a pice of paper and a pen because I need to right a letter to my boyfriend".
"Sure you can " she said.
So I write the letter to him. I was writing him a book and then I put it in a emlop. I was so cold in the doctors office. The doctor told " her to go home and rest and be careful because it was snowing outside".
" Ok I will be careful" she replied.
So she puts the later in her bag and grabs her keys. She leaves the doctor office and gets in her car and starts it. when she on the road there was ice and the care started to slide. The car in front of her was stop and I was s
Trying to stop and the car right behind me crashed right into me. Making my car flip and crashed into a tree. She was unconscious and the car drove off. There was a guy that call the ambulance and took her to the hospital.

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