chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It was 3 hours later and we see Ethan come running into the hospital. He get to us and out of breath. We look at him and his eyes are red and swollen.
They look at Ethan​.
" Ethan are you ok" Luka said.
" No I'm not ok my girlfriend is in the hospital and is in a comma" Ethan said.
" We now have you feel Ethan because we feel the same way right now" Elena said.
Ethan fall on the floor crying and Elena went to hug him to make him feel better. Ethan was crying bad and Elena said we are here for you because your like family to us. Ethan hugs Elena again to hide that he was crying. Luka and Sebastian got down on there knees and said that it's ok to cry that just means you care and we are here for you if you need to talk.
Ethan shakes his head and got off the floor and Ivan gave him a hand shake and said that he was glad her was here for her. He looks at Luka and Sebastian and went up to them and hug them.
" I'm glad you are her for your sister" Ethan said.
" We will be here even if we were busy because she's family and we wanted to be here for you too" Luka and Sebastian said.
" Thank you " Ethan said.
" Your welcome" they said.
" Hey we will be back. We are going to find the doctor and let him know you are here now" Ivan said.
Ethan looked at Elena and elena said that's right. He wanted to talk to you.
" Why does he want to talk to me?" Ethan said.
" We don't know why. So we are going to go get him" Elena said.
" Ok then" Ethan said.
So Ivan and Elena went to find the doctor. So Ethan was alone with Luka and Sebastian. Sebastian asked a question.
" Hey bro would you like to go see Christine now" Sebastian said.
" Can I please" Ethan said.
" Luka can you show him the room shes in please" Sebastian said.
" I will " Luka said.
So they left the waiting room and went to room 14 and Ethan looks at the number and remembers that is there anniversary. He knows that there anniversary coming up soon. He started crying and Luka looks at him.
" Ethan what's wrong?" Luka said.
" It's nothing " Ethan sobing.
" Ethan we know your hurting and the understandable. But if you need some one talk to. You have me and Sebastian to talk to because we are worried about you" Luka said.
" Thank you I just need time and when I'm ready. I'll come talk to you and him" Ethan said.
" Ok man" Luka said.
Ethan went into Christine room. Luka tells him the Sebastian and him are going to the motel to rested and that they will be back later. Ethan said ok see you later. Ethan closed the door and went to see Christine. He saw  Christine on the bed. Her face was black and blue and it was swollen and he started crying again. He went to sit beside her. He grad her hand and kissed it and started talking to her.
" Hey Christine it Ethan your boyfriend" Ethan said.
Hey looked at her. He ran his hands through her hair.
" Can you hear me babe? I'm here so can you please wake up and hug me. Christine I need you to wake up because your the one thing I can't live without. I can't lose you babe. It should of been me not you" Ethan sobing.
He puts his head on the bad and was crying. He was saying please come back to me. He kissed her hand again and realized that she's not wearing her ring he go her. Ethan was wondering were her ring was.
" Did she lose her ring? Why didn't she tell me that she lost her? Dose she not love me anymore?" Ethan sobing.
He was worried that Christine doesn't love him anymore​ and the crying go bad were her barely could see. He stood up at hug her and then kissed her.
" Christine can you here me? I'm sorry  that it's been awhile since I've seen you but you are the only person I care about. I was going to wait to asked this on are anniversary but I need you to hear this. Will you Christine Lynn Bulter marry me. I know you can't answer that right now but I promise I will ask it again. So please don't give up on me or life" Ethan said.
Ethan looked at her and her vitals signs drop. A nurse came running in and asked what happened and Ethan said he doesn't know. The nurse pushed the button. There's a code blue  in room 14. Doctors and other nurses came running in.
" What's happening" Ethan yelled.
" Can you please get him out of here" the head nurse said.
One of the other nurses took Ethan out of the room and Ethan was still yelling .
" Is she dieing" Ethan said.
" Yes she's dieing but we aren't not going to give up ok. So please let us do are jobs" the nurse said.
She ran back into the room and Ethan fall to the floor crying and Ivan and elena came running up to him.
" Ethan what happened" Ivan said.
" I was just talking to her and her vitals signs drop and the head nurse came running in and called code blue" Ethan sobing.
" Let them do there job and hope we here something soon. We're are Luka and Sebastian at?" Elena said.
" They went to the motel to get some sleep" Ethan said.
" Ok Elena go tell them whats happened and see if they can come back" Ivan said.
So Elena goes outside​ to call them and Ivan and Ethan stand in the waiting room. Ethan looks worried more then usual.
" Ethan why don't you go to the motel and gets some sleep?" Ivan said.
" I can't sleep right now Christine needs me " Ethan said.
" Your not helping Christine if your not taking care of yourself" Ivan said.
" Your right I'll go back and get some sleep" Ethan said.
" By the way does your parents Know Ethan" Ivan said.
" No but I'll call them after I get some sleep ok Mr. Bulter" Ethan said.
" Thanks a smart idea" Ivan said.
He grabs all his stuff and start to walk out of the hospital and Elena comes back in. She said were he was going and he said to the motel and get some sleep and she said good. So she hug him and then went back into the hospital. Ethan gets into the taxi and tells him to go to motel 8. When he got to the motel. He got out of the taxi and went to the front desk to check in and the guy gives him the room key. He got the key and was on the way to his room till this girl started talking to him.
" Hi my name is Amber Michael's. Are you new here because this is the first time I'm seeing you" Amber said.
" Nice to meet you amber. I'm Ethan Thomas and yes I'm new her but I'm only going to be here for a little while" Ethan said.
" O.o ok. Are your here for school or are you trying to see if you want to move here or is it for someone you care about" Amber said.
" It's something like that. There's something here that's more important to me then anything else" Ethan said.
Amber looks at Ethan then start talking to him again.
" So you know your sexy as hell" Amber said.
" Thank you I guess" Ethan said.
Ethan looks away from her.
" So do you have a girlfriend or something?" Amber asked.
" Yes I do" Ethan said.
" We're is she. I figured someone has hot as you that they wouldn't want to leave them alone" Amber said.
" She's not doing to well " Ethan said.
" I bet you that she's off with some other guy. I bet she doesn't love you. We can go fo things and you don't have to tell her. I'll keep my mouth shut" Amber said.
Ethan got angry and started yelling in her face.
" Don't ever say that about Christine. She not with some guy she's in the hospital in a comma and another thing why would I go with so as bitchily as you?" Ethan yelled.
Ethan was trying so hard not to cry.
The Luka and Sebastian came into the lobby and sall Ethan and this girl. The walked up to Ethan.
" What's going on here Ethan" Luka said.
" She started talking bad about Christine and I losted it. I'm sorry" Ethan said.
" We understand Ethan your hurting right now" Sebastian said.
" Why don't you go upstairs and lay down because right now your tireder and you need to rest and we will see you later at the hospital?" Luka said.
Will they were talking Amber was listening in. Ethan looked at every one then went to his room to lay down. Then after that Luka and Sebastian looked at this girl.
" May I ask why you were talking to him" Luka said.
" I thought he was lost and I thought I might help him" the guy said.
" What's your name" Sebastian said.
" My name is Amber Michael. Nice to meet you" Amber said.
"Nice to meet you . I'm Sebastian bulter and that's Luka bulter" Sebastian said.
" I don't trust you at all" Luka said.
" Why?" Amber said.
" Because you look like a player that why?" Luka said.
" That's rude" Amber said.
" Stay away from Ethan" Luka and Sebastian said.
" Why would I do tht. He's girlfriend in a comma and probably never will walk up" Amber said it bitchily.
Luka and Sebastian got mad. Amber looked scared when she sall there face.
" Listen hear bitch that's are sister your talking about and Ethan is in love with her. So you have no chance in hell with him" Luka and Sebastian said.
" Like that means anything to me. You can't stop me from seeing Ethan" Amber said.
" You want to bet. This is your only warning" Luka and Sebastian said.
They walked out of the motel. Amber was still in the waiting room.
" They can't stop me from see him. I'm going to work hard to still him away for her because she's probably brain died. Now I need to plan out how I'm going to still him away from the brain died girl" Amber said.
Then she walked off to the pool. Well when Ethan gets to his room. He opens up the door and goes in and look s around the room. He lays on the bed but he's having h hard time falling asleep. So he takes out his phone and see his back screen picture is a picture of him and Christine and he started crying. He cried himself to sleep.

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