chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Mrs. Fuqua was still in the room with Ethan. The doctor came in and checked on Ethan but Ethan was still sleeping. So he asked his grandma if he could talk to her outside. So they go out of the room.
" I wanted to tell you that Christine is out of surgery now and if you want to go see her you can" Keith said.
" I want to see her. Can you please take me to her" Mrs fuqua asked.
So Keith takes her to Christine room and she realized it's three doors down from Ethan. They walk in and Mrs. Fuqua runs and hugs Christine.
" What's going on?" Christine said.
" Your in the hospital Christine. You fainted and you had to have surgery again" Keith said.
" I don't remember that. Were is Ethan at?" Christine said.
" Christine he's in a room three doors down from you. He had to have surgery on his arm because he caught you when he fainted" Mrs. Fuqua said.
Christine started freaking out. She started to get up out of the bed and Keith stop her.
" Were do you think your going?" Keith asked.
" I have to see him and talk to him" Christine said.
" You can't right now because you just had surgery​. So your body is very weak right now. And plus Ethan is sleeping" Keith said.
Christine calmed down after hearing that.
" Now if you need anything. The call light is over there. Christine you will be transferred back to the hospital in Indiana later on today" Keith said.
" Ok I understand" Christine said.
Keith left the room. Mrs. Fuqua was happy to see I'm ok. She sat in the chair right next to my bed.
" How do you feel Christine?" Mrs. Fuqua asked.
" I feel weak and in pain" Christine said.
Mrs. Fuqua looked at Christine and sees that she pale right now.
" Christine I have something I want to tell you. If wanted to tell you this for awhile now?" Mrs. Fuqua said.
It's was quite for awhile. Christine can see that she was worried on how to say it.
" Ethan been in love with you since elementary School but he didn't know how you felt about him. So he just watched you all though elementary and middle School because he wanted to know you. He watched​ to pain that you went through with guys. He wanted to be with you to save you from the heart break. But he wanted to know how you felt about him.
So when you started highschool​. He new that he could ask you out. So he did and that was the best day of his life. He was happy to be with you. You are most important person to him. I know that this a surprise for you" Mrs Fuqua said.
Christine was speechless. Her cheeks were also read.
" Ethan never told me that" Christine said.
" I know because he thought if he did. He would look like a creeper" Mrs Fuqua said.
" I wish I would of none that because I like him in middle School but he didn't look like he wanted to be with anyone. So I stop myself" Christine said.
Christine knows that she wants to be with him for the rest of her life.
" Christine your the best thing that's happened to him but right now he's hurting and he needs you more then anything right now" Mrs Fuqua said.
Christine was quite. Christine started hurting and she pressed the call button. They came in and gave her some meds. Christine feel asleep. Keith came in and told Mrs. Fuqua that they were moving them now. So they took Christine and put her in the ambulance. And Mrs Fuqua sees Ethan awake now. He was walking to the ambulance with the nurse. He gets there and sees Christine. He got in the ambulance and kissed Christine on the for head. Mrs Fuqua gets in and the ambulance takes them to the airport​. They get there and they know that there going to be on a special plain. They get on the plain and Ethan wants to sit next to Christine because he loves her . Mrs Fuqua sits in the back watching​ Ethan. Ethan texts Luka telling them that there on there way.
" Ok we will be waiting" Luka replied.
Ethan was crying because he's happy to see Christine. Ethan fell asleep on the plain

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