chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I feel asleep after awhile. I sleep for 2 hours. I woke up to my phone ringing. I sat up From the bed and grab my phone to see who was calling me and I look at it and it was Ethan my boyfriend. I opened the phone.
" Hey beautiful how are you"Ethan said.
" I'm fine just woke up"she said.
"I miss you so much babe"Ethan said.
"Aww I miss you to" she said.
"Your so adorable " Ethan said.
" Thank you"she said.
"Well I'm sorry I've been busy baby. I've been applying for colleges and not had time for you. I have to go my dad needs my help with his job. I love you my angel"Ethan said.
"I love you too sweetheart" she said.
Then I hang up the phone and my mom calls me to come down I leave my room and went done stairs .
" Yes mom you called me" she said.
" Christine can you check the mail for me because I have to change the laundry" mom said.
" Yes I will check the mail" she said.
I went outside and check the mail. There were bills for my parents and there was a envelope with my name on it. So I open it and started to read it.
Dear Christine,
We are glad to inform you that you were accepted into Baylor for the nursing program. We hope you seceded your goal and became a nurse. We have high hopes in you. We hope to hear from you and answer any questions you may have but you were the time ten of your class. So we want you to visit Arizona and the visit Baylor . Congrats you are one of the people to make it interesting Baylor.

Mrs. Jessie king
She put it back in the envelope and she was so excited. She scream really loud the neighbors could hear her. She ran in side out of breath and was trying to tell her parents.
" What is it Christine . What's wrong" dad said .
She finally calmed done we're she could told.
" Mom can you please come in here I have something to tell you" she said.
She came in the living room and sat down on the couch.
" So guess who go into Baylor. Me I
Got into Baylor" she said.
"What we are so proud of you Christine you got into a great college"mom and dad said.
" I know I did and I'm proud of my self too and now I need to call my brothers and tell them the good news" she said.
" They well be happy when you tell them because we are happy too" dad and mom said.
I went up stairs and grab my phone and called luka and Sebastian to tell them the news.
" Hey Christine what's up" luka and Sebastian said.
" I have good news. I got into Baylor college that's in Arizona and I wanted to tell you because both of you are important to me " she said.
"That's great news Christine we now you work hard to get there and we couldn't ask for a better sister then you" luka and Sebastian said.
" Thanks for calling us and letting us know" luka and Sebastian.
" Luka and Sebastian I miss you both and I hope things are going good for the both of you" she said.
" It is we promise and we miss you too and we have to go now but congrats on getting into Baylor bye baby sister" luka and Sebastian said.
" Bye" she said.
Then she hang up the phone and went downstairs and her dad started to talk to her again.
" What did they say to you Christine" dad said.
" They said they were proud of me and that they both miss me. " She said.
Christine started crying and dad started to make her feel better.
" Christine I know you miss your brothers a lot and that's because they don't live close to us anymore but know this doesn't matter how far you are there always with you" dad said
Christine started to feel better now.
" Thank you dad. Your the best dad in the world" she said.
" I have a question for you. What are you going to tell Ethan" dad asked.
" I don't know. I don't want to lose the love of my life. He's everything to me." She said.
" Maybe you should go talk to him about it because he's important to you honey and I know you don't want to lose him" dad said.
" Your right dad thank you" she said .
She went upstairs stairs to grab her phone and car keys. Then she came back down stairs again and she told her parents that she will be back later.
" Christine be careful and call use when you get there" dad and mom
" Ok I will I promise" she said.
she texted Ethan to let him know that she was coming and 2 minutes later he replied that he will be waiting.
Then she walk to her car and got in it and started it. She was driving and she was worried about what will happen to Ethan and her because she will be going to Arizona and he will be there. We may break up because of it and I don't want that to happen. She gets to Ethan house and she see him sitting on the porch and so she gets out off the car. She started walking towards the porch and once she gets there she hugs him really tit. Then she kisses his lips. He looks at her.
" Christine what's wrong"  Ethan said.
Christine starts to cry and Ethan looks concerned about her. Christine started to talk.
" Ethan I got accepted to Baylor in Arizona and I know thats a long ways from here but I want to make it work because your the love of my live and I don't want to lose you.
" Christine you won't lose me because I suppose you and your career and I'm going to Sam Houston in Texas but I will make this work because your the most important thing in my world" Ethan said.
" You did it Ethan you got in the college you wanted to became a great doctor and I'm happy for you . Congrats on getting in the school you wanted to get in" she said.
" You too Christine" Ethan said.
" I love you with all my heart " she said.
" I love you to with all my have my everything angel" Ethan said .
So then they sat on the porch for away talking about everything and how to make this works​. Then she gave him a kiss and she said she had to go home now.

The Worst day of  my lifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang