chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Two weeks have passed since I got the letter from Baylor. Today Tuesday March 14th I leave to Arizona today. My alarm goes off and I turned it off and sit up in my bed. I look around
the room and see boxes everywhere. It's weird to see my room like this. I go to the bathroom to get ready when I come out my phone was ringing. I ran over to my night stand to get my phone. I look at it and it's Ethan.
" Good morning Ethan what's up. Christine said.
" Good morning my angel. Are you busy right now" Ethan asked.
" Well I just woke up but no I'm not busy. Why do you ask?" Christine said
" Did I woke you up my beautiful. I'm sorry. Since today is the last day I get to see for away because you are going to Arizona and I'm going to Texas I want to spend some time with you. Do I'm outside your house and I'm going to calm up to your window if that's ok with you" Ethan said.
She looks out her window and see Ethan and she smiles at him.
" It's ok with me Ethan" Christine said.
She hangs up the phone and runs to the bathroom to fix her hair and wash her face. She heard Ethan's voice from her room. She washed her face and she felt some one right behind her. So she turns around and it's was Ethan standing there. Ethan kissed her and she was blow away by he's kiss. She was blushing really bad. Ethan stares at her and she looks away in embrace. She looks at Ethan's clothes​.
He was wearing a blue with black shirt and black basketball shorts and black and blue Jordan's​. He look sexy as hell in the outfit. She ask him a question.
" Ethan why are you wearing these clothes" Christine said.
" I just came from playing basketball with the boys and I also ran all the way here. Why do you not like it?" Ethan said.
" O.o did you have fun playing basketball with the boys and I never said I didn't like what you were wearing. It's just what you are wearing right now making you look really sexy right now.
I look up at Ethan and he's blushing really bad. His face looks as red as an fire truck. He's so cute when he blushes. I started to talk again.
" So how are the boys doing and your family doing"? Christine said.
" The boys are good. They pick on my a lot though. I told them that I'm going to miss you when you leave and the stared pick on my because of how sweet I am miss my girlfriend. My family are great . They wanted me to tell you before you leave to stop by our house. But right now I don't want to think about that. Right now I was to think about us" Ethan said.
" Ok Ethan" Christine said.
He kissed me again and again. Then he pick me up and carred me to the bed and sat me down on the bed. He started to kiss me on my lips and my neck.she started to moaning. He takes off my shirt and pants. I was embrace but I look at him and he glances at me and then I take his shirt off and start kissing his chest. I made him moan. I use my feet to talk off his shorts and boxers and he took for my underwear too. He layed on top of my to gid his penis into me. We started to moan. When everything was over we layed on the bed and went to sleep. 2 hours later I heard my mom calling me. I got up and was trying to wake Ethan up.
" Ethan it's time to wake up my mom is calling me " Christine said.
" I'm up Christine" Ethan said.
We get dress and i kissed Ethan before he calmed out the window. I go down stairs and see what my mom wanted.
" Mom you called me" Christine said.
" Yes I did" mom said .
She went in to the back of the cabint. She brings a box out and hands it to me.
" What is this mom?" Christine asked.
" This is your present from me and your dad" mom said.
So I opened it and it's a new phone. I close the box and sat it down on the counter​. I hug my mom.
" Thank you mom and dad for the present. I couldn't ask for  better parents" Christine said.
" We couldn't​ ask for a better dauther. We will miss a lot . We love Christine" mom said.
Mom started crying and I hug her again.
" I love you both to. I will miss you both to" Christine said.
Knock ! Knock! Knock!
There was a knock on the door. So I was in the kitchen still and my mom answer the door. I hear her talking to someone.
"Hello Ethan look time know see" mom said.
" Hello Mrs. Bulter. It's been awhile. I'm sorry I've been busy" Ethan said.
" It's ok. Do you want to see Christine. I can call her for you" Mrs. Bulter said.
" Christine can you come in here please" mom said.
" Yes mom" Christine said
So I walk into the living room and saw it was Ethan.
" Ethan can you please come in and sit down" mom said.
" I would love to" Ethan said.
So he comes in and sits down on the couch and I sit right next to him.
" So how are Mr and Mrs. Thomas doing and your little brother Anthony"? mom said.
" There doing good. There working a alot and Anthony is going to start 4 grade soon" Ethan said.
" Thats good. Wow Anthony going to start 4 grade soon. I remember when I saw him for the first time in the second grade he was like six years old but now he's 8 years old and in the 4 grade" mom said.
" Yep the grow up fast " Ethan said.
" I can't believe that Christine and you been together for 2 years now" mom said.
" I'm glad that we have because Christine mines the world to me and I don't want that to change" Ethan said.
" I'm happy that Christine has a guy that care so much about as we do. Me and her father accept you as are son because you are important to her and to us" mom said.
" Mom please stop your in embrace me here" Christine said.
" We is Mr. Bulter at " Ethan asked.
" He's at work right now but he will be home later" mom said.
" So how are Luka and Sebastian doing"?Ethan asked.
" There doing great. There working on there career's and there both in relationship. So I heard from Christine that your going to Sam Houston college in Texas. Congrats on that. You are going to do great at that college. When do you leave for Texas?" Mrs. Butler said.
" Well that's good that Luka and Sebastian are doing good. Thank you on the congrats my parents are proud of me and I leave today too" Ethan said.
" We are proud of you to Ethan your are like are son too." Mrs. Bulter said.
I was looking at Ethan wondering why he was here.
" Ethan why are you here " Christine asked.
" Well I'm here to asked your parents if they can come to my house at 3:30 because there's going to be a party for you and me and my parents told to ask them if they want to come to the party" Ethan said.
" Ethan we will love too go to the party" Mrs. Butler said.
" Ok I'll tell my parents but that's not the only reason I'm here I wanted to talk to your mom a lone about something" Ethan said.
" Ok Ethan I'll go to my room wear you can talk to my mom" Christine said.
I got up and kissed him and then went up stairs. I got in the room and got on the laptop that was on my desk. She started to watch YouTube videos. Mean will downstairs Ethan and my mom talk downstairs.
" Ethan what did you want to talk to me about?" Mrs. Bulter said.
" Well I have a surprise for her that's going to be at the party" Ethan said.
" What the surprise? " Mrs. Bulter said.
" Well I called Luka and Sebastian asked them if the can come to the go away party and they said yes" Ethan said.
" That's a great gift anyone could get her. She cares a lot about her brothers and she hasn't them since a year ago. Your the best boyfriend she could ask for" Mrs. Bulter said.
She got up and hugged Ethan.
" Well Mrs. Bulter I'll see you at the party. I have to go finish up some stuff before the party" Ethan said.
" Ok Ethan see you later" Mrs. Bulter said.
Ethan went to the door and opened it and there was Mr. Bulter at the door.
" Hello Ethan nice to see you " Mr. Bulter said.
" Nice to see you too Mr. Bulter. I'm sorry I don't have time to talk. See you at the party" Ethan said.
Ethan walked out side and started walking down the street. Mr. Bulter walked in his house and sat down in the living room. He started to talk to his wife.
" What party is he talking about" Ivan said.
" There have a go away party at Ethan house for Christine and him and he wanted to Know if we wanted to go" Elena said.
" We are going right " Ivan asked.
" Yes we are going but not only are we going to be there but Luka and Sebastian are too" Elena said.
" How are they going to be there" Ivan said.
" Ethan called them and ask if they will come and they said the will be there" Elena said.
" That's a great boyfriend right there. We're Christine right now"? Ivan said.
" She up stairs on the laptop watching YouTube videos. Why do you ask"? Elena said.
" Well that's because I got a present for her to give to her Ethan" Ivan said.
He pulls in out of his pocket. It's a box that has something in it. He hands Elena the box were she can opened it and when she opened it there was a promise ring in it. Elena said that Ethan going to love it. Ivan goes up stairs to talk to Christine. He knocks on the door.
" Christine are you busy" her dad said.
" No come in" Christine said.
So he opens the door and walks in. He sits on the bed next to her.
" What's up dad" Christine asked.
" I have something for you" her dad said.
He tells her to give her his hand and she does. He puts the box in her had and asked her to opened it. So she does and she see a ring in the box.
" Dad who's the ring for " Christine asked.
" The ring is for Ethan. I want you to give it to him at the party" her dad said.
She was so happy. She jump up and hugged​ her dad.
" Thank you dad I know he will love it" Christine said.
" I'm glad you like it Christine. I love you" her dad said.
" I love you too dad" Christine said.
He got up and left​ the room and she gets a message on her phone from Ethan.
" Can wait to see you later. I love you "

From Ethan

I love him to and I can wait to see him later either.

The Worst day of  my lifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ