chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It's was early in the morning. They were waking up. Luka went to wake up Ethan. So he knocked on the door and no one answered.
" Hey Ethan are you in there" Luka said.
Sebastian walked up .
" He must of got up early this morning and went to the hospital" Sebastian said.
So they went back to there room and got ready to go. They leave to motel and Luka had a bad feeling about something. They get to the hospital. They go into the hospital and they see Nick waiting in the waiting room. Luka and Sebastian look around and they don't see Ethan anywhere. Sebastian looks at Luka.
" Hey Sebastian why don't you go get coffee from the cafeteria and I'll go see Christine" Luka said.
Sebastian nodded his head. Then he walked off. Ivan see the look Sebastian gave Luka.
" Luka what's going on here?" Ivan asked.
Luka looked worried but Luka tried to hid it.
" Nothing wrong dad. I thought you and mom needed coffee to wake up that's all" Luka said.
Ivan looked convince.
"Ok thank you" Ivan said.
Luka off to go see his sister. He almost got to the room and Nick stopped​ him.
Luka looked at Nick.
" So were is Ethan at?" Nick asked.
" Hes at the motel sleeping. Why do you ask" Luka said.
Nick glared at Luka.
" It's because I know he cheated on Christine" Nick said.
" How do you know that?" Luka said.
" Because I sall it on his face yesterday that he felt guilty and that he was hurting and that he was leaving" Nick said.
Luka was worried.
" What do you mean leaving?" Luka said.
" I mean he broke up with Christine and went back to Texas" Nick said.
Luka ran to Christine room. He walked in and sall the letter to Christine and the rings. Luka looked at the letter and was shock.
Dear Christine,
I'm sorry​ that I can't be there with you when you wake up. I cheated on you and I'm sorry. I know your never forgive me. It sucks that I have to let you go but it's for the best. Are anniversary tomorrow. I'm sorry I'm break it off. But if I stay with you it's just going to remind you that I cheated on you. I love you always and forever.
Luka grab his phone to call Ethan and Nick came in the room. Luka glared at Nick and then walked out of the room.
It went to voicemail. So Luka left a message.
" Hey Ethan don't do this. I know that your hurting but let's figure this out. Christine needs you. So please come back. When Christine wakes up and sees your not here that's going to break her heart".
Luka ended the call and walked back in the room and sees Nick kissing his sister. Luka runs off and pushes him off Christine.
" What do you think your doing?" Luka said.
Nick looked mad.
" Well Ethan broke up with her. So I can be her boyfriend now" Nick said.
"I would never let that happen" Luka said.
" That's not your decision to make. It's Christine" nick said.
" It is because I'm her brother and I'm going to get Ethan back here to fight for her. Ethan cares more about her that him self" Luka said.
" Yea he cares for her then why did he cheat on her then?" Nick said.
Luka is so mad at Nick and Ethan for leaving and not saying anything to him.
" It's none of your business but know this Ethan is like family and  Your not. So back off from my sister" Luka said.
Luka ran out of the room and went to were his family were.
" Luka what's wrong? Ivan said.
" Ethan gone. He went back to Texas" Luka said.
Everyone was shock when luka told them that Ethan left.
" Why did he leave" Ivan said.
Luka looked like he was thinking what to say.
" I don't know why he left​ but I'm going to go see him and bring him back. I promise" Luka said.
Elena came over to Luka and told him that bring Ethan back because when she wakes up. She's going to want to see him. He said he will bring Ethan back. So Luka hugged his mom and walked over to Sebastian and told him to watch out for Nick and Sebastian said he will. Luka walked outside and got in the taxi. He told the taxi driver to take him to the the airport​. So the taxi driver took him to the airport. Luka got out of the the taxi and went into the doors of the airport. He went to buy a ticket to Texas. The ticket cost 1300 hundred dollars. So he got the ticket and went to get on the plane. It took 3 hours to get to Texas. The plane got to Texas and Luka got off the plane and tried to call Ethan again but it went straight to voicemail. Luka had to ask were the college was and he found out from a cop and he got a taxi to go there. It took 4 hours to get to the college because of traffic.

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