chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Luka and Sebastian got to the motel. They walked into the front and went to Ethans room to see if he was there. So they knocked on his door and it was silent.
" I guess he's not here but were could he be" Sebastian said.
" I don't know but we have to find him before he does something stupid" Luka said.
Luka pulled out his phone and called Ethan band his phone went straight to voicemail.
" Ethan please don't do something stupid. We now your hurting but think about Christine. You know that you mean the world to her and right now your not doing so good. Please talk to us. We will try to help in anyway we now how. Please call me back" Luka said.
He hang up the phone and looked at Sebastian​.
" We can't give up. He must be here somewhere" Sebastian said.
" Your right. Ethan needs us right know. Christine needs Ethan because if she doesn't have him. She will be depressed and I like seeing are sister happy" Luka said.
After he said that his phone rings. He answers it.
" Hello Ethan we're are you" Luka asked.
" It's not Ethan. It's Ericka your girlfriend" Erika said.
" Hey how you been doing?" Luka said.
" I've been good but miss you. How's your sister doing babe?" Erika said.
It was silent for a minute.
" Luka are you still there" Erika said.
" Yes I'm still here. She's not doing good babe. She's in a comma and she's been to surgery 2 times and she's  lost alot of blood and Ethan...." Luka said.
" What's wrong with Ethan?" Erika said.
Erika can hear crying in the back ground.
" Ethan is hurting bad right now. We don't know how to help​ him. We meet her friends and one of her friends is in love with her and Ethan and him got into it in the waiting room and Ethan also went to talk to the doctor about something and came back crying and he ran off somewhere and we can find him" Luka sobbing said.
" Luka it sounds like it's been ruff for you. Ethan sounds like he needs time to himself right now. But you need to find him before he does something he will regret for the rest of his life. Went you find him tell him that he needs to spend some time alone and when he's ready to talk that y'all are there for him. Make him feel better" Erika said.
Luka was shocked of what Erika said.
" What would I do with out you in my life" Luka said.
" Crash and burn" Erika said.
" I love you so much Erika" Luka said.
" I love you to . Now go find him for Christine" Erika said.
" Me and Sebastian will find him" Luka said.
" O.o tell Sebastian I said hi" Erika said.
He hands the phone to Sebastian.
" Hello" Sebastian said.
" Hello Sebastian. How are you holding up" Erika said.
" Not good but how are you doing" Sebastian said.
" I'm good but I miss Luka " Erika said.
" I understand stand that" Sebastian said.
" How's Haley doing?" Erika said.
" She's good . She busy with work and I miss her alot.
" Well I know how she feels too but I have to go now. Tell Luka I'll call him later" Erika said.
She hangs up the phone. So Sebastian hands him back his phone to him. They start walking down the hallway and they see Amber going somewhere. She looks like she was going to work. Luka and Sebastian walk passed her and went outside to get a taxi . They got one and started looking over town. Meanwhile Ethan was in a bar getting drunk. He was trying to feel better. He asked for another beer. So the bartender brought him another one. Ethan was looking at his ring on his hand. He remembers the day he got it. Christine was at his house for the party and Ethan was so embrace but he tried not to look at Christine as much because when he did he blushed. Christine wished for something.
" I wished my brothers were here. I miss them.
Ethan looked at his parents and her parents. Ethan got up and asked her for her hand. So they got up off the floor. They walked into the living room and Christine was in shock. She fell to the floor and everyone ran over to her to see if she was ok but she was unconscious. So Ethan picked her up off the floor and carred her to the couch and layed her down. Everyone was worried. Everyone went into to kitchen and started talking and Ethan stayed with her. 2 hours later she woke up and Ethan was happy.
" We're am I " Christine said.
" Your at my house" Ethan said.
" O.o yea the party but how did I get to the couch?" Christine said.
" You were shocked seeing your brothers. So you fell to the floor. You were unconscious. So I carried you to the couch and stayed with you. I'm glad your ok. I can't live without you in my life" Ethan said.
Ethan then brought out a box. He put in in her hand. She opened it and it was a promise ring. Ethan told her that if she gets alone. She can looked at the ring and think of him when she misses him. He took it out of the box and puts it on her finger. Then he kisses it. Christine looked surprised but she pulled out something​ for him and it's was a promise ring.
" This mines that you belong to me and me alone" Christine said.
Ethan was so happy that he kissed her alot and she kissed his ring too.
Ethan was crying at the bar. The bartender comes over and starts talking to him.
" Hey man you don't look so good" the bartender said.
" I'm not good at all" Ethan sobbing.
" What's wrong" the bartender asked.
Ethan was quite for a few minutes
" My girlfriend is in a comma" Ethan said.
" I'm sorry man. Is she going to wake up" the bartender said.
" The doctors don't know yet but I'm worried that she won't wake up" Ethan said.
Ethan asked for tequila and the bartender gave him a shot glass of it. Ethan through it back really fast. The bartender looked surprised. He asked for another one.
" The worst think is that she was pregnant and because of the accident she was in. She losted the baby. She's not going to be able to have kids in the future. And when she wakes up I don't know how to tell her that" Ethan said.
The bartender looks at him.
" Does her family know that she was in an accident?" The bartender asked.
" Yes there the ones that told me about it because I was in Texas and she was here. They all are hurting right now but I'm hurting really bad because she's the love of my life and there's another guy that's in love with her too" Ethan said.
He drunk more tequila shots
" I'm sorry to hear that man. So what are you going to do?" The bartender asked.
" I don't know right now I just need time to think" Ethan said.
So the bartender walked away and Ethan was Studley drinking more and more. 2 hours later Ethan was really drunk. And he was hitting on girls like crazy and the bartender was looking at him like he drunk. Ethan was dancing and this girl comes in to the bar and sits down. The girl was Amber. She asked the bartender for a club soda. She sits there and waits and she see Ethan dancing. She knew he was drunk. So she walks over to him and a starts dancing with him.
" Hey Ethan how you been" Amber said.
" I've been good. By the way Amber you look hot as hell right now" Ethan said.
Amber looked happy when he said that.
" Well you look sexy Ethan" Amber said.
They go sit down and takes another shot of tequila and Amber was watching him do that.
" I feel really good right now" Ethan said.
" So what happened to your girlfriend Ethan" Amber said.
" Well she's not here right now and I'm having fun without her" Ethan said.
Amber was surprised he said that.
" So you broke up with her" Amber said.
" Something like that but I don't want to talk about her" Ethan said.
Ethan was having so much fun.
" So Amber do you want to have some more fun ?" Ethan asked
She was thinking about it and bartender called her over to talk to her.
" What do you want​" Amber said.
" Stay away from him. He has a girlfriend and he is really drunk" the bartender said.
Amber glared at him.
" It's none if your business. Now stay out of it" Amber said bitchily.
She payed for the drinks and went back. When she came back Ethan got up and kissed her and she was surprised but she didn't stop it. They keep kissing.
" He's going to regret that later" the bartender said.
They stopped kissing. Amber asked something to Ethan.
" Hey do you want to get out of here​ and go back to my place?" Amber said.
It took Ethan a minute to ask it.
" Sure just let me grab my stuff" Ethan said.
Ethan walked over to the bar to grab his stuff.
" Ethan don't do this . Your going to regret it. What about your girlfriend?" The bartender said.
Ethan didn't say anything. He walked towards Amber and kissed her.
" This is my girlfriend " Ethan said.
Amber was happy he said that.
" I love you Ethan" Amber said.
" I love you to" Ethan said.
Before they walked out. Amber asked Ethan to take off the right and he did. He throw the ring away. Then walked out of the bar and got into the taxi. The bartender walked to the trash and pick up the ring.
" He's going to be looking for this later" the bartender said.
He put it in his pocket and went back behind the bar. When he got back k he realized that Ethan forgot his phone. He pick up the phone and it ringed. He answer it.
" Ethan is that you" the guy asked.
" No this is not Ethan he forgot his phone at my bar" the bartender said.
" We're is your bar at and what's the name of it " the guy said.
" It's on Saturday​ street out of Arizona and the name of my bar is Betrayed" the bartender said.
" Ok I'll be there soon" the guy said.
He hung up the phone and not 30 minutes later a guy comes in asking questions.
" Hi I'm Luka and this Sebastian. You said Ethan was here right" Luka said.
" Nice to meet you and yes Ethan was here" the bartender said.
The bartender hands him the phone.
" Were did he go?" Sebastian said.
" He left here with a girl named Amber. He was drunk too. I think you should also know that he kissed her and told her that he loved her. But she was taking advantage of him" the bartender said.
Luka and Sebastian we speechless.
" Thank you for telling us but we have to find them before he does something" Luka said.
" Do you know were they went?" Sebastian asked.
The bartender shock his head yes.
" She asked him if he wanted to go back to her place and he said yes he would" the bartender said.
Luka and Sebastian looked at the bartender. And then ran to the door because they know were she's staying at. The bartender came to the door and told Luka something.
" This is not the first time she done this. I've known her for 2 years now and every time a hot guy comes to town she thinks that they have to be hers" the bartender said.
" Thank you for telling me" Luka said.
" Your welcome. By the way I think you need this too" the bartender said.
He pulls the ring out of his pocket and hands it to Luka.
" That's his ring my sister got him. Why do you have it?" Luka said.
" She made him take it off and throw it in the trash and I took it out because he will miss the ring" the bartender said.
" Thank you " Luka said.
He put it in his pocket and ran out to the taxi. He got in it and told him to go the motel 8 and fast. The taxi got there in 40 minutes or less and Sebastian phone rings.
" Hello Sebastian it's your mother. Did you find him" Elena said.
" Yes. Why? What's up?" Sebastian said.
He can hear her crying in the back ground.
" Christine heart stop. But they brought her back and they took her to the ICU" Elena sobbing.
Sebastian started crying and Luka walk up to him and asked what's wrong?
" Christine heart stop. But they brought her back and they took her to ICU" Sebastian said.
Luka was worried about his sister.
" Mom what does the doctor say" Sebastian said.
" They said that she has a tear in her heart and that she's going to need more surgery" Elena said.
" Ok we will be there after we get Ethan ok" Sebastian said.
" Were is Ethan" Elena said.
" Well he's at the motel but can we talk about this when we get there" Sebastian said.
" Yes see you when you get here" Elena said.
He hung up the phone and they both ran into the motel. They went to the front desk and asked what room does Amber stay in. He tells them she stays in the room 124. So they run to the elevator and they get there in the elevator and pushed floor 4. When they got to the floor they ran to look for the room. Sebastian found it and they knock on the door. Amber answer the door. She see who's there and tried to close the door on them. Luka stops it and walks right in the room. He see Ethan on the bed shirt off passed out.
" What the hell were you trying to do to him" Luka yelled.
Amber didn't answer him.
" Why are you here?" Amber said.
" We came for Ethan" Sebastian said.
Amber glared at them.
" Well you can't have him. I. His girlfriend now. At least that what he told me when we had sex" Amber said.
" Your not his girlfriend. You took advantedge of him when he was drink" Luka yelled.
" Well you can provide I didn't that. It's not my fault he cheated on your sister" Amber said.
" It is your fault bitch" Sebastian said.
Luka looked at Ethan.
" We are taking him with us" Luka said.
" Ok take him but it won't change what we did. I'll see you soon Ethan" Amber said.
Luka and Sebastian pick up Ethan and take him out of the room.
They were walking down the hallway and Luka said something.
" What are we going to do now" Luka said.
" I don't know but I don't trust her but since we weren't there. We don't know what happened?" Sebastian said.
" Your right but Ethan really drunk. What if he doesn't remember ?" Luka said.
" Then we will deal with it then. Right now we need to take him to his room" Sebastian said.
So they take him to his room and Kay him on the bed and cuver him up. Luka told Sebastian to go to the hospital and tell them Ethan is sleeping and that I'm staying her to watch him. He also tells him not to say anything to them yet. So Sebastian left to go to the hospital and Luka watch Ethan why he was sleeping.

The Worst day of  my lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora