chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Luka finally gets to the college but he didn't know were Ethan stayed at. So he got out of the car. Luka started walking and sall there was a board that had a map on it. So he walked over to the board. He was looking for the dorms. So he can find Ethan. The dorms are in setion c. Luka started walking to setion c and he see Ethan coming from the medical build. He was probably in class. Luka started to walk towards him but someone came up to him. So Luka stays were he was and listen in.
" Hey how was class today Ren?" Ethan said.
" It was good. What about you Ethan ?" Ren said.
Ethan looks at him.
" Well it was good but this girl was flirting with me again today" Ethan said.
Ren looked happy about that.
" That's good. Why don't you go out with her Ethan?" Ren said.
Luka was listening to it and he was getting mad at Ren for saying that.
" You know why I'm not going to do that. I just broke up with Christine yesterday and I'm not ready to be in a relationship yet. I just need time to think about things?" Ethan said.
Ethan looks upset.
" Man I'm trying to help you get over her. You made one mistake and your putting yourself down for it" Ren said.
" I hurt her and that's something I'm always going to regret Ren. Because she was my soulmate and I would of done anything for her but that's changed the moment I cheated on her" Ethan said.
Luka can see Ethan crying.
" I know that. Do you want to go out drinking tonight?" Ren asked.
" No I don't" Ethan sobbing.
Ethan couldn't handle it. So he ran off to he's dorm. Ren looked worried about him. Luka ran after him. When he got to Ethan dorm he knocked on the door. Ethan answered it and looked shock who was there.
" Go home Luka" Ethan said.
" I'm not going anywhere Ethan" Luka said.
Ethan let him in the room. He sat down on the couch.
" If your here to get me to come back. It's not going to work. I broke up with your sister" Ethan said.
" Christine needs you Ethan" Luka said.
" Why would see need me? She has her family and Nick now" Ethan said.
" Because she loves you and what I sall you still love her. When you were talking to Ren. I could see how much you care for her" Luka said.
Ethan eyes were red and swollen and he started crying again. Ethan couldn't talk.
" Ethan if you thought that Christine wouldn't love after you told her you cheated. You were wrong. Because your the most important person to her and I'm happy see found her soulmate. Ethan she never told you this but before she met you she was sad all the time and her ex before you was using her. So when you came into her life she was happy all the time. When you and her had your first date. She was so nervous and had a hard picking out her outfit to wear. When you went to prom together. She told me that she wanted to go with you and only you. She also told me that she wants to be your wife some day. Then when me and Sebastian moved away. You were the one there for her and we know​ that was good" Luka said.
Ethan was crying still but it was like a happy cry.
"I never know that. So she happy to be with me. So also wants to be my wife some day" Ethan said.
Ethan was blushing really bad.
" See you still love and care for Christine said.
Ethan got up and hug Luka.
" Thank you for helping me. I am in love with your sister" Ethan said.
" I know you are Ethan" Luka said.
Luka phone started ringing. He see who it is and it's Sebastian. So he answered the phone.
" Sebastian what's wrong?" Luka said.
Ethan looked worried.
" Luka is Ethan with you? " Sebastian asked.
" Yes why?" Luka said.
It was silent for a few minutes.
" Christine a woke Luka" Sebastian said.
Luka looked happy.
" Really. Is she alright?" Luka asked.
" Yes she alright but...." Sebastian said.
Luka cut him off there.
" Will be there in 3 hours ok" Luka said.
" Wait.... Sebastian said.
Luka hang up the phone.
" Ethan I have good news. Christine awoke" Luka said.
Ethan looked happy.
" That's good but I'm worried on What might happen" Ethan said.
" Dont be. She will understand" Luka said.
" Then what are we waiting for. Let's go to the airport" Ethan said.
So they leave to dorms to get a taxi. They got a taxi and they asked him to take them to the airport. They got to the airport and they got the tickets but the plane wasn't leaving till 6:10 and it was only 1:30. So Ethan and Luka had to wait.

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