chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The next day Ethan got up out of bed. He went to the bathroom to take a shower. He took the ring off. He was talking to himself.
" What am I going to do? I can't leave with out her" Ethan said crying.
Ethan got in the shower to try to hide that he was crying. He tried not to think about her but it didn't work. He got out of the shower and he got dressed. He walk into the room he was staying in and put the ring on his necklaces. He went downstairs​ were his grandma was. His grandma looked worried about Ethan.
" Hey Ethan how you feeling today?" His grandma asked.
" I'm not doing good. My arm is killing me and the worst thing is my heart hurts too" Ethan said.
His grandma went up and hugged him to make him feel better.
" Maybe it's time that you move on. The more you think about her the more pain your feeling" t
His grandma said.
" How can I forget about her. I'm still in love with her" Ethan said crying.
" I understand that but you need to recover from this Ethan. You need time to heal and it's going to be away for you to recover" his grandma said.
Ethan ran up stairs crying and his grandma watching how much pain he's in right now. Ethan went up stairs and layed on the bed looking at the pictures on his phone. He missed Christine alot. He is crying looking at the pictures because he see they were happy. He stayed in the room. He feels asleep. He was dreaming that nothing happened. He and Christine were married and happy. He knows that not true but he wishes it was because he misses her more then anything. His grandma came to check on him and he was sleeping. So she went downstairs and called his parents.
" hey how's Ethan doing"? Erika asked her mom.
" He's not doing good right now. I can see how much pain he's in but something else is also eating at him but he won't open up" her mom said.
" yea I know but Ethan not that kind of person who opens how he's feeling​. The only person I know that could get him to opened up was Christine" Erika said.
"What are we going to do because he loves her so much and that's something that's not going to change" her mom said.
" I know but if she doesn't remember who he is that's going to be hard on him. Ethan seeing her with another guy. It's going to hurt him because he's going to love her for the rest of his life and she will never love him in that way if she doesn't remember" Erika said.
" Maybe we should get him to start dating again because he needs to move on from this. I had to do it with you when you were younger remember" her mom said.
" Yes I remember but do you think he's ready for that" Erika said.
" Yes I do because he is a wonderful , loving , caring, and most of all his responable young man that I'm glad to call my grandson" her mom said.
When she said that and Ethan heard it.
" I'm not responable because if I was I would of went to the same school as Christine and we wouldn't be in the mess now" Ethan said.
" Ethan calm down your mom on the phone" his grandma said.
She put it on speaker phone. Were Erika can talk to him to.
" We know how you feel son" his mom said.
" Do you now because my heart feels like it's torn into picis and I don't know if I will recover from this. And even if Christine remembers me. She's not going to want to be with me because of what I did" Ethan yelled.
" What did you do son?" Erika asked him.
" It doesn't matter what I did. I wish her the best life with out me. Yes I love her more than I can explain. And yes it hurts me seeing her with another guy but what can I do. She doesn't remember me and the doctors said that's probably not going to be the same anymore" Ethan said crying
" Ethan it's going to be alright" Erika said.
" It's not going to be ok. I lost the person I care about the most in this world" Ethan said.
" I know it's hard but you will recover from this. I did when u was like your age" Erika​ said.
" Can everyone just leave me alone right now please" Ethan said.
He walked out of the house.
" He left the house in a bad mood" her mom said.
" Ok thanks for trying mom" Erika said.
She hang up the phone and was worried about were Ethan went. Ethan walked around the neighborhood in new York. He sall a basketball court. He remembers the day that he went to Christine house.
Ethan was at the basketball court with his friends.
" Hey Ethan are you going to your girlfriend house after this" one of his friends said.
" Maybe why ?" Ethan said blushing.
" You are because when you blush that's because your Happy to see her" his friend said.
Ethan was trying so hard to not think about Christine and play basketball ball but it didn't work. Ethan through of her the hole time his was there.
Ethan sat down on the ground and thinking would his live have been better if her never met Christine. He tied up thinking about it. He knows that Christine will never forgive him for cheating on her. Ethan arm was hurting him. Ethan wants to not hurt her anymore then he already has. That's why he said goodbye to everyone. Ethan said was this for the best. Is he better for her then me. I was going to ask her to marry me on our anniversary but I guess that going to change now. I miss her so much it hurts. Im worried about her family. Ethan knows that Christine makes him a better person. He puts his headphones​ in his phone and listen to his music. He starts to walk home when those guy jump him and he lost to them. He walked home with bruises everywhere. He gets home and his grandma sees him but she doesn't say anything to him. When he's ready he will tell her. Ethan went up stairs and fell asleep.

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