chapter 10

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Chapter 10

few hours later this girl and guy comes in the waiting room and went to the front desk. She asked were Christine room​ is. She tells her room number is 14 but she's in surgery right now but her parents and her boyfriend are over there if you want to talk to them. She looks over and see them. So she claimed down before she walked over to them. She sat down were they were. Elena looks at her.she introduce herself.
" I'm Christine roommate Bella we talked on the phone" Bella said.
" Hi nice to meet Bella I'm Elena her mother and this is Ivan her father and these are her two brothers Luka and Sebastian. If I may asked who is that guy thats with you?" Elena said.
" O.o yea sorry this is Nick Christine friend from school" Bella said.
" Nice to meet you Nick" Elena said.
" Nice to meet you to Mr. Bulter " Nick said.
Ethan glared at Nick.
" Who is this if I may ask?" Nick said.
Elena looks at Ethan and sees that Ethan is mad. Ethan started talking.
" I'm Ethan Christine boyfriend!" Ethan said.
Nick looked surprised.
" I heard alot of things about you but I'm glad I finally get to meet you Ethan" Nick said.
Nick goes over and gives Ethan a hand shake. When he does that Ethan still glared at him. Ivan looks at Nick .
" So how did you meet Christine Nick" Ivan said.
" We had the same class freshman year and she was my partner" Nick said.
Ivan was looking at Ethan and he can see how mad he's getting.
" So you became friends in freshman year?" Ivan said.
" Yes sir we been friends since freshman year. We studyed alot together and she is a good tutor too. I'm going to tell you the truth. When I meet Christine I was like she's nice, pretty, and helpful. I fall in love with her. I know that she had a boyfriend but I didn't care but I stop loving her in are junior year because I know that she didn't see me the same" Ethan said.
Ethan walked over and got into Nick face.
" You stay away from Christine. She's mine and mine alone. She would never go for you" Ethan yelled.
Ivan and Luka and Sebastian came up and grab Ethan trying to hold him back. Ethan was really mad this time.
" why are you yelling at me?" Nick asked.
Everyone looked at Ethan and Nick.
" It's because your lying. You still have feelings for her. I can see it all over your​ face" Ethan said.
Ivan and Elena looked at Nick and asked if it's true.
" Is Ethan right. You still have feelings for Christine" Ivan and Elena asked.
" Yes it's true but how could you stop loving someone as cute as her" Nick said.
Ivan and Luka Sebastian losted​ grip of Ethan. He went to punch Nick but Nick moved and punch him in the face. Ethan punch Nick in in the stomach. So they start fighting on the waiting room. Nick punch Ethan in the face and stomach. Ethan fell to the floor. Nick got on top of him and started​ hitting him. At the time this was going on Ivan and Luka and Sebastian were trying to stop it. Then nurse called the cops. The cops came running in the hospital and ran up and stop the fight. They got Nick off Ethan and Ethan was still trying to beat up Nick but 5 cops were holding him back.
" So how did this happen?" The chef said.
" He's in love with my girlfriend" Ethan said.
The chef looks at Nick.
" Is this true sir" the chef said.
" Yes it's true" Nick said.
The chef doesn't look surprised about this.
" Why don't the both of you let her choice how she wants to be with" the chef said.
Ivan and Luka get in the middle of the conversation.
" That's kinda hard right now" Ivan said.
" Why is that hard" the chef said.
" It's because she's in the hospital I. A comma" Luka said.
He looks at Ethan and sees him crying.
" I'm sorry to hear that. This is what I'm going to do. Them two need to stay way from each other. So Nick will go sit on the other side of the waiting room. So they take Nick​ over there to the other side of the waiting room. The cops let go of Ethan. He fell to the grown. They ran over to see Ethan. Nick looks back and he said that's why Christine deserves better and Ethan heard it and was trying to get up but he could. Sebastian got down on the ground to talk to Ethan.
" Ethan you look like crap right now" Sebastian said.
Ethan has a busted lip, a sworn eye, bruising all over his body
" Thanks" Ethan said.
" Ethan what were you thinking getting in a fight with him" Elena said.
She looked at Ethan.
" It's because he was lying about his feelings for her. My  jealousy got to me I'm sorry" Ethan said.
" It's ok but your all bruised up" Elena said.
" Im sorry mrs. Bulter " Ethan said.
Mean will Bella went with Nick​ they were talking.
" What were you thinking falling for Christine. You know she had a boyfriend" bella said.
" I'm sorry I couldn't help fall for her" Nick said.
" So what was you plan. That if she knew you were here that she will pick you" Bella said.
" Yes I was hoping she would leave him and come to me" Nick said.
" Well that's never going​ to happen" Bella said.
" I know that's why I'm going to try to still her away from him" Nick said.
" We'll see" Bella said.
So the were waiting to hear something from the doctor.

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