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I chanted silently as I put one foot infront of the other whilst I kept my gaze firmly ahead, my high ponytail swishing from side to side almost dramatically with every powerful stride I took.

Persistent stares eyed me from every corner of the hallway, some with genuine curiosity and others with presumptuous judgements.

Not at all bothered with the unwanted attention, my face maintained its signature blank expression. One where my lips rested gently atop each other while my eyebrows were set in a straight line.

The only actual indication of any discomfort were my tightly clenched fists, my nails dug so deep into the palm of my left hand I feared a vessel would burst.

Mother had always said 'You would get used to it sweetie, it is our way of life.' That was one thing she had been wrong about even though she was always right.

Almost seventeen years now and I still could never truly get used to these pitiful glances, cold glares and unnecessary whispers. Everywhere I went, they followed, haunting me like a shadow.

At times, I found myself wishing for it all to pause, to allow me a moment to breathe. But that was merely just wishful thinking, this was my life, always had been and would always be.

Senior year in St Gabriel's Academy would be no different to all previous private schools I have attended, just a typical highschool for the privileged elites of society.

My family's business meant we were constantly on the move, never having stayed in one place long enough for me to call it home.

Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Atlanta and Nashville, just to name a few. The moves were capricious and unpredictable, with us blindly following father to wherever he striked up a new business deal in.

This time, it was New York, the city that never sleeps. Truth be told, where we would be staying was the least of my concerns. No matter where I went, I would always just be seen as the obedient daughter and future heiress to renowned corporation- Harrington Inc.

In school, people either avoided me like the plague or only befriended me for the sole purpose of getting my father to invest in their family's business.

I had no true friends, no one to help braid my hair or share an ice cream cone with. It was sad, but something I have came to accept over the years after numerous attempts at trying to be normal.

Somehow, I managed to convince myself that being alone was just a trivial and mandatory aspect of my life. Afterall, it did save me from many pretentious friendships and the inevitable disappointments.

Now, people see me as the proud and snobby prude, apparently too good to associate herself with everyone else. I did not bother to salvage my reputation, seeing as I would not be staying long anyways.

Up ahead, as the sight of the main office came into view, my feet started moving forward at a much faster pace. Yanking the glass door open, I was instantly greeted with a harsh slap of cold air to my face by the air conditioning which was turned on at full blast.

Shivering slightly, I brisked walk to the front desk and greeted the lady. "Hi, I am the new student, Liana Harrington."

"Good morning Liana! I was waiting for you! Here's your schedule, locker details oh and before I forget a map of the school!" A bunch of papers were pushed towards me as the lady offered me a bright smile.

"Um...thank you." I choked out hesistantly, taken aback by the warmth and cheerfulness radiating from her. Still not quite believing that all of it were directed at me, seeing as being welcomed was something I was not exposed to.

"Now now go on hun and have a good day in school!" The lady chirped, pushing the papers further into my hands.

One can only hope.

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