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It took me a full minute to process what I had heard.

Another full minute for my brain to actualise it.

And then one more minute for me to realise Jordan was still staring at me, waiting for what I had to say.

"I don't think there's anything for me to run away from..."

He raised one perfectly arched brow and scoffed out a "Really?"

"Speak for yourself Jordan, remember that time at Callaway's party?" I folded my arms whilst giving him a pointed look.

Recognition lit up in his eyes before a curtain of regret shielded them from plain sight. It was hard to tell what was running through his mind, especially since his gaze was focused intently at the sinking sun far out in the distance.

"I didn't...I tried to. But still, I went back to find you." He finally said.

"Yeah...I kind of wish you didn't." I mumbled.

He sighed, the long and deep type of exhalation that I wasn't expecting from him. "I-I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't matter." It did, though, he didn't have to know that.

It wasn't as if I was counting on him to step in and punch the guy in the face, he hated me back then.

"Look, I really am-"

"There's this thing I'm not quite getting." I cut in, "Why did you hate me back then?"

He was quiet for a few moments before his vague reply came, "You remind me of someone."

"I'm assuming someone unpleasant?"


I could tell that was all I was going to get, he wasn't ready to give me any more information and it seemed best I left it where he wanted if he didn't want to continue further.


"Okay?" He echoed.

"Yeah." I stood up, dusting the back of my skirt. "I don't want to know, don't need to." I corrected.

His analysing eyes were back on me again, probably trying to figure out what was running through my head or what my deal was.

Ignoring him, I took a step forward, ready to pick up the forgotten box of newspapers on the floor.

"I want you to know." He paused. "That I mean it when I said I'm not going to let you run away the second time."

His sneakers squeaked against the pavement as he stood up, my heart thudding rhythmically to each step he took, like two synchronised melodies in a musical piece.

When it stopped, my body couldn't resist the urge to turn around and I responded to that inherent instinct almost instantaneously.

Under the faint amber glow of the fading sun, it highlighted the flecks of gold in his eyes which took the spotlight off of the picturesque sunset view around us, he was all that I was taking in.

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