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Some of yall asked for a quick recap so here it is:) Simply skip ahead if you don't need to relive the last few chappies;)


After the short (yet steamy) kiss at the back of the school, our main girl (Lia) endured a weekend of sleepless nights (& no news from Jordan).

When she returned to school on Monday, she was coincidentally joined by Tyler & subsequently Dustin in the hallway. Nearing her destination, she turned away from Dustin (who she was talking & smiling at) only to find the devil standing at her locker.

After their usual intense staredown, the devil purposefully strided towards her (as she remain rooted) with nothing but bad intention stamped on his face.

He then cupped her cheek & swooped in for a quick & passionate kiss (even though she clearly told him to not steal any more kisses from her last friday) with the entire student body as their audience. (Dustin slipped away)

After one of her classes later in the day, she found him outside her class again & convinced her to skip school to go on a brunch date (apparently he missed his breakfast & she's responsible for that).

Somehow, she was tricked into doing that (for the first time ever) & found herself at a cute diner.

They get to know each other better on their first official date & she finally told him she was finding it harder to not like him.

The next day, Dustin went up to her (asked her about the devil & got friendzoned) to make sure everything was dandy between them. He then asked for a promise which made our girl's heart squeeze ever so softly : to save a dance for him if she decides to attend the winter ball.
(she promised ofc)


I would first like to point out that I was not one to be easily distracted, today however, I was finding it extremely hard to concentrate on the lesson when my mind was fully cognizant of Jordan's every move.

Or more specifically, the incessant twirling of the pen he had between his thumb and forefinger.

This was unusual of him since he typically sat through the class still as a statue, only occasionally breaking character to take down important notes.

"As I've mentioned in the last lesson, attachment during the first two years of infancy is especially crucial for the infant's development and today, we'll be looking deeper into why is that so." Dr Powell paused before clicking the cursor for the next slide.

"Attachment is the emotional bond formed between the infant and the caregiver, an important connection that is found to have later influence on not only early childhood development but also success in various domains of adulthood."

I was not exactly sure when it all started, except that he had been tirelessly spinning the pen for more than half an hour by then. What made it even more unbearable was how spasmodic the spins were, lacking consistency as he would sometimes randomly increase his rate of twirling.

" contrast, insecurely attached infants with caregivers who don't regularly respond or attend to their physical and emotional needs, for example depressed mothers or neglectful parents..."

As abruptly as it started, the spinning ceased. Confused, I sneakily took a peek at him, only to find myself more addled by his firmly clamped eyes.

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