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With a few seconds to spare, I slid into my seat just as the math teacher stroded in. Due to the unfortunate accident earlier, I missed 5th period and spent the entire time vigorously scrubbing the stain off in the restroom. 

Thankfully, the damage wasn't big and the faint discolouration wasn't noticeable.

The teacher silenced the class before proceeding to pass down the quiz papers. Having prepared for the quiz, I completed it without much difficulty and even had some extra time to check my answers.

"All right, time's up everybody! Stop writing. Exchange papers with the person next to you and start marking."  The teacher instructed.

Silently handing over my paper to the guy sat beside me, I got my pencil out and was about to start marking when he cleared his throat purposefully.

"Whose is that?"

I turned to him, surprised that he was speaking since we had never uttered a word to each other in the few months that we were forced into this seating arrangement.

He was one of the football player, though not as loud or pompous. In fact, he was one of the best student in our AP calculus class, handing in assignments on time and knowing the answer to every question the teacher asked.


"Who gave that to you?" He repeated, pointing to the varsity jacket laying across my lap.

If not for him pointing it out, the piece of fabric layed haphazardly on my lap would not have crossed my mind. In my haste to get to class in time for the quiz, I didn't get a chance to stop by my locker.

", it was borrowed." I glanced at the guy, wondering why he was so curious about it.

He raised an eyebrow, "You seeing anyone from the team?"

That caught me off guard, I had thought he was going to accuse me of stealing it or something. "No, I'm not."

"Are you sure?" He asked, seemingly not believing my words.

"Of course, why would I lie?" I answered defensively, irked by his uncalled suspicion.

"It's just strange that you're wearing  his jacket when you guys aren't exclusive, especially a varsity jacket. Do you know how much that thing means to us?" He questioned, staring straight at me in a way that made me feel as if I was being interrogated.

"Technically, I'm not wearing it."

He looked ready to rebut, except he didn't get the opportunity to as we were interrupted by the teacher. We then went back to quietly doing our work and stayed that way until lesson was over.

I was glad the teacher intercepted, otherwise, I was certain he would have continued prying further.

Before my next period, I hurried to my locker and stashed the jacket away. It definitely drew too much unnecessary attention, which was far from my intention.

At the end of the day, I even had to wait for the buildings to clear out since the jacket could not fit into my Saint Laurent tote and I wasn't about to walk down the halls with it hanging off my arm.

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